Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Yu Duanya sat on the carriage and thought back to four years ago, when the Fourth Prince, Zhongli Mingye, hadn't even become king yet, and had come to the Mansion of Duanan King as a guest.

Beneath the crabapple tree, the man smiled indifferently. A pair of thick ink, sword-shaped eyebrows, and phoenix eyes hid the sound of spring water. Inadvertently, warm jade like, unrestrained and unrestrained temperament poured down, his thin lips slightly hooked up, his jade-like hair tied up high in a jade crown.

"Good morning, Princess."

That voice was something that she would never want to forget for the rest of her life. He had been ill for too long, and now that he met such an immortal person, his heart immediately sank.

His eyes were like March snow, clear and soft and warm. When he looked at her, a flash of pity could be seen in his eyes. Inadvertently, it also revealed a sharp light.

What kind of story would Liuzhou be this time around?

She was the only princess of the Mansion of Duanan King and her status was very high. Now that she asked her royal father to go visit her in the Liuzhou, it was likely that the Prince Yu had already received royal father's letter.

The Duan'an King was the only king with a different surname in the Great Xia Dynasty. In his early years of war, he fought for the emperor, making great contributions. In order to recognize Yu Huai's achievements, the emperor had directly bestowed him the title of Duan'an King. In the early days, they were injured in the war, so they only had one daughter.

The emperor had given Yu Huai's daughter the title of princess, but unfortunately, the princess had contracted a disease from his womb. The Duan'an King only had this woman, and had always doted on his. Now that he was over 18 years old, even though he was a delicate and pretty girl, there was an endless stream of people seeking a wife.

"Princess, we're almost at the Liuzhou City!" maidservant opened the curtain of the carriage and replied.

It was already June, but Yu Duanya was still wearing her thick clothes, afraid that there would be a cool breeze.

It was obvious that she could live a comfortable life in the Duke Palaces, but why did she suddenly ask for Liuzhou City?

She could not understand the princess's heart, so she could only serve her wholeheartedly.

Prince Yu was currently reading the letter of Mansion of Duanan King, his eyes revealed a bit of sharpness.

This Duan'an King was too much of a pampered genius. He actually asked him to take good care of Yu Duanya, and hoped that he would marry her.

In exchange, the Mansion of Duanan King would become his support.

Zhongli Mingye stood up, and Qing Feng saw that his face changed. "Your Highness, you …"

"No worries, take good care of him."

When Zhongli Mingye received the letter, the princess was already on her way.

Did Yu Huai want to use his only daughter to pick from amongst the few brothers? What a good plan.

Back then, when Zhongli Chengze had picked the Consort of Prince, the empress had already considered the Yu Family, but Yu Duanya was simply too young, so the Consort of Prince's candidate landed at the Grand Preceptor's estate.

Because of this, Mansion of Duanan King had never regarded the crown prince highly. Now, after seeing Zhongli Mingye become the emperor, did Yu Huai use his daughter as an exchange for power?

In the end, this world belonged to the Zhongli family. With a cold snort, he only turned the letter into ash.

When Xing Jian came in, he found Zhongli Mingye carving a jade pendant. He stole a glance and saw that the pendant was actually the prince's own face.

"My prince, where should we find the princess?"

"You can arrange it!" Zhongli Mingye was wholeheartedly carving and did not care at all about the princess who was about to arrive.

Xing Jian pondered in his heart: I'm making arrangements, not making arrangements.

Seeing the prince's attitude, he decided to arrange a relatively distant courtyard for the princess so that she wouldn't be obstructing his view every day.

Zhongli Mingye raised his head, "Then Micui will follow her."

Xing Jian was even more confused. Letting Micui follow meant that he valued the princess?

She turned around and looked for Micui with a face full of disdain: "When Princess Heeyi was around, did you let me follow along? Did you let me follow Miss Soong when she came to the manor? "

Xing Jian did not understand, "Then is it because the Duke thinks so highly of the princess?"

"Peng," Micui knocked on his head, "You're so stupid!"

"Your Highness only allowed me to follow you because you were wary of the princess." Micui rubbed her chin, and said in a serious tone: "Looks like this princess didn't come with good intentions."

The news about Duanya coming to the Liuzhou City had already spread to the Crown Prince's Palace. Crown Prince Zhongli Chengze was in Shen Yingyun's room listening to a song. When he saw the secret message, he was stunned for a long time.

When your daughter was too young to be a Consort of Prince, did you really choose a Prince Yu? For the past few days, the imperial court had already set a rule regarding the marriage with the Princess of Guzu, and he was unhappy about this matter. Now that his Mansion of Duanan King valued Zhongli Mingye, it made him even more furious.

His Mansion of Duanan King was not comparable to Princess Guzu's. Yu Huai had actual military power! The crown prince's good mood had been disrupted. He had to stop this from happening. Otherwise, the strength of that little brother would be a threat to his position.

"Send someone to the Liuzhou. When the need arises —" The crown prince made a gesture of rubbing his neck.

The next day, Zhongli Mingye carried an exquisite box and went to find Soong Jinyu. As expected, he missed again. The doorman said that she had gone to find Miss Lin Family.

Lin Ziyu was the girl that she met last time at the Queen's Flower Banquet. and also Soong Jinyu's few close friends who had a good impression of him within the Liuzhou.

This time, she got herself an interesting new toy, and especially sent a message asking Soong Jinyu to come and play with her.

"What is it? Just a cricket! " Soong Jinyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This thing, she had been playing with the fighting crickets under her Senior Brothers when they were in the Heaven Gate Mountain. In the young miss' room in Liuzhou City, it had become a novel little toy.

Seeing that she was not in a good mood, Lin Ziyu patiently explained, "This was carefully selected by my brother."

"Your older brother …"

Just as he was talking about her brother, Lin Yijun pushed the door and entered. Jinyu raised her head and saw a tall, handsome young man with clear facial features. Although his skin was dark, it added to his manliness.

"Big brother," Lin Ziyu ran in front of Lin Yijun and said, "This is the Prefectural Governor Soong's daughter!"

After the two of them greeted each other, Lin Yijun saw that Soong Jinyu liked these crickets and directly offered to give her a few.

Lin Ziyu looked at her brother, rolled her eyes, and said: "Then send it to your residence."

Soong Jinyu said: "Don't, it's good to have a look at your home, I can't raise this little thing."

The three of them were busy fighting crickets in the hall. Lin Yijun was an expert at fighting crickets, and the afternoon passed quickly.

Lin Ziyu said that she was tired and wanted Big Brother to send Miss Soong Family back home.

Soong Jinyu felt a little awkward, "There's no need to send me off, it's not that far away …"

Lin Ziyu laughed sinisterly: "That won't do, my brother has a very good kung fu, I let him ride on a horse with you, to give you a ride."

After saying that, he urged his brother to sign the horse.

Lin Yijun smiled bashfully, his face flushed red, and quickly went out.