Befriending The Most Powerful Person

CH 50

Shao Tianyang was frozen on the ground. For a long time, he was speechless. His mind was blank. He knew every word the crown prince was saying, but why couldn’t he understand what he meant?

The surrounding crowd was thoroughly stupefied. Were their ears malfunctioning? They seemed to have heard the crown prince say something about a fiancé?

“So you’re saying that even if my fiancé cheats, he has to lose against you?” Roris looked at Shao Tianyang with a slight smile.

By now, Shao Tianyang didn’t feel that His Highness the Crown Prince was smiling at him because of his value. In his terror, his legs went weak, and he fell to the floor. 

Why was it like this? That Shao Ci was clearly just trash without a single redeeming feature. Why did His Highness the Crown Prince like him? What was wrong with this world…

“N-No, it was an accident…” In reality, Shao Tianyang knew perfectly well that Shao Ci couldn’t have cheated, but he wasn’t willing to believe it. He could only mumble over and over, “I couldn’t fight at full strength just for a moment earlier…”

But Roris ignored him. He turned and walked towards Shao Ci.

Mother Shao and Father Shao were completely dumbfounded. Next to them, the governor stood close to them as though he was a good friend. He stepped forward enthusiastically and said to Roris, “Your Highness, I didn’t expect that a branch member of the Shao family would be so shameless. If I hadn’t come so promptly, I don’t know how things would have turned out.” He spoke as though he hadn’t accepted any bribes from Shao Tianyang.

When Shao Tianyang heard the governor, he whipped his head up furiously. He didn’t have the courage to put his hatred on Shao Ci, the crown prince’s fiancé, so he diverted all of his anger onto the governor.

It looked like the governor had known about this already. Why else would his attitude change so quickly? The worst part was that the governor exposed him completely. It was obvious that he had already decided to push all the blame onto Shao Tianyang!

Shao Tianyang completely forgot how he responded when the governor was signaling him when things started.

“Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, hello.” Roris looked towards Mother Shao and Father Shao with a slight smile, motioning for his subordinates to bring the gifts over. “I was a little delayed because I was buying gifts earlier. It’s great that nothing happened.” 

Mother Shao and Father Shao were more frightened than they were pleasantly surprised. They had never expected that the crown prince would start liking their own son. They worried about whether or not the crown prince knew Shao Ci was actually an omega.

The governor began to explain again. Of course, he hid the truth about how he accepted bribes and told them about everything Shao Tianyang and his lackeys had done.

It made everyone sigh in wonder. They had never thought that Shao Tianyang, a handsome man with outstanding bearing, could do something so shameless. The people who used to be his fans felt humiliated and left stealthily. On their way home, they unfollowed him, wishing they could erase all traces of their worship as if it had never happened.

“You’ve done quite well.” Roris looked towards the governor. Naturally, he had already investigated the situation thoroughly, but he was quite satisfied with the governor’s attitude. Although the governor’s previous actions weren’t very sensible, his change was pretty good. 

After Roris’s praise, the governor was as energized as if he had been shot with a dose of adrenaline. He said quickly, “I’d be the first one to stop someone like this from running rampant. They can’t do whatever they want just because they think they’re so strong and amazing.” Though he didn’t mention any names, it was obvious he was talking about Shao Tianyang.

After being pointed out, Shao Tianyang jolted back to his senses. He knew that if he didn’t retract his words, he would have no chance at redemption. He threw himself at Shao Ci, hugging him around the leg. “Shao Ci-ge, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have done something like this… I know I can’t say anything to make up for it, but we grew up together. Why don’t you have His Highness the Crown Prince spare me this time?”

Shao Ci, who had been thinking of himself as a bystander, was given a shock. He wasn’t able to shake off Shao Tianyang even if he tried. Besides, what was with that Shao Ci-ge! Anyways, Shao Tianyang was several years older than him… He was so shameless.

But Roris’s gaze turned cold. What he hated the most was when outsiders touched the people he cared about. He immediately had his subordinates pull Shao Tianyang aside. He looked at him coldly. “I don’t know who in the Heimann family accepted scum like you as their subordinate. It looks like their judgement is lacking.” 

