Befriending The Most Powerful Person

CH 51

a very big thank you to neko who I dragged in to help me edit this chapter!

Shao Ci’s balls ached as soon as he got online. A forced marriage could even happen like this… What would these people think if they knew he was the same person as Prince Latiao? Still, they probably wouldn’t ever know in their lifetime. 

Besides, Shao Ci thought that the bigger pain in his ass was the problem of Roris’s identity. In fact, he didn’t want to know it at all.

Speaking of which, the fact that Roris was a Zerg-human mix was several times more shocking than the fact that Shao Ci was actually an omega pretending to be a beta. How was Roris able to say it so casually, completely without fear that Shao Ci would spread it around?

Still, when he thought about it, Roris probably wasn’t afraid of him talking about it at all. Even if he did say it, nobody would believe him. They would probably think he had gone crazy.

After all, people still thought of Zerg as monsters with savage appearances. Who would imagine that Zerg were hiding right at their sides? Who would believe that His Highness the Crown Prince was actually not human? 

If it wasn’t for the protagonist Pei Shijian, the empire would simply be on its way to destruction. Still, these people were busy worrying that His Highness the Crown Prince was going to marry an ordinary beta.

No matter how other people protested, everything proceeded as normal. The engagement banquet was held at the same time they spoke about how a fresh flower was being stuck in a pile of cow dung.

Although outsiders were cursing up a storm, the people who attended the banquet had decent attitudes. The people who were aware of Roris’s personality just thought that Shao Ci was was someone with courage. The people who weren’t aware felt that someone as lowly as Shao Ci must have had plenty of tricks to be able to get successfully engage to the crown prince. They couldn’t get on his bad side too easily.

Edwin arrived with Selena, smiling slightly as he gave his congratulations. Nobody could tell anything was wrong with him.

But only Ji Zhaoyuan came from the duke’s family. He could do nothing but express that his younger brother couldn’t attend because he had been ill recently. 

In fact, Ji Zhaoyun had faced an incredible shock after hearing the news. He went to an extremely dangerous area to train alone. Ji Zhaoyuan couldn’t stop him, and he could only send a few bodyguards look after him.

Shao Ci wasn’t used to banquets like this at all. He found an excuse to go to the lounge to take a break and happened to run into Edwin sitting inside.

Edwin stood up hurriedly. He said to Shao Ci, “You’re fine, right?” 

After he leaned in, he smelled the thick alpha scent on Shao Ci. His gaze immediately darkened.

“I’m perfectly fine.” Shao Ci sat down immediately. He thought of what the system had said, and he said, “About that… If you have someone you start to fall in love with, how about you let me know…”

That way, he could avoid the tragedy when Edwin couldn’t mark the other person, though Shao Ci couldn’t do anything at all.

“How could I fall in love with another person?” Edwin grabbed Shao Ci’s hands, but after a thought he pulled them back. He dropped to the ground, half kneeling in front of Shao Ci. “The most important person in my heart is you alone. There’s no one who can take your place.” 

Shao Ci was emotionless. “But you’re the heir of the Heimann family. Soon or later, you’ll have to face it, won’t you?”

“Those matters are of no importance,” Edwin said. “I have never wanted to bother with the Heimann family’s matters.”

In any case, his mother had so many lovers. When the time came, couldn’t she just birth another one? Why did he have to do something he didn’t want to do.

When he thought of how his mother had brought up forming an alliance through marriage, Edwin made up his mind. 

“I may leave for a period of time.” Edwin looked at Shao Ci. “You must wait for me to come back. By then, I’ll certainly be even stronger… And I’ll be able to protect you even better.”

And with those words, Edwin gave Shao Ci a profound glance and left the lounge.

A few days after the engagement banquet, the Zerg who had disappeared for years suddenly crawled back from their defeat, trying to invade the planets at the empire’s frontier. 

But the news didn’t make the common people of the empire panic. After all, the Zerg had already been beaten away once, and the hero who beat them away, General Wiley, was still as healthy as a horse.

The frontiers were too distant from the capital. It was several days away even traveling by airship. Nobody felt a sense of crisis at all.

