Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Did Yu Zeguo really send troops?" Zhong Li Ming Ye looks cold and stern, "Zhong Li Shuoyi's instruction?"

"Does he know what he's doing?"

When he arrived at the palace, the emperor had already sent troops to surround the whole Chengqin palace. And Zhong Li Shuoyi three straight kneeling at the gate of the hall.

Recalling that he and song Jinyu used to kneel down to plead for love. Zhong Li's heart is cold. Not to mention that there is no evidence to prove that Yu zemou's rebellion has a direct relationship with the prince's house of inheriting relatives,

even if there is, they should not be so tortured. What's more, the youngest son of the royal family is still young. Feng's eyes narrowed slightly,

"there is no need to persuade this matter. Yu is Yu duanya's cousin. I don't believe that he sent out his troops so quickly that I don't know. "

"At present, they can be banned first. The father and the emperor have come back to discuss with the general Cheng."

I thought that the war would be quick, but I didn't expect that Yu Ze would dare to betray the imperial court.

Yu duanya's heart became more and more flustered. She was holding her son in her arms, and her face was pale. At this time, Zhong Li Shuoyi did not live up to the spirit of the past, but comforted her: "my father will be aware of..." However, he himself is not sure about this, because when MINGYE came out just after the clock left, his face was complicated. I'm afraid Yu duanya's life is in danger.

The more unfavorable thing is still to come, Yu Ze originally handed him the letter, unexpectedly was turned over. He was directly charged with the charge of the prince's house.

Zhong Li Shuo Yi is angry. It turns out that one of his side concubines was arranged by the first empress. Looking back on the past, he always thought that the prince was incompetent and the emperor was tired.

After thinking deeply recently, I found that he, the third brother and the fourth brother were just people who tried! Zhongli Mingxi and Zhongli MINGYE have long seen through the emperor's intention and never directly confront the crown prince. Only he thought he was the most talented man among his brothers.

now it seems that he is the most stupid person who loves Shuoyi.

Today, Yu zemou rebelled and led with Yu's army across the Minjiang River and Goulian Yanqiu. The target is directly at half of the great Xia Dynasty.

But he Zhong Li Shuoyi knew that Yu was rebellious and could not report it to the imperial court.

What is the intention?

At this time, the crown prince Zhongli Chengze, in order to completely knock Prince Cheng out of hell, united with court officials to constantly play, demanding the execution of all the Chengqin palace.

Only Zhong Li and Ming Ye gave him a cold look.

fortunately, many neutral ministers in the court pulled the focus of the discussion back to Yu, and the emperor finally ordered. The rest of the front-line encirclement and suppression of the Huben camp and the snow leopard camp were transferred.

And ordered the king of Yanqiu South court to be executed.

It's just that there was an accident at the execution.

The king of Nanyuan was abducted and left Beijing. The court was shocked. However, with Yanqiu attacking Chengzhou in a large scale, only six gates were arranged to follow up.

"It won't kill you, but it won't keep you alive." Song Jinyu never let people down.

Last night, their husband and wife discussed in the secret room all night, "Yanqiu's situation is too stable, so the mother and son can't wait to fight against the Xia Dynasty."

"If the king of Nanyuan returns, will there still be a good play for their mother and son?"

My little princess, calm and wise, behaves perversely, but now this is the most effective way. It's just that the king of the southern courtyard is also an ambitious man, "not afraid of..." Looking at the glass medicine bottle handed over by catkin, Zhong Li Ming Ye smiles,

with a smile on his face, song Jinyu says weakly, "but, what's the problem?"

"No, when did you think of it?"

"Just now!"

"What about this medicine?"

"Originally intended for the prince's highness, but now it's good for the king of the South courtyard." Song Jinyu's face didn't matter. She only hoped that the war would end soon.

If Zhongli MINGYE has thought about it, he takes a deep look at Song Jinyu. It seems that she has already made preparations. Is she afraid of going to the battlefield?

The king of the South courtyard is unwilling to escape from the prison. Now he falls into the hands of Zhongli MINGYE. "I can release you, but this medicine You must eat it

Seeing that he did not answer, "I heard that empress dowager Li killed your eldest son and married your second daughter to a slave."

"Not to mention your little boy who was born a few months ago."

"Young son, you have been saved by the king's men. What should I do? It's up to you! " The sound of Zhongli MINGYE is full of temptation, and it drifts away with the wind.

The king of the South courtyard knew that he would not have life to return to Yanqiu and could not save his young son.

He calmly took the pill and let the snow-white liquid run across his throat. After a moment, he did not notice any abnormality, "Lord, you are not afraid to act like this?" The king of the South courtyard doesn't believe Zhong Li. MINGYE is willing to be subordinated to others. Now he is threatening himself. He is afraid that his plot is not small.

"I don't have to worry about what I want to do."

"King of the South courtyard, if you want to live well, Li's mother and son still need you." Feng Mou shoots out terrible vision, under the plan, who dares to make a mistake?

The king of Nanyuan didn't know what reaction the medicine had until he suddenly fell into a cold sweat and couldn't move. When he sees the strange sound in the mouth of Zhong Li MINGYE, he knows that he must have found the secret medicine."This kind of secret language is more than just my king There are still 500 people in the world who can read it. " The threat in the words, from Zhong Li MINGYE's mouth, makes people shudder.


the king of the South courtyard suddenly thinks of his princess. A man who can't leak water has a weakness.

In this way, now also dare not doubt what, had to set out to return to Yanqiu.

Back in the mansion, song Jinyu was playing with a handkerchief in the Liuyun Pavilion, "look..."

This is Yu duanya's handkerchief. Maybe he felt the crisis, so he asked for help again?

Zhong Li Ming Ye laughs and shakes his head, "this square handkerchief has come to your hand so easily, I'm afraid someone is plotting against you." Yu duanya will ask song Jinyu for help?

"Yes, you are But guess what. "

"some people are too busy..." The couple looked at each other and suddenly laughed. They wanted to go to a place,

Song Jinyu planned to make a plan,

the next morning, they asked Rong Shuanger to go to Ganquan house together. "This place is really elegant." Since Rong Shuanger no longer pursues mingruyi, her mood has been broadened a lot.

"Ming Ruyi is coming back soon!"

Song Jinyu state if unintentionally remind her, "in fact, he is not unintentional to you, is dare not intentionally." Then she told her conjecture to Rong Shuanger, and she was in a better mood.

"I I don't care about him anymore! " Rong Shuanger's eyes flow, looking at Song Jinyu, is really a good woman, no wonder Ming Ruyi is so persistent with her. Even they love it, not to mention that they have experienced many things together.

Strange to say, Ruo Ming Ruo loves other women. Rong Shuanger may not be able to be the same as now. Song Jinyu would be different. Maybe it's because Ming Ruyi has nothing to do with song Jinyu in her whole life.

after all, her side is Prince Yu!

It's just When they were chatting happily,

the door of Yajian was suddenly forced to enter!

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