Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Let me go!" Soong Jinyu felt embarrassed. Please, there was still Zhi Zhou!

Under the gazes of everyone present, she was brought away by Zhongli Mingye and ran into a manor at the outskirts of the city.

Under the apricot tree, the fruits were plentiful. The apricot flowers that were shining with a red hue from the yellow were really lovable. Soong Jinyu really couldn't understand why Yue Yang brought him here, could it be that she wanted to eat them?

Unexpectedly, Zhongli Mingye suddenly picked up a lot of apricots, and held them out to her: "Taste it."

Just to make her eat an apricot? Jinyu picked one up and bit off a mouthful of the juice.

"So sweet …" Seeing her happy eating, Zhongli Mingye laughed: "Last time, the green apricot that Heeyi brought back, was picked by you, right?"

Mentioning this matter, Soong Jinyu felt a little embarrassed, "Back then, it was still a little sour."

"It's so sour that This King did not eat for a whole day!"

He actually really ate it? Soong Jinyu thought that he must have been jealous to the point that her teeth must have turned sour.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Zhongli Mingye looked at her lovingly. "If this king gives you sweet apricot, then you give this king green apricot." It was very similar to their current relationship.

Soong Jinyu had no choice but to bow to him, "This subject has no manners".

Zhongli Mingye suddenly rushed forward and said to her: "What you want, this king can afford!"

Suddenly saying all these, Soong Jinyu was at a loss. What can you offer? What does he know?

"Cough …" He raised his head and looked into his eyes. The image of himself in those eyes was very real.

Ever since she met him, she had always been under his protection. At this moment, Soong Jinyu finally understood that he was already in her heart.

However, although she was certain of her intentions, she also considered that she still had some things on her mind. It was precisely because she had him in her heart at this moment that she could not bring all those things to him.

But, but at this moment, he really wanted to fall in love with his gentleness.

Suddenly, he reached out and plucked an apricot, stuffing it into Zhongli Mingye's mouth. While he was in a daze, he smiled and slipped out.

"I thought of an idiom called 'red apricot out of the wall'." Soong Jinyu raised up a plump red apricot and looked at it in the sunlight.

Zhongli Mingye snatched the apricot and ate it.

"Does that mean you've got this apricot inside my wall?"


She rolled her eyes at him. "That's not what I meant!" Just as he was about to explain, he was interrupted and said, "Just like how your ex-fiancé put on your green hat, right?"

After saying that, he laughed out loud with ill intentions!

"Stop laughing!"

This person was truly lacking in discipline! Soong Jinyu went forward and covered his mouth, her face as red as an apricot tree. Why don't you bring it up?

Zhongli Mingye took the opportunity to pull her into his embrace, and wrapped his arm around her slender waist as he looked at her deeply.

The atmosphere became more and more ambiguous, and just as he was about to kiss her, Soong Jinyu stepped on him fiercely and ran far away!

Damn girl!

The two joked around in the apricot garden, picking many red apricots. Unknowingly, the sky turned dark and Zhongli Mingye and Soong Jinyu parted ways at the Soong Mansion gate. Coincidentally, Yan Fei caught sight of them and a trace of pain flashed across his eyes.

Soong Jinyu invited Yan Fei into the residence, "Is master's health alright?" After all, she had not seen anyone with Tianmen Mountain for several months.

"It's okay, I was just thinking about you!" I miss you too.

He raised his head and smiled, "I'm going back quickly!"

"The Mrs Jinhua has gone." These few words exploded in Soong Jinyu's heart.


How could he be so fast? She felt that the death of Mrs Jinhua was a little strange.

Yan Fei leaned on the doorframe, watching the Youngest Junior Sister grow longer, with some unknown feelings, when he saw the man, he suddenly wanted to tell Youngest Junior Sister.

However, at this moment, he was afraid again. He was afraid that she didn't have him in her heart. The feelings they had for each other were the warmth in his heart, but they weren't the love of her heart.

"Jinyu …" Yan Fei finally opened his mouth and his mind was still in the midst of the shock brought about by the news of Mrs Jinhua's death.

She looked at Yan Fei seriously, "What's wrong, Youngest Senior Brother?"

"No …." No... "What is it?" The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he was unable to say them out loud. Yan Fei closed his eyes, concealing his good mood.

Yan Fei looked at Jinyu, "I'm afraid Ouyang Jinse might not be willing to let this matter rest."

Soong Jinyu also had a headache. When she thought of Ouyang Jinse, she felt tired. She and the Golden Water Palace were really incompatible fire and water. Soong Jinyu simply told Yan Fei about the last time she was kidnapped, and especially mentioned about the burning Golden Water Palace.

Yan Fei was extremely furious, he immediately grabbed his Heaven-flying Chain and was about to find Ouyang Jinse to settle the score, "Don't go!"

Soong Jinyu said in a low voice, "That day, he was almost going to kill herself, so let's just forget about it …"

"I'm afraid that the death of Mrs Jinhua is really related to you." Yan Fei was worried.

Soong Jinyu looked indifferent, "If he wants to kill me, do it."

With the repair of the Golden Water Palace completed, Ouyang Jinse entered the capital to see the crown prince. Leave Ouyang Wei Yi to guard Golden Water Palace. During this day, he had sent many gifts to Song Mansion of Prefectural Governor and Soong Qinzhou had met with the Vice Palace Master of Golden Water Palace.

Soong Jinyu was in the backyard, and although she had not seen Soong Jinyu, her heart was beating wildly. This Vice Palace Master had always been resourceful; the present was called apologies, but in reality, it was only for the safety of Golden Water Palace.

Or perhaps it was to numb him?

At this moment, Soong Jinyu felt a little pressure. Master brought the Sect Master keepsake to him, seemingly explaining the future. Maybe her Tianmen Mountain really met with some danger?

At the Residence of He.

Master He was currently writing a letter to the imperial concubine. Now that he had offended the Prince Yu, he was afraid that he would not be able to continue staying in the Liuzhou.

The Young Madam was locked up while Hee Shuyi was beaten senseless. The entire Hee Family was filled with a sense of desolation. Old master He had never thought that her son and daughter would do such a ridiculous thing.

Was that Miss Soong Mansion someone she could ruin? In order to cling onto the Prince Yu, their sister-in-law had actually done something that would ruin their good name.

Old Master He's hands were full of tears, and so was Madam He.

It was all his fault for blindly admitting the wrong person, stirring up the marriage and marrying a troublemaker back. And because of Prefectural Governor Soong's face, he couldn't give up his wife. He could only rely on the imperial concubine of the imperial harem!