But Shao Ci, who was staying at Roris’s side, knew perfectly well that the Zerg at the frontier were merely the weakest and dumbest low-level Zerg. If these people knew that the Zerg had actually occupied over half of the empire’s territory, what would they think… After all, high-level Zerg could transform into human shape.

If it wasn’t for the fact that in the original novel, the Zerg were all connected to the Zerg Queen and their strength would plummet after she died, the Zerg in the original novel would probably already have succeeded in seizing control of the empire. 

Yet now Roris was actually a Zerg, and he was the child of the Zerg Queen. He really was worthy of being the villain boss…

When he thought about how Roris’s identity hadn’t been exposed by the finale of the novel, and how he had been exiled instead… Who knew if he had an opportunity to do something else in the future? Suddenly, he felt that the finale wasn’t very probable.

Meanwhile, the emperor was searching for news about Amelia. Later, with the help of General Wiley, he successfully met Pei Shijian and they mutually acknowledged their relationship father and son.

After all, it was the child  the woman he loved the most left behind. With the addition of his memories of his unattainable first love, tears nearly fell from his eyes when the emperor first set eyes on Pei Shijian. 

The emperor simply had no feelings towards the empress or the children of the concubines he had married before.

In front of the emperor, Pei Shijian put on an act of a clever, adorable child. Time and time again, he let slip how miserable he had lived for the last few years. The emperor immediately felt even more regretful, and he poured almost all of his paternal love into Pei Shijian. The only reason he didn’t publicize Pei Shijian’s identity was because he was obstructed by the Heimann family.

The emperor didn’t have any plans of passing on the throne to Pei Shijian yet. He just wanted to give the child he had failed the power and wealth that he deserved, but if he gave it too casually, he was afraid he would draw the Heimann family’s notice.

It was right at that time that the empire ran into the problem with the Zerg, and the emperor immediately sent out General Wiley. In fact, he was planning to have General Wiley and his people fight on the frontlines, then promote Pei Shijian, who was mixed in, so he wouldn’t draw the Heimann family’s attention. 

Of course, in the emperor’s expectations, other people would be in charge of fighting; Pei Shijian only needed to stay safe under others’ protection.

But things weren’t so smooth. Although General Wiley was said to be strong, the biggest reason he had fought the Zerg back in the past was because of the other side’s scheming.

Besides, someone the Heimann family placed at the emperor’s side had already discovered Pei Shijian’s true identity.

Even if Roris didn’t act, the people behind him in the Heimann family wouldn’t let things go. They would set up all kinds of obstacles for Pei Shijian, trying to make it difficult for Pei Shijian to survive. After all, it was incredibly easy to off someone in somewhere as chaotic as the frontiers of the empire. 

Vtjb Jl kjrc’a kbgglfv obg Ufl Vtlpljc ja jii. Ktlr kjr atf qiba ogbw atf bglulcji cbnfi jcskjsr. Rfza, jr jii xlcvr bo qfbqif mtjrfv joafg tlw klat atf lcafca ab xlii, Ufl Vtlpljc kbeiv ugbk ragbcufg jcv ragbcufg, atfc ja atf ogbcalfg tf kbeiv ujatfg rfnfgji afjwwjafr ktb kfgf ragbcu yea tjv cb rajaer. Rba ibcu joafg mbwlcu yjmx, tf kbeiv jqqgbjmt atf olcjif.

Shao Ci felt emotional when he thought about how he was finally going to be able to leave the world. He had only stayed a few months in this world, but so many things had happened. It made him feel like he had been here for ages.

Ever since the engagement banquet, Shao Ci was forced to live with Roris. He even had to learn palace etiquette and such during the day.

He was just about to leave, but he still couldn’t scrape by… Because every night, Roris insisted on inspecting what Shao Ci studied. If Shao Ci couldn’t answer, he would punish Shao Ci. 

Shao Ci seriously suspected that Roris was just finding an excuse, but he couldn’t do anything about it. He could only use the passion he had for learning about mechas to learn palace etiquette.

