Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 441 - 441: Evan First Woman

Rebecca smiled with understanding. So she used her to get Jessica out of trouble.

But it didn't matter. As long as Avery agreed to help her, she could give Jessica a favor. So she said to James.

"James, I'm not asking Jessica to be my bridesmaid. I'm simply asking for her input on the wedding. I know we have help at the wedding venue. But I want different opinions on wedding gowns, wedding rings, and invitations. I won't borrow her for too long."

James squeezed Jessica's b.r.e.a.s.t into different shapes. He was aroused too. He had to hold the urge to do Jessica on the spot.

"I want to go," Jessica begged in a low voice.

Jessica's thoughts were simple. She would probably do anything to stay away from James, even for one day.

"You know what you need to do," James's voice was hoarse because he was aroused. As long as he entered Jessica's body, the world around him would become very quiet and pleasing.

However, his needs for her were purely physical. He would never generate true feelings for her.

Jessica's hands-on James's shoulders shuddered. She knew her value, her own value to James was her body---

Jessica made up her mind. She moved to the buttons on James's black shirt and unbuttoned them shyly.

James looked down at her shivering hands and held them down.

"Are you so eager to please me?"

Jessica cried. She didn't know why James insulted her. She thought nobody would dare to stop him if he wanted to have s.e.x with her right here right now, with or without condition. What difference did it make that she made first moves?

Even James was not sure why he was so agitated. He poisoned himself, and he had no feelings, or in theory, at least. It was after-effects, James told himself so.

James was satisfied with the explanation. All the bothering him was gone. He whispered at Jessica's ears.

"I promise you to have to stay in bed for the next three days after you're back."

Jessica suddenly shivered. She bit her lips. But the fear was quickly covered.

"James, can I have Jessica?" Rebecca watched them whispering. But she didn't know what they were talking about. But she waited long and wanted an answer. She had to know.

"One day," James suddenly said.

"I'll take that as a yes?" Rebecca was surprised. She looked at Avery, and all thoughts were overwhelming. She smiled.

"That's great! I now have great help and the wedding will be like a dream. Thanks, James."

James smiled. Then he picked Jessica up to leave.

Rebecca was frustrated. She knew James was in the lounge bar, so she sent men to sneak into his residence for the drugs. If he returned so early, it might destroy her plan.

"James, why do you leave so early? Come back, and we'll have a nice talk," Rebecca hurried to stop him.

"I'm not interested," James didn't plan to stay. Besides, there was nothing to talk about with Rebecca.

"How about we play Truth or Dare?" Rebeccas suggested. In order to stall James to give the men more time to find the drugs, Rebecca did everything she could. This was the only game she knew how to play. So she said it.

It was typical of James to say she was boring. James turned around and looked at Rebecca. His looks were complicated.

"Rebecca, are you serious? James might not know what it is."

"James only knows how to play better things, like women..."

There was meaningful laughter. Andrew also held his breath. He also sent his team to James's residence for the drug...

He hoped that James would stay to buy them some time.

"Truth or Dare?" James slowly looked from Evan, sitting next to Rebecca, to Andrew. Then he really sat back.

Webster was always silent. But he said this time.

"I guess Rebecca's words work."

Jessica recalled how she ran into James's room and saw James in bed with Rebecca. Their relationship was more complex than brother and sister.

"How to play?" James asked.

"Let's keep it simple. One player will have one card. The player with the biggest number can ask the one with the smallest number to pick Truth or Dare."

The rules were simple. Even if one didn't play it before, he could follow the rules. Rebecca gave the cards to Tinder to deal with.

Tinder was standing in the corner until this moment. He was flattered. Also, he was worried that he would be beaten up if he didn't deal well to gather players who shouldn't be together.

But he had to.

In the first round, a girl had the biggest number, and Evan had the smallest.

Tinder had sweat all over his forehead. He was not a good dealer and set his master up in the first round.

Evan gave Tinder a look. Tinder was so frightened that he shivered. He almost shoved the deck to anybody.

"Evan, Truth, or Dare?"

The lights were dim. They hit the glasses. The warm colors were mingled with the curious looks. It became suddenly quiet. Almost everybody held their breaths.

Although Evan didn't come from B Country, his family held a significant status. Soon Evan was going to marry Rebecca, the princess of B Country, bringing more royal glory to Howel's family.

From the century marriage between Evan and Rebecca to a simple pub game, Evan had all the attention on him.

Whether it was Truth or Dare, it would bring the audience's curiosity to a new height.

Evan stared at the cards on the table and made a less risky choice.


Women were good at digging up gossip. So what they were about to ask were juicy questions. The girl who had the biggest number smiled and asked.

"Evan, to whom did you lose your v.i.r.g.i.nity?"

They all burst out laughing. This was the must-ask question in Truth or Dare. Everyone was ready to let the juicy gossip in when Evan would answer it.

Evan's first time?

Avery thought about this one. Before she found she was poisoned, she seduced him many times by lying on the bed n.a.k.e.d. But she always ended up being kicked off. For a while, she even thought Evan was gay or incompetent.

She finally realized Evan only got aroused by the woman he was attracted to after he almost had s.e.x with her every day. He was not incompetent.

Who was Evan attracted to?

Did he have s.e.x with Diana?