Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 440 - 440: He Couldn’t Help Approaching Her

As Avery approached, Andrew smelt the sweet and unique smell mingled with a light alcohol.

He couldn't help approaching her.

As their lips were about to touch, there was a sound by the door.

"James, I finally found you. I've been looking for you all over."

The second Rebecca walked in, and she was Avery and Andrew, who were about to kiss. She stopped and regretted it immediately. She started apologizing.

"I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?"

She said so while walking aside so the man behind her could gain a better view.

Avery felt something murderous from the direction of the door. She looked back, and Evan was next to Rebecca. His look was so gloomy like he would kill.

At the same time, Avery was still in Andrew's arms. His hands were around her waist. This was an awkward way to meet the still-in-love ex. But she couldn't keep going. Then she struggled to get off Andrew's lap. After all, she didn't have to mind what he thought since they were divorced.

So she didn't get off.

The atmosphere became more and more depressingly intense. It was like a balloon that was about to explode. It got so stuffy that they couldn't breathe.

Andrew was surprised, not at Evan's sudden appearance, but also that Avery didn't get off. So he couldn't help getting delighted.

"Andrew? What's going on? Why don't you continue?"

James was deliberate.

Andrew frowned and pinched Avery's jaw, not because of James. He did so because he wanted to.

He wanted more, so he had to do more.

Avery turned away, and Andrew's fingers fell. Evan said impatiently.

"Aren't you here to find James?"

"Right. James, the maid, told me you're here. So I'm here."

Rebecca walked to James. She still regretted interrupting Andrew and Avery. If she was later, they would probably be kissing now. What a pity!

James was all set to watch a show. But he wasn't annoyed that Rebecca interrupted it. He pinched Jessica's jaw and caressed it like she was a toy. He didn't want to say anything to Rebecca.

But Rebecca wasn't embarrassed at all. She continued.

"James, my wedding is on the way. Can I borrow Jessica?"

"What do you need her for? Do you want her to be your bridesmaid?" James knew Rebecca knew how to cover all angels. She knew what to do and not do on different occasions. But he didn't know she could be so shameless. After seducing him and failed, she could come here and talk to him like nothing happened. He frowned. Apparently, Rebecca was more scheming than he thought.

He said as he put his hands inside Jessica's dress.

"She's not qualified."

Jessica suddenly froze. She was resistant and even a bit frightened.

In front of everyone, especially her own brother, being played like this put Jessica in shame.

Jessica felt James's hand sliding across her smooth back. He slightly moved, and her lingerie buckles were taken off. There was nothing to cover her b.r.e.a.s.ts beside her dress. She kept her head down in shame, tortured by the wandering looks on her.

Avery followed Andrew's look and saw it too. Soon Andrew withdrew his hands from her waist. Andrew was about to stand up when Avery held him down.

"He's deliberate!"

"I can't allow Jessica to be played in public!"

"He wanted you to take actions first, so he had excuses to fight back."

Avery grabbed Andrew's wrists as hard as she could. She could feel the bulging veins on his arms and the shaking fists because of anger.

"Besides, if you come to him now, it won't necessarily be good for Jessica. I have a plan to save her."

Avery looked at Rebecca casually. She just said she needed to borrow Jessica for her wedding.

She had a plan so Andrew could take Jessica away as long as Jessica was not with James.

Andrew had to try to put his attention on Avery. He never doubted her. She had the looks that could make him fall in love with her at first sight, and the brains most women didn't have.

Avery escaped from him move than one time. She was very smart.

If Avery told him she had a plan to save Jessica, he believed her. But he couldn't allow Jessica to be played by James.

James saw Jessica turned her head away. He laughed out lowly. Underneath the dress, he gently slid across the smooth skins. He believed it was more tempting.

His hands slid from Jessica's back to her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Without any hesitation, he grabbed the softness that couldn't be grabbed with one hand and pinched the pearl on the crown. Jessica couldn't help m.o.a.ning.

"Shout it out," James whispered in her ears.

"No!" Jessica was too ashamed that she almost broke to pieces. She begged while crying, "please don't, not in front of everybody."

"Don't do what? This or that?" He changed the ways he held her b.r.e.a.s.ts, ignoring Jessica's tears.

Andrew heard Jessica's voice. His sanity was devoured. He suddenly stood up, but Avery still held his hands.

Avery hurried to give James a look. Jamie helped to hold Andrew down.

"Rebecca, you said you wanted to borrow Jessica for your wedding?" Avery diverted the attention and said slowly to Rebecca, "if you don't mind, I'd like to help you too."

Rebecca sat not far from James. She was awkward to watch the live show. She wasn't sure of Avery's intentions. But since she offered to help her, she had to take the chance to disfigure her. So she agreed.

She had an answer in her mind. But she pretended to do some consideration and said.

"I could use as much help as possible. But you're pregnant, if you get too tired and get ill, or anything else bad happens to you, Andrew would blame me."

"I'll be careful. Besides, I have experience."

Rebecca found it odd that Avery suddenly decided to offer help. But she was looking for the chance when Avery was alone. So she didn't overthink.

Avery made her offer without raising any suspicion.

"But when Andrew and I were planning the wedding, Jessica helped a lot too. So I want her there."