Shao Ci ate listlessly after tiring himself out with his studies. Maybe Roris was insisting on competing with Edwin, because he was always cooking personally. It made Shao Ci, who had thought he would be able to eat palace delicacies, extremely disappointed.

“Did you know? The child that Father truly loves is that Pei Shijian guy.” Roris looked at Shao Ci, propping up his head with hand. He said slowly, “He must be happy.”

Under the candlelight, his face was stunningly beautiful. Shao Ci still felt that getting engaged with Roris was too much of a fantasy. It took him a long moment to react to what was being said. 

“Of course I didn’t know,” Shao Ci said quickly. “Still, Pei Shijian really is pretty awesome.”

Was it possible for fate’s favorite in a novel not to be awesome? Though Pei Shijian tragically lost to Shao Ci several times and even got stabbed by Shao Ci several times.

Roris continued, “Also, Edwin went to the frontier with those people as well.”

“Huh?” Shao Ci was a bit shocked. He suddenly remembered what Edwin said to him the day of the engagement banquet. 

In the original novel, Edwin worshipped Pei Shijian, so he couldn’t feel at ease letting him go alone, and followed along… This time, he had probably decided to leave and go out to improve himself after being provoked by Roris.

This world’s consciousness was amazing… It could even make the plot develop the same way as the original novel _(:з」∠)_

“As the heir of the Heimann family’s next generation, he clearly doesn’t have to worry about his future. Why would he take a risk and go to the frontier?” Roris asked. “Is it to train himself, or is it for something else?”

Shao Ci hurriedly said, “Of course it’s to train himself. After all, Edwin is someone who seeks strength.” 

“You’re right, but… Don’t you think you understand things related to him too well?” Roris smiled slightly. “Didn’t I tell you before? You need to forget everything about him.”

This kind of thing isn’t something you can forget just by saying you’d forget!

Shao Ci quickly changed the topic. He asked, “But, Your Highness, what exactly is your goal in having those low-level Zerg do these kinds of things…”

“Of course it’s for my amusement,” Roris said. “Isn’t it fun? You can see what the lofty nobles would look like when they’re afraid. It’s enjoyable just thinking about it.” 

Shao Ci: “…” Was there really nothing wrong with people like Roris who thought like this!!

As expected, things progressed pretty much as they did in the original novel. In just a few months, the Zerg looked like they were going to retreat.

Though the generals fighting at the frontiers didn’t get lavish praise for being heroes who saved the empire like last time, they received plenty of flattery, especially Pei Shijian. He was young and handsome, and he had made plenty of contributions. For a moment, he was the most dazzling person in the empire. Several people suddenly realized that Pei Shijian was someone who had fought his way into the finals of the mecha competition when they found the videos of him online. 

After all, only the first place winner would be remembered by the people, and the first place winner Prince Latiao was so flashy that it made Pei Shijian’s brilliance significantly dimmer.

But now there had been no news of Prince Latiao for a long time. In contrast, Pei Shijian was on the way to taking his place.

Many people wondered why someone as strong as Prince Latiao wouldn’t publicize his identity… And General Wiley, who had kept his grudges the entire time, took the chance to get a group of people to guide public opinion online.

For a moment, several people began to say that although Prince Latiao was strong, he had no courage. At such a critical moment, he didn’t have the guts to come out. He couldn’t hold a candle to Pei Shijian. 

Edwin had achieved plenty himself, and because he went personally to the frontlines to kill the Zerg despite being the heir of the Heimann family, he won the a good amount of the common populace’s heart.

But this was all to pave the way for Pei Shijian, and similarly all the propaganda focused on him. Most of the time, Edwin was overlooked.

The emperor was put at ease. He moved directly to confer a title on Pei Shijian, giving him a position with real power and promoting him rapidly. The others were also awarded generously, but they didn’t get anything close to Pei Shijian.Many people immediately thought about how to get close to Pei Shijian.

General Wiley suffered serious injuries in the expedition. When he recovered, he was still far from his past strength. He immediately thought of resting, and he passed on all of his influence and subordinates to Pei Shijian. 

In that span of time, Pei Shijian’s power and influence faintly became greater than what General Wiley’s had been. Although he couldn’t compare to the Heimann family, he was already enough to give them a sense of danger.