It was easy to imagine how the person who accepted Shao Tianyang would react when they found out what the His Highness the Crown Prince had said.

Shao Tianyang’s body was trembling as he was dragged away. He was filled with regret. He hated himself for his lack of foresight. Why didn’t he think ahead?

Shao Ci, who used to be so lacking, had shockingly become amazing. His Highness the Crown Prince had suddenly come to this planet and even came to the training site personally… If he could have found out earlier, using his familial relation to Shao Ci, why would he fight for a noble title? When Shao Ci got married to the crown prince, what would he still need?

He could only hope that His Highness the Crown Prince would let him off because of his relation to Shao Ci. 

“Still, someone like this isn’t worth taking up my personal time to deal with.” Roris said calmly to one of his subordinates, “Send him back to wherever he came from. Just have the Heimann family decide how to deal with him.”

When the onlooking crowd saw his actions, they immediately sighed over how kind the crown prince’s attitude was. He even treated someone like this so well.

In fact, only Shao Tianyang knew that he would naturally have no good ending if he returned to the Heimann family after offending the crown prince. His face turned deathly pale.


After things were worked out, Roris left with Shao Ci, Mother Shao, and Father Shao.

But that wasn’t the end of it. In the next few days, the mecha training site was packed. Countless people came over specially to see the place that His Highness the Crown Prince had been to, feeling as though they had also been there with him.

And the people who were there immediately uploaded everything online after they calmed down.

At first, many people didn’t take it seriously. What was all that about the crown prince liking a beta from a downtrodden noble family? Was this is a fairy tale? 

But more and more pictures appeared, and when the pictures of the crown prince and that beta acting intimately surfaced online, everyone was stunned. They finally realized that this probably wasn’t something that someone fabricated out of nothing.

Soon, someone found out the identity of the other person in the photos. Shockingly enough, it was a student at the empire’s military institute. He was a beta, and his grades were awful. It was obvious that he had gotten in through connections.

Most people were even more certain that the person was just leeching off of the crown prince after finding out. The pictures were just a bit suggestive. As for the videos… they were all blurry. Who knew if the person in the videos really was the crown prince?

Forget about being a couple or something. It was already unlikely that the crown prince and this beta were friends. Being his fiancé was just preposterous. 

Moreover, the crown prince hadn’t publicized anything yet. This Shao Ci guy was probably spreading things online to cause a sensation.

Everyone was confident in their belief.

Zfjcktlif, Ebglr ygbeuta Zbatfg Vtjb jcv Mjatfg Vtjb ragjluta bcab atf jlgrtlq, jcv atfs jgglnfv ja atf mjqlaji qijcfa. 

Vtjb Jl gfwfwyfgfv tbk tf tjv pera ifoa atf mjqlaji qijcfa j ofk vjsr jub… Lf kjr ralii j ijsjybea ijhlcu jgbecv lc tlr gbbw, fjalcu, jcv kjlalcu obg vfjat. Qtb kbeiv tjnf fzqfmafv  atja lc pera j ofk vjsr rb wjcs atlcur kbeiv tjqqfc?

This simply solidified Shao Ci’s determination to squat at home in the future.

The airship arrived at the district in the capital planet that noble families resided in. Ji Zhaoyun’s residence was also nearby. Shao Ci felt a bit nostalgic.

Soon, Roris ushered them into a villa. He said to Mother Shao and Father Shao, “This house is a present for you, Mother and Father. Please accept it without being courteous.” 

Mother Shao and Father Shao turned uneasy and wanted to decline. It was terrifying for someone to be gifting them a house in the capital planet for no reason.

But Roris smiled. “This is all to thank you for caring for and loving Shao Ci these last few years. You don’t need to refuse… Besides, your previous residence has been ruined. Can you still live there? Somebody has cleaned this place up, and you can move in right away. You can have people move your other things over as well.”

