Billionaire's 100 Wife-pursuing Ways

Chapter 198

Liang Yue nodded and agreed. She looked at Qi Yunzhe with a pair of red eyes.

"I know I won\'t do such a thing in the future."

Liang Yue explained everything, letting Qi Yunzhe\'s original doubt go down again.

People are not sages, who can make mistakes. Moreover, his heart finally feels that he owes Liang Yue.

Liangyue promised him again. Qi Yunzhe planned not to worry about it first.

"Ah Zhe, I want to leave the hospital and don\'t want to stay here anymore. Will you take me home?" Liang Yue calmed down and said softly.

She thought she could get Qi Yunzhe\'s care when she stayed in the hospital, but in fact, it seemed to facilitate Qi Yunzhe to visit Xia Chun in the hospital.

Liangyue noticed the change of Qi Yunzhe\'s attitude towards Xia Chun. She urgently needed to interrupt this change.

It\'s best to go to a place without Xia Chun as soon as possible.

"Let the doctor check again. If there is no problem, let\'s leave the hospital." Qi Yunzhe said faintly.

Qi Yun zheme\'s silent attitude made Liang Yue unhappy, but she didn\'t show it. Instead, she counted all this on Xia Chun\'s head.

The doctor soon came to examine Liang Yue, confirmed that her body was not seriously affected, and immediately arranged the discharge procedures.

Liangyue asks Qi Yunzhe to send her home. Qi Yunzhe shirks. Finally, Mu Sen sends liangyue back.

When Qi Yunzhe returns to Xia Chun\'s ward again, Gu Sinian doesn\'t know when he has left.

Xia Chun fell asleep quietly alone. Qi Yunzhe wanted to explain the misunderstanding between the two people about Liang Yue.

However, seeing her sleeping soundly, Qi Yunzhe didn\'t wake her up, but sat down and looked at her quietly.

A moment later, Xia Chun\'s phone suddenly vibrated. In order not to affect Xia Chun\'s rest, Qi Yunzhe quickly took the phone.

But the name on the screen made his eyes stagnate. Unexpectedly, the person calling Xia Chun was Song Jin.

Qi Yunzhe immediately hung up when he recalled the strange and annoying expression when Song Jin faced Xia Chun.

Then, he fluently pulled Song Jin\'s number into the blacklist and didn\'t give him a chance to harass Xia Chun again.

One Gu Sinian was enough to annoy him. If another song Jin came out, it would be even more chaotic.

Moreover, he has always had no good feelings for Song Jin.

As for Xia Chun\'s ability, he only suffered a loss when he mixed with Song Jin.

Qi Yunzhe blackened Song Jin. It seems that the depressed mood of the day has finally been relieved, and he is in a good mood.

After sitting for a while, Qi Yunzhe also left the ward, and there was a huge Qi group running behind him.

In recent days, he has lost a lot of work because of worrying about Xia Chun. It\'s time to make up for his workload.

When Xia Chun woke up, it was the next day. She only remembered Qi Yunzhe\'s arrival the day before. It seemed that her second personality appeared again.

"What happened yesterday?" Xia Chun said to herself, trying to remember, but she couldn\'t remember anyway.

Simply, Xia Chun no longer forced herself to think. The nurse soon brought her good news. She no longer needed to press the bottom of the palace.

Moreover, Xia Chun can also exercise properly, which is very good for her physical recovery.

After lying for so many days, Xia Chun has long wanted to go to the ground. With the help of the nurse, Xia Chun moves step by step.

As soon as Qi Yunzhe entered the ward, she saw Xia Chunzheng standing holding the handrail on the wall. She arched her back slightly and turned her back to Qi Yunzhe. Her body fluctuated up and down constantly. She seemed very tired.

Qi Yunzhe frowned and was unhappy with Xia Chun\'s getting out of bed. He put down his things and immediately walked towards Xia Chun.

"Why are you tossing yourself again?" Qi Yunzhe said angrily.

Xia Chun didn\'t notice Qi Yunzhe\'s arrival. He suddenly made a noise and startled Xia Chun.

"I didn\'t toss, and the nurse said I could go down." Xia Chun was a little wronged, turned her head and explained to Qi Yunzhe.

Qi Yunzhe was slightly stunned. Xia Chun at the moment was very different from Xia Chun who was stabbed and aggressive yesterday.

Did she recover? Qi Yunzhe said to himself.

In the twinkling of an eye, he looked at the hairline in front of her forehead, covered with sweat beads, and Qi Yunzhe\'s eyes were slightly thick.

"Even if you can get out of bed, you have to be a little measured. Rest when you are tired. Don\'t force yourself to exercise, so as not to wear yourself out."

The rare relationship made Xia Chun feel a little warm, but she deliberately shielded it.

"I\'m not tired."

Qi Yunzhe stepped forward and moved his arm. He was about to hold Xia Chun up. Xia Chun subconsciously refused and pushed him away with one hand.

"What are you going to do?" a pair of vigilant little eyes kept looking up and down at Qi Yunzhe, like a little white rabbit.

Sure enough, she is still cute and likable.

Qi Yunzhe\'s mouth was hooked, and he seemed to get used to Xia Chun\'s vigilance. Although he was unhappy, he would not be as angry as before.

Especially, after seeing the ruthlessness on the other side of her, Qi Yunzhe prefers Xia Chun now.

His big hand wrapped her small hand tightly. Qi Yunzhe\'s body was close to Xia Chun again. His breath brushed her cheek hot.

"You\'re tired, I\'ll hold you to bed." Qi Yunzhe\'s voice was low.

His thin lips pasted on Xia Chun\'s ears, and an unknown blush suddenly bloomed from Xia Chun\'s auricles and spread to her white neck and cheeks.

Xia Chun felt as if she was burning. She felt itchy behind her ears, and felt the same in her heart.

Her body subconsciously maintained a rigid movement. She could no longer refuse. Qi Yunzhe had picked her up.

Every move was gentle. He was afraid that it would hurt Xia Chun. He didn\'t dare to force with light hands and feet.

His eyes are always observing Xia Chun\'s expression. As long as she is a little uncomfortable, Qi Yunzhe can find it for the first time.

Xia Chun was held in his arms. At such a close distance, Xia Chun could feel the pulse in his chest.

She finally recovered. Her cheeks were hot. Xia Chun lowered her head slightly to avoid being seen by Qi Yunzhe.

"I\'m not tired, just go back to bed by myself." she whispered, but in Qi Yunzhe\'s ear, it was like playing hard to get.

Xia Chun lowered her head. She couldn\'t see Qi Yunzhe\'s proud and satisfied smile. She only heard his voice, "obey."

He made her obedient. Xia Chun really did not struggle, and even hooked Qi Yunzhe\'s neck with his hand.