There had also been several scandals from the Heimann family recently. After all, there was no way that they had reached such greatness cleanly. It was obvious just by looking at how Shao Tianyang had tried to use the Heimann family’s name the other time. It was just that nobody had ever dared to oppose them or speak up in the past.

But this time, the person behind the people spreading the news was the emperor. Of course, they were assured with him as their support. At the same time, the Heimann family had never expected that the trick they used against General Wiley could be used against them. Soon, they were in a bad spot.


Nobody would expect Pei Shijian and his subordinates that the place normally met to discuss was an extremely ordinary residence on a remote outer planet.

Wearing a disguise, Edwin walked in after getting off the aircar. “What did you call me here for?”

“I want to show you something very interesting.” Pei Shijian pushed open an interior door, smiling slightly, and a Zerg corpse appeared in front of them. Although it looked slightly different from an ordinary Zerg, there wasn’t anything special about it.

Edwin had seen plenty of them on the frontier. He said coolly, “It’s just a Zerg corpse. What am I supposed to be looking at?” 

“It’s different from other Zergs,” Pei Shijian said. “When it was alive, it looked like a human.”

“What?” Edwin felt a sense of alarm. He looked carefully at the Zerg’s corpse, but no matter how he studied it, he couldn’t see anything unusual.

“It happened a few days ago. I caught someone who wanted to assassinate me and brought him here to interrogate,” Pei Shijian said. “I didn’t expect that after he died, this fellow would turn into a Zerg… It really is interesting.”

Edwin knew perfectly well that most of the people who came to assassinate Pei Shijian were sent by the Heimann family, and his expression turned grave. 

After what happened in the past, he understood that, although he was the heir of the most powerful Heimann family, in reality the power was out of his hands. The family had never even taken him seriously.

He wanted to make his way up and get revenge on Roris, who had snatched away his everything, so he had come to the frontier, making peace with the person who had the same goal as him, Pei Shijian. Of course, they each had their own plans.

But on the road, all kinds of things kept happening. All kinds of people came on assassination missions. There was someone who wanted to kill Pei Shijian in every situation. But Pei Shijian was truly lucky; he was able to push through each and every assassination. Edwin had the feeling that he was someone favored by the heavens.

“What is going on here…” Edwin frowned slightly. “How could there be a Zerg who took the shape of a human?” 

“I thought it was strange before. These Zerg were just like ordinary beasts… But suddenly, they could show high intelligence. Thus, it made people suspect that they were separated into different categories,” Pei Shijian said. “I had people study this corpse. Although it looks no different from a normal Zerg on the outside, it’s actually several times stronger than a normal Zerg… If it wasn’t for the fact that it died when it was returning to its normal form, even I would have trouble dealing with it.

“I looked into it more after that, and I discovered some very interesting things.”

Pei Shijian pulled out a sheaf of papers. They were filled with information about people who had been awarded recognition of their service in the war years ago. Today, they had all climbed to lofty positions in the empire. The one thing that matched between all of them was that they were on the crown prince’s side.

“These people,” Edwin said, “are all childless?” 

“Exactly. All of these people have been married for several years, but they don’t have any children. Why is that?” Pei Shijian said. “I think we’ll certainly make a big discovery if we investigate them.”

Edwin said, “What you’re saying is that they’re all Zerg?”

“I didn’t say that,” Pei Shijian said. “But if that’s true… then our plans aren’t far from success. His Highness the Crown Prince, that high and lofty fellow, has finally given the game away.”

“I truly never expected it,” Edwin said quietly. “His Highness has actually been colluding with the Zerg.” 

This was something that could deal a serious blow to the Heimann family, but Edwin didn’t feel sorrowful at all. Instead, he had a faint sense of excitement.

The Heimann family was too strong. They should have stopped existing a long time ago. As long as the family existed, he would be unable to do the things he wanted to do.

And if Roris fell from power, then wouldn’t Shao Ci also come to his side?

Edwin suddenly found his own thoughts terrifying, but he couldn’t completely stop himself. 