Shao Ci: “…”  A house like this absolutely wasn’t something someone could buy immediately. Roris must have gotten it ready long ago. Besides, it looked like the things he was saying weren’t things he thought of casually. It looked like he was incredibly sincere.

Father Shao hesitated for a moment. Finally, he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Your Highness, could I ask what you like about Xiao Ci?” 

Compared to his status, Shao Ci’s happiness was actually the most important.

And His Highness the Crown Prince, high above the masses, had a sudden interest in him. In comparison, that Edwin fellow who came to visit last time felt more reliable. Besides, Edwin was so kind and he knew how to cook. He looked like a good kid. 

He had to admit that the methods Edwin made use of were good at getting people to like him.

If Father Shao and Mother Shao knew that Edwin was actually the heir of the Heimann family, they would probably be even more worked up. 

Shao Ci was given a shock. He had a feeling that the upcoming topic wouldn’t be great, so he said that he would go to the kitchen to pour everyone a cup of water, then took the opportunity to leave. Of course, he was actually hiding at the side and eavesdropping.

With Roris’s personality, he would certainly say things that made people feel ashamed without a care for whether Shao Ci was there or not, but Shao Ci himself was embarrassed…

Roris said, “Sir, you want to know what I like about him?” He lowered his head, as though he was considering carefully, then looked up with a slight smile. “Xiao Ci looks very cute, and on the surface he seems obedient, but he’s always secretly planning something. It feels as though he’s about to do something overboard at any time… I really like it.”

Shao Ci, hiding at the side: “!” Hey, is this something a normal person would think was good?! 

Mother Shao and Father Shao were also stunned. For a moment, they couldn’t tell if Roris was praising Shao Ci or complaining about him. He was indeed worthy of the name of His Highness the Crown Prince; his taste was so unique.

“In the past, I never thought of getting married, but after I met Xiao Ci, my thoughts changed,” Roris said. “I want him to stay at my side.”

He also wanted Shao Ci to only look at him, to only think of him.

Roris’s eyes darkened slightly. 

When Father Shao finally processed what Roris was saying, he kept opening and closing his mouth again, as though he wanted to say something but didn’t have the courage to speak.

Roris immediately understood. He said, “Sir, you don’t need to worry. I know about how Xiao Ci is actually an omega. In fact, when he had his last heat, I was the one who helped him deal with it.”

Shao Ci nearly charged forward. “!” Fuck, what the hell are you saying, huh!

Mother Shao and Father Shao were stupefied. 

Although Roris hadn’t done a single thing, anyone would begin to imagine all the lively things that he and Shao Ci had done together after hearing his words. At the same time, Shao Ci couldn’t come out to refute him.

This reason was more believable than any of the many other things that Roris had said, because it could be something like helping someone deal with his heat and thus marking him by accident, so then they could only be together…

After those words, Mother Shao and Father Shao could only accept it. After all, an omega would typically have no way to remove a mark, unless the alpha that marked them died.

In fact, Roris had planned for this. He just hadn’t said it to Shao Ci before. 

Mother Shao and Father Shao had never gotten the chance to be picky. After all, they had always thought that their son would always be alone, but he had found a partner who knew his true identity, and his partner was someone with such an honorable position.

And they could only say that they had no natural affinity with Edwin, who they they had originally set their sights on.

Soon, Roris and Shao Ci went to the same room to rest. After all, to an outsider, they had already done some intimate things together, and it was perfectly normal for them to stay together and prevent something like an omega going into heat in the middle of the night.

Even though Shao Ci really didn’t want to, he was afraid Mother Shao and Father Shao would worry, so he had no choice but to brace himself to continue to sleep in the same room as Roris. 

When Shao Ci went downstairs to get a glass of water at night, Mother Shao came looking for him. They found a corner out of sight to talk privately.

“Xiao Ci, you have to tell Mom the truth.” Mother Shao looked at Shao Ci sternly. She said, “What exactly happened? How did you meet His Highness the Crown Prince?”

