Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Prince Yu and his wife did something in Liuzhou City, which spread throughout the Xia Dynasty. Everyone praised Prince Yu for his love of the people as a son. Some people saw Princess Su Yi diagnose and treat the disease for the poor people.

It's admirable.

Zhong Li MINGYE personally rushed to Tianmen Mountain to find a doctor. He experienced hardships and dangers. Compared with the prince, he is more generous and benevolent.

Many officials who were originally neutral in the court were also impressed by Zhong Li, Prince of Yu.

The emperor was also very comforted.

Cheng Prince Zhong Li Shuoyi was quite jealous. But Rao was himself. He also had to judge whether he had the courage to stay in Liuzhou city at the risk of infection?

However, when Prince Yu's car arrived at the gate of the city, a very embarrassing scene happened:

the prince arranged for people to block at the gate of the city, forbidding them to enter Beijing.

Zhong Li Ming Ye is playing with the finger in his hand. His face seems to smile. "Orders from his Highness the prince?"

It's interesting!

With a sneer, "I'm going back to Beijing with my princess. Are you sure you want to stop it?"

The city guard official was frightened by his momentum and stammered It's just Routine

Song Jinyu is helpless. Is the prince helpless? At the beginning, he thought that he had a lot of brains to do things. He knew that he would take the doctor away and cut off the back road of Liuzhou city.

Now it seems that I think too much. The prince is still the stupid prince. At present, bullying and insulting Zhong Li Ming Ye is really a real slap in the face of the emperor.

After all, their husband and wife were rewarded by the emperor, and the folk custom was excellent.

However, willow eyebrows slightly wrinkled, is it really so simple? Looking back, he looks at Zhong Li MINGYE. He looks unpredictable and seems to smile.

Did he arrange it himself? Song Jinyu looks at the man around her deeply. She is really black.

I'm afraid it's not so easy!

The city warden did not dare to embarrass them too much. However, he did reach out and lift the curtain of the carriage. The most ugly thing was that there was an imperial doctor coming to see if there was any infection.

As soon as it was spread, the whole dynasty was in an uproar! The emperor was also stunned He was so cruel to his brothers that he was embarrassed by Prince Yu at the gate of the city.

Gas to directly overturn the desk, under the orders of the prince ban foot think. And scolded the Prince: "the shaft is useless!"

For a moment, Chaozhong was very busy. And the East Palace is not peaceful. Zhong Li Chengze sits on the chair in a daze,

"they said it was arranged by this palace?"

"Ha How wonderful He had been robbed of the power of the state prison earlier. Now he is only afraid of causing trouble, so he has to rest in the government. How can he influence the city guarding officials and set up this big play?

For some reason, the "weirdo" has disappeared for many days.

Zhongli Chengze is a little flustered. I'm afraid there will be a bigger storm coming next.

The emperor held a reception banquet for Prince Yu and his wife. Although the prince forbids the future, the crown prince and Princess come.

That's strange. After all, the husband and wife were with each other, but the Crown Princess Chen Mingzhu came, and the emperor could not drive them back. After all, the face of the Fuguo government was still there.


Chen Mingzhu held her stomach and laughed falsely: "my sister-in-law has been married for almost a year. Why hasn't there been any news yet?" Is eating happy, suddenly was called, some are not used to. Zhong Li Ming Ye dotes on him with a smile. "It's not urgent. After all, it's the king's child. It doesn't matter if you come earlier or later."

Hearing this, Chen Mingzhu felt a bit uncomfortable. What did he mean? His hands on his stomach tightened.

It was still calm. "The fourth brother dotes on his wife, but the younger brother and sister should take good care of themselves."

Song Jinyu had no choice but to say, "the crown prince and empress are worried about it. My concubine naturally pays more attention to it and opens branches and leaves for Yu Qin palace as soon as possible."

Chen Mingzhu doesn't want to let her go. Now she can't be spoiled by the crown prince. However, seeing song Jinyu is still brilliant. The most exasperating thing is that there is no concubine in Yu Qin's palace.

"Although you are not in a hurry, after all, several princesses have already had sons, princess. It's better to have a son sooner or later. "

"Otherwise Is "Vomit"

she suddenly covered her mouth and pretended to vomit, but it made people daydream. What Chen Mingzhu said was that Prince Yu had a problem or that song Jinyu could not live?

Just about to stand up and say a few words, but is gently pulled by Zhong Li Ming ye, "the crown princess is deeply loved by the crown prince, and is willing to give birth to the prince's own child as soon as possible."

Looking at Chen Mingzhu like a smile, he took a look at star sword. After a while, Princess Chen Mingzhu was shocked to see that Chen Feng appeared at the gate of the hall, and her shocked chopsticks fell off.

Cheng Prince Zhong Li Shuoyi, after watching the drama for a long time, he can understand, "it's a bit interesting!"

Zhong Li Ming Ye repeatedly stressed that the crown prince should have a son. Now that Chen Mingzhu is so disrespectful, he naturally knows that there must be something unusual about her.

The emperor once again praised Zhong Li, MINGYE and song Jinyu in public, and rewarded many.The prince's face was gloomy

when she went back, song Jinyu was a little depressed. Zhong Li MINGYE took her to the secret room of the study

"As you can see, this is also the king's study!"

"It's no wonder you are often lost. At that time, you were all in the secret room." Song Jinyu looked at the secret room with great interest,

and looked at her earnestly, "Chen Mingzhu's child is not the prince's


Song Jinyu didn't react very much. Their royal family was in a real mess.

Zhong Li Ming Ye laughingly looks at her, "did you already know?"

"No, just now I know that your words are a little strange. If you look at Chen Mingzhu's face, you will know that there is something fishy." As if nothing had happened to her, "but

"How bold she is

"So You have to be more careful Stay in the house. " Zhong Li Ming Ye just finds a way out and locks her in the palace.

Song Jinyu's face was bitter, "are you fair and aboveboard?"

Holding her face, she said with a smile, "I don't want to see my princess!" A few days ago, he sent a letter to seek the king of Zhongzhou to return to Beijing.

Yanqiu was ready to move. Once there was a war, he might go to the battlefield.

Take song Jinyu and hold it in my arms. But his eyes looked far away. "Now, the situation can only be dealt with."

Ming Ruyi is the only royal lineage he can trust, and he is in the capital. Some ghosts and monsters did not dare to attack his idea of Yu Qin Wang's mansion, nor did they dare to insult song Jinyu.

But song Jinyu didn't understand the meaning of his words, so he felt at ease in his familiar and warm arms. Listen to the powerful heartbeat quietly.

What Chen Mingzhu said actually affected her mood.

Yeah, they don't have children yet.

However, she would like to see the woman who looks very similar to Ouyang Jinse. Unfortunately, there was no new news from Zhong Yuanliu.

Song Jinyu tells Zhong Li MINGYE of this matter, "anyway, be more careful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!