Billionaire's 100 Wife-pursuing Ways

Chapter 197

Cool moon was slightly stunned. Qi Yunzhe pushed away her hugging body. Her eyes were full of doubt and confusion. She looked at Qi Yunzhe wrongly.

However, Qi Yunzhe\'s eyes were unusually cold, which made Liang Yuejiao\'s body tremble.

Then Qi Yunzhe took out Gu Sinian\'s mobile phone, called up their dialog box and put it in front of Liang Yue.

"Tell me, what\'s going on?" Qi Yunzhe asked in a low voice without tact or softness.

He was really angry about this matter and needed Liang Yue\'s explanation.

Liang Yue looked at the text on the mobile phone screen and looked greatly changed. She was in a panic. "Ah Zhe, listen to me. It\'s not what you think."

Qi Yunzhe half narrowed his eyes and looked at Liang Yue. Of course, he would listen to her explanation. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t appear here.

"Ah Zhe, I confess to you. In fact, I found a private detective to follow sister Xiaochun." Liang Yue bowed her head and looked at the ground with her bare feet.

When Qi Yunzhe heard her words, he was surprised that there was such a thing as a private detective.

"Liang Yue, what do you want to do?"

"I don\'t want to do anything. Sister Xiaochun is pregnant with your child, and I\'m just worried about you. Of course, I must admit that I have selfishness, but that\'s also because I\'m afraid. I\'m afraid you\'ll be with sister Xiaochun again. I\'m looking for a detective. I just want to know, you..."

Liangyue wanted to stop talking. Then, she sighed a long sigh, as if she was determined to confess.

"I just want to know if you will find sister Xiaochun. Ah Zhe, you know, when I know you\'re looking for sister Xiaochun, I\'m really sad. I thought I\'d be abandoned again."

Liangyue\'s eyes turned red in an instant, and her wronged tears fell, and her voice was also slightly hoarse.

Qi Yunzhe was stunned and listened to her words without saying a word. He really took the initiative to find Xia Chun. It turned out that Liang Yue knew about it.

"The detective sent me the photos he took. I was too angry and sad at that time, so I did something irrational and sent the photos to Gu Sinian, but I never thought of hurting anyone. I just, just hope Gu Sinian can pay more attention to sister Xiaochun."

"I think if Gu Sinian is better to sister Xiaochun, sister Xiaochun will refuse you. However, after sending the picture, I calm down and feel very regretful, but it has happened, so I decided to go to sister Xiaochun to admit my mistake and make an appointment with her in the coffee shop."

"I confessed to her about the photo, but after listening to it, she was very angry and angry, as if she had changed a person. She pulled me out of the coffee shop. I was afraid, so I called you. You know everything later." Liang Yue explained the matter of that day clearly and sincerely.

At the moment Qi Yunzhe put his mobile phone in front of her, Liang Yue already understood that some things could not be hidden.

Although she asked someone to help encrypt her ID, Liang Yue knew very well that it was not difficult to find out the address behind Qi Yunzhe\'s ability.

Her panic was real, but it was only a moment, because she had expected it.

Liangyue was flustered because she didn\'t expect Qi Yunzhe to find it so soon.

It seems that her letting Gus come to the hospital is indeed a dangerous move.

However, she has long thought of these excuses, and now there is no loophole.

These words, I do not know is to explain the matter, but also highlight her innocence and her grievances. She just wants to be with Qi Yunzhe.

If Qi Yunzhe and Xia Chun hadn\'t had children, if Qi Yunzhe hadn\'t gone to find Xia Chun, she wouldn\'t have lost her mind in anger.

Then she wouldn\'t send a text message to Gu Sinian, let alone go to see Xia Chun for explanation. Finally, an accident happened. Not only did she fall into the sea and almost die, but also made Xia Chun lose her child.

Qi Yunzhe\'s eyebrows were locked together. After talking, it turned out to be his responsibility.

He is to blame for everything. Shouldn\'t we go to Xia Chun?

The cool moon was just temporarily dazzled by anger and lost his mind.

However, Liang Yue\'s explanation just now can be called seamless. At least, there is no loophole at the moment.

But before that, she kept saying that she was looking for Xia chun to catch up with the past. At that time, Qi Yunzhe felt something was wrong.

"Why lie? Don\'t tell the truth." Qi Yunzhe asked coldly.

"How dare I tell you that I was afraid of you leaving. If you know I did something wrong again, I..." Liang Yue burst into tears before she finished her words.

Qi Yunzhe\'s eyebrows tightened more, but he didn\'t comfort Liang Yue. "What about the message? You told Gu Sinian that Xia Chun was in the hospital because of impulse?"

Qi Yunzhe chose to believe what Liang Yue said before.

Liang Yue saw that Qi Yunzhe was still cold on his face. The fundus of his eyes flashed a different color inadvertently. Then, I still felt pity at first sight.

"Because I think if Gu Si Nian comes, you will have time to accompany me." Liang Yue\'s voice is as small as a mosquito.

For this, she didn\'t intend to defend. She told Gu Sinian that Xia Chun\'s news was to make Qi Yunzhe selfish towards Xia Chun.

Liangyue doesn\'t choose to lie because she can see that Qi Yunzhe is already suspicious.

Even if she didn\'t say so, Qi Yunzhe must have thought so long ago. Instead of aggravating his doubt, she might as well be more magnanimous.

Qi Yunzhe\'s eyes sank and looked at the cool moon. It didn\'t seem to be lying.

And her explanation is enough to make people believe, but Qi Yunzhe\'s heart is more heavy. Liang Yue\'s worry about gain and loss is caused by him.

Because he is not firm enough, Liang Yue wants to play such a means.

Qi Yunzhe blames himself a little. In addition to what he has done before, Qi Yunzhe knows that he can\'t give Liang Yue love.

One of his hearts fell on Xia Chun. The original balance tilted in the other direction.

The left and right things have been explained clearly. Liang Yue certainly did something wrong, but Qi Yunzhe didn\'t blame her position.

Because, in this "accident", he could not escape the relationship.

"Ah Zhe, please don\'t blame me and don\'t leave me?" Liang Yue hugged Qi Yunzhe\'s waist again.

A damp tenderness spread in his chest. The saltiness seemed to pass through his chest and enter his heart. The past and reality entangled his reason.

"Cool moon, I hope this is the first and last time, okay?" Qi Yunzhe finally said, but his voice was still cold.