Shao Ci had no choice but to make something up. He said that he had run into His Highness the Crown Prince on the airship in a twist of fate. Later, when he went into heat, he got help from the crown prince.

After Mother Shao heard his explanation, she sighed again. “It looks that Edwin child really doesn’t have an affinity with you. He really took a liking to you.” 

Shao Ci: “Edwin… He’ll be fine even without me.” Although he got trapped by the system and was already bound to Shao Ci _(:з」∠)_

When Shao Ci got back to his room, he spotted Roris sitting like an interrogator waiting for his turn to ask questions. Roris raised an eyebrow and said, “…Is there anything else I don’t know between you and Edwin?”

“Were you eavesdropping just now?” Shao Ci was given a fright.

Roris said casually, “I was just worried for your safety, so I decided to move… I don’t think you care about little things like this, right?” 

Who didn’t care!!

Shao Ci just knew Roris was a pervert. Based on the settings in the original novel, it wouldn’t even be strange for someone like Roris to bug him with listening devices. Dammit… He had miscalculated.

“Well, it’s nothing much.” Shao Ci resigned himself to his fate. “I think what happened between me and Edwin is perfectly clear, isn’t it… Is there anything else to add?”

“Of course there’s something I’m still not clear about. For example, what did he do after he came to your house?” Roris sighed. “The fact that Mother-in-law and Father-in-law both like him so much makes me feel hurt.” 

“He didn’t do anything much,” Shao Ci said. “It’s just that when he came last time, he happened to cook at home. After all, Edwin’s cooking skills are really good…”

“I see.” Roris smiled slightly. “You don’t need to be scared. Isn’t it fine now that you’ve told me? I won’t do anything to you. I just wanted to know how you were doing. I like you, so I want to know everything that has to do with you.”

A normal person wouldn’t insist on knowing everything about someone just because they liked them.

Shao Ci said, “But I don’t know anything about you.” 

“Then why don’t I tell you now?” Roris looked like he was in high spirits. “Want to listen?” 

Shao Ci quickly shook his head. “No, I don’t want to.” He had a feeling he was going to hear something that would make him feel like the world had turned on its head!

Soon, it was time for bed. The two of them laid down side-by-side as before. Although Roris seemed crazy, most of the time he would let Shao Ci do what he want. If Shao Ci wasn’t willing to do it, he usually wouldn’t force him.

In his daze, Shao Ci suddenly heard the system’s alert. After hearing that the daily mission was to heal the capture target, he was startled into wakefulness. 

“I can’t believe it’s this mission.” Shao Ci opened his eyes.  “It looks like what today I can do what I didn’t do yesterday.”

He turned and saw that Roris was already sleeping. Shao Ci thought to himself, Today shouldn’t be like yesterday, and cautiously leaned in. After reaching out to touch Roris’s wrist, he carefully sent his ability in.

If he sent his healing ability into a normal human’s body, there would be absolutely no problem, but if they weren’t a human it was very likely something would happen, especially Zerg who would go into heat.

In the next moment, Roris, who should have been asleep, furrowed his brown. His cheeks quickly flushed red. 

Shao Ci froze. His heart skipped a beat. “Huh?!”

This meant that Roris wasn’t actually a human?!

Roris opened his eyes gently. He grabbed Shao Ci’s hand, pulling him down to his side.

Shao Ci quickly began to struggle, but it was completely useless. To Roris, it probably hurt as much as a kitten’s scratches. 

Roris was like a different person. His face was flushed red and his blue eyes were as deep as the ocean. He cupped Shao Ci’s face, dipping his head to give him a furious kiss.

He followed the line of Shao Ci’s neck, nipping gently. When he reached his shirt, he finally reached up to take it off.

To be honest, his actions didn’t seem like someone in heat, but Shao Ci knew very clearly that after a Zerg went into heat they would suppress their reason. If he didn’t seize the opportunity to escape, he would be done for.

Just as the third button of Shao Ci’s shirt was unbuttoned, he finally broke away. He dove off the bed, but Roris hugged him around the waist. Because of his movements, his clothes were completely ripped open. 

