Billionaire's 100 Wife-pursuing Ways

Chapter 199

Qi Yunzhe\'s arm crossed Xia Chun\'s back and felt his hand cut more and more. She was a little thin.

After the exercise, her clothes showed bursts of moisture. Qi Yunzhe said faintly, "I\'m not tired after sweating so much."

Hearing his words, Xia Chun\'s head was lower. He just didn\'t exercise for a long time. Coupled with his weak physique, he was easy to sweat.

Referring to this, Xia Chuncai remembered that he had been in hospital for several days without taking a bath or washing his hair.

At the moment, the two fit close, and the smell of sweat on her body seems to be heavy.

She knew that Qi Yunzhe had some slight cleanliness habits and would not like the taste of his body.

A sense of shame surged up from Xia Chun\'s heart, and her legs moved gently, "you, you\'d better put me down and I\'ll go by myself."

Qi Yunzhe frowned. She was just fine. What\'s wrong with her.

With Xia Chun\'s action, Qi Yunzhe\'s fingertips suddenly touched a long lost softness. With a subconscious effort, Xia Chun immediately trembled.

"No." Xia Chun exclaimed, but her voice was low and charming. She had the meaning of refusing and welcoming.

Qi Yunzhe has realized what part he touched. This feeling of long absence makes him greedy, but reason makes him move his hand away.

The current situation is not the time for his sperm to go to the brain. It\'s better to be calm.

Qi Yunzhe\'s hand moved away, and Xia Chun also stopped moving. Recalling the scene just now, her face was so red that it was about to drip water.

Xia Chun\'s sudden serenity made the atmosphere in the room more embarrassing, with a strong ambiguous atmosphere.

"That\'s it, be calm." Qi Yunzhe\'s voice came again, and the smile on his face deepened again.

Two people, it seems that there is no estrangement, and the picture of getting along is very harmonious.

However, this harmony was soon broken, because Qi Yunzhe just walked to the bed and Gu Sinian accidentally opened the door.

The three people looked at each other. The most embarrassing thing was Xia Chun.

"Si Nian, how did you come?" Xia Chun didn\'t know that Gu Si Nian had come. At the moment, he was very confused.

At the same time, looking at Gu Sinian\'s slowly changing expression, Xia Chun also realized that his and Qi Yunzhe\'s actions were easily misunderstood.

"... don\'t think about it. He\'s just afraid I\'m tired." when he said this, there was a hidden feeling, in which Gu Sinian\'s look was more rigid.

"There\'s nothing to explain. You don\'t have a special relationship." Qi Yunzhe said coldly.

He is just unhappy. Even if he is with Xia Chun, what happens? Xia Chun and Gu Sinian are not lovers, let alone husband and wife. What can Xia Chun explain to Gu Sinian.

Qi Yunzhe raised his eyebrows at Gu Sinian, like an oath of sovereignty.

When he said this, Xia Chun didn\'t know how to respond. Indeed, she and Gu Sinian were just friends, but she still felt that it was better not to let Gu Sinian misunderstand.

While talking, Qi Yunzhe gently put Xia Chun on the bed and carefully covered the quilt for her.

Standing at the door, Gu Sinian looked at this scene as if he were looking at a pair of loving lovers, and he himself became a redundant role.

At the moment he entered the door, he clearly saw the blush on Xia Chun\'s face and felt the ambiguous atmosphere in the room.

Looking at Xia Chun\'s appearance, he already knew that her subject consciousness came back and Xia Bing was hidden again.

This is a good thing, but Gu Sinian is a little unhappy.

Because if it is Xia Bing, Xia Bing will not accept the intimate action like Qi Yunzhe.

Nor will I be stunned without a trace of joy when I see myself.

Qi Yunzhe is not very comfortable with Xia Chun\'s intimate behavior. In addition, Gu Sinian is still here at the moment, which makes her feel more uncomfortable.

Moreover, Gu Sinian\'s sudden arrival also caught her by surprise. At the moment, Xia Chun inevitably began to worry about whether Qi Yunzhe would be bad for Gu Sinian.

She pulled a bitter smile on her face and didn\'t know how to solve it.

She didn\'t know that Qi Yunzhe and Gu Sinian had already met yesterday.

Gu Sinian sees through Xia Chun\'s embarrassment at a glance. He knows that Xia Chun is not good at dealing with such a situation.

In order not to embarrass Xia Chun, Gu Sinian took the initiative to come forward, as if he hadn\'t seen everything just now.

"Xiao Chun, I\'ve made you some red bean soup. Drink some." Gu Sinian put the soup pot in his hand on the table beside the bed and said considerately.

As soon as the lid was opened, the steaming heat and sweet bean fragrance immediately spread out in the ward, making people\'s appetite open.

When they lived together, Xia Chun was at home all day, so she never asked Gu Sinian to cook.

After all, he is a big man. Xia Chun never expected Gu Sinian\'s cooking.

At the moment, smelling the aroma and looking at the thick red bean soup in the soup pot, Xia Chun couldn\'t help sighing, "I don\'t know, you can still make soup."

Gu Sinian smiled and said, "your cooking is so good that I dare not show my timidity in front of you. Try my craft. It\'s agreed in advance that it must be inferior to you. You can\'t laugh at me."

Of course he wouldn\'t say that the red bean soup was deliberately studied for Xia Chun. He did it all night and didn\'t sleep.

Not to mention, the kitchen at home has been like the battlefield after the war, and many failed semi-finished products have entered the trash can.

Gu Sinian did these things not to move Xia Chun, but simply wanted to do these things for Xia Chun.

If he has to say one purpose, that is to hope Xia Chun happy.

Although Gu Sinian\'s arrival was beyond Xia Chun\'s expectation, she was still very happy. Besides, Qi Yunzhe was not angry.

"Why, your cooking must be very good." Xia Chun smiled sweetly.

Gu Sinian and Xia Chun talked and laughed. They had a tacit understanding and shielded Qi Yunzhe, as if he didn\'t exist at all.

Gu Sinian began to give Xia Chunsheng a small bowl of red bean soup.


A dull noise scared Gu Sinian, who was holding soup, almost threw the bowl on the ground. Looking at it, he saw another soup pot on the table.

Qi Yunzhe, with a black face, angrily opened his soup pot. It\'s just soup. It seems that no one has it.

"It\'s thin enough to eat red beans without nutrition. You need to supplement your body now. Of course, you have to eat meat. You don\'t like chestnut ribs soup best."

It was clearly a matter of concern, but Qi Yunzhe said it like a deep hatred.

Xia Chun took a smoke at the corner of her mouth and felt inexplicable. When did she like chestnut ribs soup?