As long as he could have Shao Ci return to his side, he didn’t care about anything. Nothing could make him hesitate for even a split second.

It wasn’t just Pei Shijian and his side who discovered some clues. Problems were also beginning to rise within the empire.

At some point, several people announced with terror that they had seen people turn into Zerg with their own eyes. 

At first, everyone thought of those words as utter nonsense. Even the people who said it themselves suspected that they might have gone crazy. Zerg were Zerg and humans were humans. How could a human suddenly turn into a Zerg?

But soon after, pictures unexpectedly surfaced time and time again. In the pictures, the Zerg were very real. Even an expert couldn’t tell where the pictures were edited when they examined them.

The major planets began to impose a curfew, and they required several rounds of questioning to leave. Many people who just arrived on the planet were isolated and examined.

General Wiley, who had already retired, took a stand, saying that he had indeed seen some high-level Zerg turning into humans when he went out to war this time, and they were extremely intelligent. He told everyone not to hold everything back and to speak up about anyone who they felt was suspicious. 

In moments, everyone was alarmed. Many people stayed home, afraid to go out. They would feel suspicious even when they saw their long-time friends.

But in that moment, Pei Shijian took a stand. He said that his subordinates had discovered a way to find out if someone was a Zerg pretending to be a human.

As someone who discovered how to deal with the situation, Pei Shijian was just like how General Wiley had been in the past. He was quickly put up on a pedestal and hailed by everyone as a hero.

And Pei Shijian worked swiftly and fiercely. As long as someone was suspicious, he would take them in for an examination. He arrested several of the higher-ups in the Heimann family, and finally discovered that they really were Zerg. 

In moments, the Heimann family became public enemy number one. In contrast, the heir of the Heimann family Edwin unhesitatingly announced that he was on Pei Shijian’s side.

It was only then that everyone remembered that those people in the Heimann family were only replaced because the Zerg killed them. They quickly felt a wave of sympathy for Edwin.

Things happened in rapid succession. Many of the higher-ups in the Heimann family died, but it was obvious that they didn’t have the same strength they used to have. Naturally, they couldn’t compare with Pei Shijian, who was at the peak of his power.

Soon afterwards, the emperor took the chance to send out an announcement: Pei Shijian was actually the beloved son he had been separated from for many years. 

In the midst of the chaos, Roris said nothing. He didn’t even take a side. Several of his subordinates had been exposed as Zerg, and their strength had been pretty much destroyed. His greatest support, the Heimann family, no longer had their old glory.

Soon, many bystanders who valued to strength sought refuge with Pei Shijian. There were people who spoke out to say His Highness the Crown Prince’s personality was unsuited to being the heir of the throne, and Pei Shijian’s personality was the most suitable. They demanded that Pei Shijian was made the crown prince.

Things progressed smoothly. It was going so smoothly that even if Pei Shijian was fate’s favorite it seemed too convenient.

While the outer world was in a hubbub, Roris was calm. He even had the spare time to help Shao Ci wash his hair. 

“Aren’t you worried?” Shao Ci couldn’t help but ask.

Although nobody was saying that Roris was a Zerg, there were many people that guessed Roris had some connection to the Zerg… It looked like Roris’s identity would be found out sooner or later.

“Why do I need to worry?” Roris said, smiling slightly. “Right now, everything is going just as I want it to…”

Shao Ci: “!?” 

Wait! Actually, based on what happened in the original novel, Roris would be able to achieve his goal of controlling the whole empire if he inherited the throne. Why would he still do so much? Could it be that he really just thought it was fun?

“You must be wondering why I did so many unnecessary things.” Roris could tell what Shao Ci was thinking at a glance. “To be honest, my goal isn’t to rule the empire.”

Shao Ci often felt that Roris might have the power to read minds. His guesses were simply too accurate.

“In fact, I want to destroy the empire,” Roris said. “Don’t you think these people are boring? No matter if they’re people or Zerg, it’s most interesting when they’re facing destruction.” 

Shao Ci: “!” Hey, Roris was totally a chaotic evil villain!

“Actually, the fact that all those people are Zerg… I revealed it to the public. What fun is a chess board where you always have the upper hand?” Roris said slowly. “Being backed into a corner all by yourself is the only way to have the most fun.”