They rolled across the ground. Luckily, there was a rug spread across the floor, and Shao Ci wasn’t hurt when he fell.

But what was terrible was that Roris was still hugging him. It was like he was drunk; his movements were sluggish, and his breathing was hot against Shao Ci’s waist. His hands reached straight into Shao Ci’s pants.

Shao Ci blurted, “C-calm down, this isn’t the time to be doing something like that.”

“Oh?” Roris looked up. His voice was low. “Then you’re saying that this is the time for…?” 

Shao Ci was pressed against the carpet and fucked the entire night. At some point, he fainted away. When he woke up the next day, it was already noon.

Shao Ci was sitting on Roris’s lap. His torso was prim and proper, but his lower body was completely bare, and his legs were both exposed.

He bit his lip harshly, afraid to move an inch. If he moved at all, a strong pleasure would jolt through his body, and he would most definitely let out a humiliating noise. 

It seemed like nothing had happened to Roris at all. He pressed a spoonful of congee to Shao Ci’s lips. “Here, this is congee that I made myself… It looks like Mother-in-law and Father-in-law are quite happy.”

Shao Ci opened his mouth with difficulty, swallowing the congee. In these circumstances, he didn’t have any extra energy to think about whether the congee tasted good or not.

Who knew if someone as dignified as His Highness the Crown Prince had exploded the kitchen the first time he went to cook…

“I’m no worse than Edwin.” Roris looked very confident about his cooking skills. He leaned in and said, “It’s delicious, isn’t it?” 

Shao Ci didn’t even know what Roris was talking about. He hurriedly nodded. After what happened yesterday, he felt weak all over, and he could only lay weakly against Roris.

He had dug his own grave. Shao Ci regretted it as soon as he thought about it.

After eating a whole bowl of congee, Shao Ci was ready to collapse. He tugged Roris’s clothes. “Hurry up… and put me down…”

“It’s not time yet.” Roris hugged Shao Ci like he was hugging a child and leaned int close to his ear. “You’ve discovered it, haven’t you? In fact, I’m not a normal human.” 

Shao Ci: “…!” When you’re talking about business, can you not do something like that!

“You know, right? My mother was the empire’s greatest beauty, born from the Heimann family,” Roris said. “But what nobody knows is that she actually liked someone else. Right when they eloped, her lover betrayed her and sent her to the imperial palace. On the road there, she killed herself to retaliate against her family and her lover.”

Shao Ci focused his attention with great difficulty. “Huh…?” Wasn’t this exciting? The original novel clearly said that the empress focused on the emperor single mindedly, so focused that she was crazy.

“Back then, there was a Zerg on the airship.” Roris smiled slightly. “It’s funny, thinking about it. Everyone thought that the Zerg had been chased away ages ago… In fact, long ago, the Zerg had already slipped into the empire.” 

Everyone had thought that General Wiley chased the Zerg queen off. In truth, their flight was an act. In their first year at war with the humans, they had already taken on human appearances and infiltrated into the empire.

Many humans had always looked down on Zerg for their appearances. In reality, their intelligence was no lesser than humanity’s.

And General Wiley never said that he failed to kill the Zerg Queen, so nobody suspected a thing.

“At that time, the Zerg sensed their chance, so the Zerg Queen took on the appearance of the Heimann family’s daughter and entered the imperial palace, arriving at the emperor’s side.” Roris spoke the thrilling news as though he was telling an ordinary story. 

Shao Ci: “?!”

Wait, this info dump is kind of big! Are you fucking saying that the empress has actually always been the Zerg Queen, and for all these years she’s been… with the emperor… He suddenly felt a wave of sympathy for the emperor.

…Then Shao Ci remembered what the empress’s son had done, and suddenly felt that he was even more miserable.

“At first, the Zerg’s goal was to kill the emperor, then turn into him and take advantage of the opportunity to occupy the empire,” Roris said. “But the Zerg Queen fell in love with my father. After all, despite the fact that he’s pretty useless, he has a good-looking shell.” 

