Become Prince's Wife By Accident


From the thick stack of notes on the Queen's daily life, song Jinyu always felt that the five years were very important, because during these five years, the emperor and empress became more and more eccentric.

"Gorgeous maids..."

"After the maiden disappeared, the relationship between the emperor and the queen was not good." Looking at Zhongli MINGYE, "this place is worth exploring."

Song Jinyu thought about it for a while, "a gorgeous woman, more than ordinary people, will have some more ideas, especially the maids." It's impossible to be a maid of honor until she is released from the palace at the age of 25.

Missing? I'm afraid the queen has dealt with it. After all, it's easy to be seduced by fame and wealth.


the Queen's eyes are increasingly out of favor. Why not take the maid as a favor and give it to the emperor?

I'm not sure. The maid of honor disagrees. After all, not everyone pursues glory and wealth. "Of course, you want to find out. You and I want to go together."

But he thinks of another possibility.

"Lord, the queen is awake!"

"But people seem to be out of their minds."

They looked at each other and immediately went into the palace.

Although the crown prince Zhongli Chengze is acting in a ridiculous way, the filial son is very good now, and the princess Xianya is also waiting on him. At present, it seems that the father is kind to his son, but his back is full of calculation.

Although the emperor hated the queen, but at the moment, people are stupid and dull, which is also heartbreaking. After all, the love between husband and wife in 30 years is not fake.

However, the Empress Dowager is still kneeling in the ancestral hall. Although the emperor had the intention to harm Ming Ruyi, he could not die at the moment.

If it's too thick, there will be three disadvantages. The emperor is afraid to bear the reputation of killing his mother and injuring his younger brother. "Ye'er, have you made progress?"

"The son minister is investigating thoroughly. Please give me time."

"Chengze, you have time to go to Fuguo mansion..." The implication is to ask the crown prince to take back Chen Mingzhu, otherwise the Royal joke will become more and more serious. The bell is elegant and shivering. Although she has the title of princess, she is still afraid.

The emperor was heartbroken to see it. His granddaughter was treated so slowly.

For a long time,

the prince Zhong Li Chengze had the will, and all the discerning people could see that he was reluctant.

The emperor's face was cold, and he looked at the sons. Each of them didn't worry, "take it back, and immediately ban them for three months."

"As a princess, it's human nature for her to teach her daughter. But if she injures my royal family in the name of teaching, she should be investigated."

"She is responsible for the dereliction of duty of the vicarage."

In the Fukuo mansion, Chen Mingzhu saw the cold faced prince. A pang of pain in her heart, the fist that day like a storm general, hit her body. There is no pity, now it is even colder. I think it's not the prince's wish to take her back to the east palace.

Just as he opened his mouth and wanted to refuse, several old ladies from the East Palace came in to "invite" her.

Chen Jiaci's eyes cast a terrible light. His daughter was originally a noble and charming girl, but now she is so neglected by the prince. "Your Highness, may as well let the little girl recuperate at home, then return to the east palace."

Unfortunately, he's just a courtier. "There is no need for the Duke of the state to worry. There is an imperial doctor in the East Palace, and he will diagnose and treat the crown princess."

Seeing Chen Mingzhu being taken away, Fu Guogong looks at the prince, and his heart cools. I'm afraid that Chen Mingzhu's return this time will be more dangerous. Although she should be punished for "maltreating" Royal descendants, the emperor did not accept this crime. But the prince treated her like this.

It's a foregone conclusion that my daughter is out of favor!

It's really hateful!

"It seems that the emperor tolerated the crown prince more because of the Queen's injury."

"after all, it was his eldest son." When song Jinyu saw Zhong Li today, she only felt that the girl was as tolerant as the first princess.

"the prince has broken with the Fuguo government."

From the perspective of parenthood, no one wants to see their daughter beaten. Zhongye, the Pearl of Zhongye, sighs at her home

"I've been used to it for a long time, but I don't know the height of heaven and earth. It would be better if there were wise elders at home to teach me."

Don't want to mention the wind and rain in the prince's house, Zhong Li MINGYE tells song Jinyu another news about the gorgeous palace girl, "she died of illness soon after she was adopted by her father."

Song Jinyu stopped turning the book and thought, "this is not the reason for her death, after all..."

The queen must be ready to let her show her face in front of the emperor, "ah How good is that? "

"My wife is so smart. How much less fun will she have in the future?" No good gas glared at him, when, but also tease themselves.

Looking at that pair of Jian Shuiqiu Tong, she tried to bully her mind, "you're right. It's because..."


Song Jinyu is silent. The truth about the killing of a maid in court heard from Zhong Li MINGYE really gives her the idea that a palace is a hell on earth. "He is really disgusting." Not only the prince, but also the queen."My father just wanted to canonize the maiden. Unexpectedly, he learned that the maiden died of illness."

"There is no secret in the palace."

Because the palace maid was favored by the emperor, she deeply felt that she might ascend the heaven step by step. As a result, the prince also made her idea. He forced the maids to visit the queen.

Of course, he didn't know that the emperor had just spoiled the maid the night before. At the same time, the queen also found out about it.

Originally, she wanted to use the gorgeous palace girl to strengthen her pet. Unexpectedly, her good son did something worse than an animal. What happened later, Zhong Li Ming Ye didn't say, but song Jinyu understood it too! "There is no one who started the work! How hateful it is

The royal family looks like a beautiful flower group, but in fact, it is covered with lice under the royal clothes.

"Then let people investigate the people who have intercourse with this maid."

"The palace is heavily guarded. It is impossible for ordinary people to murder the royal family."

If he thinks about it, he suddenly looks at Song Jinyu and says, "this is the end of the matter. I will give uncle Huang a clean hand, but you Don't look it up again. "

Seeing her some dissatisfaction, Zhong Li Ming Ye takes her. "It's a big deal. If you're not careful, it's a minefield."

Just when they were still discussing, someone outside came in quickly, "the prince, the princess, the queen is dead!"

The mother of a country, she died suddenly.

Zhong Li, Ming ye and song Jinyu change their formal clothes and go to the palace immediately.

At the moment, deep in the palace, someone is burning paper. "Sister, the one who killed you is dead!"

"Next, it's him!"

Beautiful face across a trace of ruthlessness, autumn wind, the ashes of burning paper dancing with the wind. The little eunuch behind him was resolute and moving.

As soon as I went in, I heard the sound of crying in the palace.

How much real, how fake? The cry of the prince and the princess can't be fake.

The emperor's face was even more ugly. Now that the empress died, the suspicion of Ming Ruyi would be more difficult to clear.

Originally, after the queen woke up, Xu could tell the real murderer. Who knows, she did wake up, but also confused.

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