Shao Ci: “…!” I already stopped understanding what exactly you’re having fun with!

But it looked like now… the finale should be coming soon. 

No matter what Roris wanted to do, he just had to endure until the finale and everything would be fine! He could do everything again in the next world.

In the next few days, Pei Shijian’s influence grew more and more. In contrast, Roris declined all visitors, seeming as though he had lost all hope. His subordinates also did nothing.

Just as though it seemed like everything had already been decided, an unforeseen event occurred. On a perfectly normal morning, countless people discovered that their friends or family members had become Zerg. 

The entire country flew into a panic.

Everyone had thought that the Zerg had already been captured. But all of the Zerg who had been caught were people that purposely revealed their identities under Roris’s suggestion.

The imperial palace was also in chaos. In the grand hall, the emperor looked at Roris, his face filled with terror. “What are you trying to do?”

After being on the throne for so many years, the emperor had enjoyed all kinds of pleasures. He said that he missed his true love, but in fact he doted on a number of new lovers. He had never trained; his strength didn’t even match up to a twelve-year-old alpha. 

“Father, I just want you to pass on with Mother.” Roris smiled slightly. “You don’t need to be scared. It will all end quickly.”

“I know I can’t make it up to your mother…” the emperor said. “But you don’t need to go so far either. How have I ever treated you unfairly in these years?”

The emperor took a step back in his terror, but he bumped into Pei Shijian who was just coming into the door. He immediately stood at Pei Shijian’s side, feeling much more at ease.

“Father, you don’t need to worry anymore. Nothing will happen now that I’m here.” As Pei Shijian spoke, he smiled slightly. He skewered a sharp knife through the emperor’s chest. 

He gazed at the emperor’s astounded expression, and he let out the laugh he had been holding back.

“My deepest apologies. I’ve always hated you.”

Even if the emperor was biased towards him, Pei Shijian’s hostility had never changed. Although the Heimann family had pushed him towards the slums, it had a lot to do with the emperor… If it wasn’t for the fact that he couldn’t even protect the woman he loved, how would things go so far?

Pei Shijian looked at Roris. “Your Highness the Crown Prince, I didn’t expect that you would collude with the Zerg. For the sake of the empire’s future, it looks like I have no choice but to make a move against you.” 

“Oh? If you have the strength, then don’t hesitate to come at me.” Roris laughed.

Dozens of Zerg rushed in from outside, gathering up by Roris.

The Zerg were hideous. Their carapace was as hard as an alloy, and their blood could corrode a mecha. Coupled with their speed, it was difficult for an ordinary person to face them without a mecha.

“It looks like I’ve underestimated.” Pei Shijian’s gaze turned cold. He had no choice but to temporarily withdraw. 

Shao Ci didn’t realize that the world had turned on its head until he woke up.

Fuck, he just got up a little late! Why did it seem like he missed a lot? Roris didn’t even wake him up at such a critical moment.

Shao Ci was given a shock. He shot to his feet, making to exit. 

But there was a bodyguard that Roris left at the door. Although he treated Shao Ci with great respect, he had absolutely no intention to give way.

Shao Ci knew that all of these bodyguards were originally Zerg. It would be impossible for him to break through by himself, so he had no choice but to return to his room.

He had to find a way to get out, then he would probably be able to leave the world after he found Pei Shijian. Otherwise, if he stayed here… After the finale, the new emperor Pei Shijian would probably find someone to kill him off. 

Shao Ci could still remember how he stabbed Pei Shijian a few times back then. The person that Pei Shijian hated the most was, without a doubt, him.

Unexpectedly, Shao Ci heard the sound of fighting from outside. He hid in a place with cover, shocked. He was afraid it was someone Pei Shijian sent. If he was caught, he would be done for.

The fight ended quickly. The sound of footsteps came over, and at the same time, Edwin’s voice sounded.

“I’m here to pick you up.” 

The author has something to say:

I dragged out so many words but I didn’t finish it up… The rest will probably have to be added to the beginning of the next world and posted together _(:з」∠)_