Out of the emperor’s two sons, one looked like the empress and one looked like a delicate, beautiful flower, but neither of them looked like the emperor.

Shao Ci was a bit shocked. “…” Hey, isn’t this plot too overdramatic? The horror movie exposition suddenly turned into a palace drama with a love triangle.

“After that, I was born…” Roris said. “I knew ever since I was young that I actually wasn’t human, even if part of the blood running through my veins was human.”

Shao Ci: “….” He didn’t want to think about how a Zerg and a human could have children so casually. 

“The funny thing is, the emperor doesn’t like my mother. Although he didn’t marry a concubine, he has a lover,” Roris said. “I don’t know how that woman is doing now. If she has a child, he must be around the same age as you now…”

Shao Ci’s heart stopped for a moment. He suddenly thought of Pei Shijian, and it affected how lower body. He couldn’t stop his breathing from quickening.

“Xiao Ci, do you know who it is?” Roris leaned to ask. He naturally wouldn’t pass up this opportunity.

If he could say it, Shao Ci would certainly spit it out, but this had to do with the plot, and he couldn’t say a thing. He just shook his head. “I… I don’t know…” 

“You really don’t listen… I just told you everything about me, but you’re hiding something from me.” Roris’s eyes narrowed, and he lowered his head to nip Shao Ci’s neck. “As punishment, I’m going to mark you now.”

“…Wait… C-calm down…”

Though the person who suffered after the mark wouldn’t be him anyways.


Because there was never anyone from the imperial family who stepped out to clarify, the pictures from before spread even further. Public interest boiled over, and a huge number of people were shocked.

Most people didn’t believe that there was anything between the crown prince and Shao Ci. They would rather believe that Shao Ci was sucking up to the crown prince.

The people who were the most shocked were the people in empire’s military institute. The fact that Shao Ci had somehow managed to return to school after being expelled by latching onto Ji Zhaoyun was shocking enough. Later, he somehow managed to grab onto the heir of the Heimann family, Edwin. If it wasn’t for the sake of keeping up their reputations, plenty of people would have gone up to Shao Ci to ask how he did it.

But now Shao Ci had managed to suck up to His Highness the Crown Prince! This guy’s bootlicking skills were expert! 

Some people had a vague understanding that if the news hadn’t been deleted after so long that it couldn’t be simple.

Later, the crown prince finally announced his engagement. He said that he would host an engagement banquet in a few days, and his fiancé was, of course, Shao Ci.

Everyone was flabbergasted. They had no idea what part of Shao Ci drew the crown prince’s attention. Whether it was strength or personality, they didn’t think he was good in any aspect. He couldn’t match up to His Highness the Crown Prince at all.

But the emperor didn’t bother with it at all. He was happy to have Roris marry a beta from a downtrodden noble family. As soon as he thought about how furious the Heimann family would be, he was delighted. 

Besides, the emperor had heard of Amelia’s whereabouts recently. After hearing news about his true love, he had no time left to consider things to do with Roris.

Soon, the internet filled with people beginning to shame Shao Ci. They cursed him for using some kind of despicable methods to seduce the crown prince. There were also people suspecting that he had relied on some sinister tricks to sleep with the crown prince, then forced him to marry him to take responsibility.

After all, the crown prince had such noble character. How could he mess around with someone randomly!?

These people also thought ordinary nobles weren’t worthy of the crown prince. The only people who were worthy of the crown prince couldn’t be someone ordinary; even if they came from an influential clan, they weren’t worthy of him. 

In the end, someone suddenly remembered Prince Latiao who had risen to fame a while back. They said that only someone as amazing as Prince Latiao was worthy of the crown prince.

Although Prince Latiao should be an alpha, technology was so advanced anyways. Two alphas could have their own descendants with the aid of technology.

At first, these words were only brought up as a joke. In the end, most people approved. In moments, the people online began to say that compared Shao Ci, who was as good as a couch potato, they could only accept an expert like Prince Latiao being together with His Highness the Crown Prince.