Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Now I have to ask you."

Rong frost son face full of anxiety, "even if you don't ask me, I will help Ming Ruyi."

"So don't worry." Song Jinyu comforts Rong Shuanger. Once upon a time, Rong shuang'er was so light that he could see the true feelings at this time.

Finally, she waits until Zhong Li MINGYE and proposes to visit Ming Ruyi. "It's no problem for me to be flexible. But... "

"You are not to go! Rongshuanger can go. "


Song Jinyu looks at him helplessly. Mingruyi is not an outsider.

Prison, there are many bloodstains on the wet ground. Ming Ruyi was flogged, and now she is falling on a pile of straw. In the past, the mood is no longer, more sick Jiao.

Rong Shuanger is very distressed, she took a lot of acne medicine. Song Jinyu also gave it to her.

In a hurry, she smears it on mingruyi. Unfortunately, the blood still flows out

Zhong Li Ming Ye looks at the prison head coldly, "Lord, the Emperor I can't help but obey the order of

"It's a final conclusion. You'll punish uncle Huang."

"Tired of living?"

The voice was cold, and it was more cruel in the gloomy cell. "I dare not..."

"You're a smart man, you know what to do? Don't let me see the wound on Uncle Huang again, or... "

"It's hard to save your life!"

Rong Shuanger is staring at mingruyi, who is always laughing at himself wantonly in weekdays. At this time, his whole body is injured.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you met a beautiful man Ming Ruyi is uneasy to be seen by her. She looks back at Zhong Li, and Ming Ye looks back with a pale smile,

"I finished with you a few days ago. It's just that thing. I don't care about it now. If he wants to kill it, he can kill it. "

When the neck is stretched out, it seems to be ready for death. When mingruyi turns around and leaves, rongshuanger suddenly hugs him,

"I don't want you dead!"


Mingruyi is stunned. She I feel tears falling down. I don't know how to react for a moment, but let her cry. After a long time, he said, "you should not like this king." Sighing, I really don't know how to respond to Rong Shuanger's feelings.

"Why not sleep?"

Zhong Li MINGYE approaches the bedroom. The people in the bed are sitting in a daze, as if they are wandering away.

Song Jinyu looked at him seriously: "is the assassination acting?" It is because of the arrangement made by Zhong Li MINGYE himself that he tries every means to keep her. Just for fear of hurting yourself.

"MINGYE, I can't understand."

She was not a weak woman and didn't want to hide behind him. Zhong Li Ming ye took her, "don't worry."

"But to confuse the judgment of the Lord." He lowered his voice, "once something happens to Huang Shu, I can't get rid of this connection."

"If the little prince of Chengqin's house is robbed and killed, he will be led to the king by someone who has a heart." Therefore, he had no choice but to be in danger.

Song Jinyu looked at the wound on her arm carefully and felt very painful. How much pressure does he have to be so cruel to himself?

Hold him, tighter. When song Jinyu can't see, Zhong Li is carrying so much in silence. Never let her know.

But it's not what you want. "I made a lot of poisons a few days ago and put them in different categories."

"This is the Tianmen Mountain has never appeared, so you can rest assured to use it."

"In addition, I want to know the details of the case of Ming Ruyi's assassination of the queen." Zhong Li Ming Ye laughs, "how about reading a script at home?"


Looking at those bright eyes, he understood. Song Jinyu loves him, so he is willing to share his worries. "Good!" Then, Zhong Li reveals the details of the empress's assassination case to her.

Song Jinyu stood up and took the notes and went down to the suspicious place.

"Now the plan is to find out the real culprit."

"The most important thing is to clear the suspicion of mingruyi."

"The empress has been in charge of the central palace for 30 years, and her words and deeds have been recorded." "Lord, have you ever seen it?" If Zhongli MINGYE thinks, "of course I did, but It's nothing more than trivial things like eating and drinking tea

"There are also records of punishing palace people."

She lowered her head and took a serious look at him. "Don't underestimate these trivial things. Maybe there are clues that we don't notice."

"That makes sense. I'll show you tomorrow."

Now, he's going to bed! A pull over her, "love princess, the night is deep, rest it."

Rest, rest, say, rest, she suddenly remembered that night in the villa.

The next day, Zhongli MINGYE comes back early. "Come on! What you want... "

"Instant mention spirit," daily life note, record can be really detailed

"On the 15th of July, the emperor and empress will rise together." Song Jinyu shows Zhong Li MINGYE, "even the days when the emperor and empress lived together are clearly remembered.""Of course! Make sure the royal blood is pure. " However, it is a pity that the emperor and the empress have been sleeping together for only a few days.

Zhong Li MINGYE suddenly smiles and approaches her: "our daily life also has the palace daily life note."

What? Song Jinyu opened her eyes in disbelief. Suddenly she thought of them and turned red again.

"Well, as you think, the record is clear and clear."

Hate to close the "Queen's living notes", decided to destroy the "palace living notes" can not.

As if seeing through her thoughts, Zhong Li embraces her: "you don't want to destroy it, otherwise this king will..." Close to her ear, gently said a few words, song Jinyu's ears red to the root.

This asshole! Color embryo!

"You can't get out of bed every day!" Then he wrote the life notes of the palace into a Book of fragrant words, which will be popular for ever!

I don't care about him and keep reading the daily life notes. "The queen has been more and more irritable in the last five years."

"The frequency of punishing the palace people gradually increased, while the number of visits by the emperor was also relatively reduced, and the number of stay was even less."

It was supposed to be in the Queen's Palace on the first and fifteenth day of every month, but In these five years, the emperor seems to have ignored the ancestral rules.

What's good about being a queen?

Looking at her husband day and night in other places, hard guard in the palace, love gradually old.

Zhongli MINGYE points to a place, "you see, a strange thing happened five years ago."

"In the Queen's palace, a gorgeous maiden suddenly disappeared."

"Here it is!"

"At that time, it caused a lot of trouble. Since then, the emperor and empress began to centrifugal." If Zhongli MINGYE thinks about it, he has some impression on the maiden. He is really a beautiful woman.

But it didn't take long to see people.

"Is it because of this beautiful woman? Is there any concubine in the palace who is comparable to the beauty? " The two looked at each other and were determined to follow up carefully.

"Do you know about the east palace?"

Song Jinyu shook her head, "Zhong Li Xianya moved into the palace, and won the title of Princess Xianya."

"What about Chen Mingzhu?"

"The father didn't let the prince pick him up Now people are still in the Fukuo government. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!