Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Dear My husband... "

The man's heavy breathing became more and more intense.

"You Husband Ah... " She bit her lips and trembled. Song Jinyu clenched her hands and was caressed by Zhong Li Ming Ye's hand. She was entangled until she calmed down. "Princess Ai, you look like your husband It's so sweet Zhongli MINGYE hugs her contentedly, and his hoarse voice is in Song Jinyu's ear. "After that, call my husband every day."


Sleepy, lazy to pay attention to her, the flush has not faded, blink of an eye fell asleep.

Gently tidy up for her, gently embrace the delicate body, the clock from the Ming ye to sleep together.

In the morning, song Jinyu opens her eyes. Zhong Li has already put on his clothes. "Today, I will ask for leave."

"Will the father agree?"

"It is understood that the king has both merits and hardships in the case of silver coupon. What is his objection?" Finish saying, bend down suddenly, Feng Mou contains smile meaning, "really want to be in bed with you like this, stay full all day."

On hearing this, song Jinyu quickly covered the quilt, her eyes shyly dodged, "you hurry to go!" Often they want to rub into each other. After the whole night, he was still in a good mood. He got up early and went to court. He felt sorry for himself. He could not get up.

Curl and looking for Cui are also used to, and so on when the sun goes up, will wake up to eat.

When he came back from the next morning, his eyes were full of joy, "go

Song Jinyu's book was taken away by a hand, "when?"

"Now! Now! Now

Zhongli MINGYE can't wait to take her out of the Yuqin palace with her. After three months, he comes to the mountain villa in the suburbs of Beijing. This time, there are no lotus flowers in the lake, but the crabs are plump.

The steward of Chuang Tzu specially prepared a crab feast,

"the old flower carving drunk crab, the crab meat lion's head, the stone pot crab meat split stewed fish head, the crab meat soup bun, the crab meat stewed cold skin..." Just listening to the name of the dish is very exciting.

Her eyes widened and she felt more funny. Zhong Li Ming Ye gently pushes the crab meat soup bag to song Jinyu, "the doctor says, your body is cold."

"Although the crabs are fat, they should be eaten less."

Song Jinyu's little lost eyes were so lovely that she couldn't help grabbing her pink ears and gently said, "you have to have children."


She's a little at a loss, their child? I have expectations in my heart.

"This soup bag is good. Try it!"

It's not only good, it's delicious in the world! It's so delicious! Eat more happy, this season or eat crab best.

Although the mouth says eat less, but Zhong Li Ming ye still let her taste every dish.

In return, she learns from Zhong Li MINGYE to peel crabs for him. It's a pity Those tools really can't be used, so they just started.

The scene is a bit miserable, but Zhong Li Ming ye still eats crab meat with that catkin. After eating, she kisses the snow-white palm,

Where is the crab.

Her eyes were blazing, as if to melt her away.

Song Jinyu's face flushed. This man is really.

With a crab feast, they strolled in the garden, and suddenly found that there were still many red persimmons on the persimmon tree. Zhong Li flies up to MINGYE and gives it to her.

"This persimmon is specially reserved for winter birds." While eating, song Jinyu said, "we've robbed them of their rations."

"it doesn't matter. The garden is very big." Gently wipe the juice of her lip corner, autumn night, cool wind blowing.

He took off his cloak and wrapped up song Jinyu. "Did we know each other in our last life?" Song Jinyu looked at him with a smile. He was gentle to her and kept it in his heart.

"Whether there is a previous life or not, the next life. All your life, you are my king's! "

Embrace him and say, "well, you're mine too!" My husband, my only love.


There is a cricket sound. Zhong Li Ming Ye catches the cheeriest one that calls, "ah, last year, I went to fight crickets at Lin Ziyu's house."

Suddenly think of that early war girl, eyes dim down, "you have been for her justice, this will, already reincarnation."

"Remember? I saw you and Yu duanya by the river once! " At that time, he began to care about all the women around him.

"Well, I saw you and Lin Yijun, too!"


I was amused by his seriousness and drove away the sadness.

It seems that something has come to mind,

"MINGYE Why are you so attached to me? " She wants to ask, but she often forgets that when she is free, she has to ask her a question.

Zhong Li Ming Ye looks at her deeply, "there is no reason, only I want to and don't want to!"

Is that the answer? Song Jinyu was discontented and hugged her. "I want to be with you. I must be together. No one can stop it“……”

This man, as always, is overbearing and unreasonable.

Suddenly, she laughed, "you are..." It's also true that only with such deep feelings and tyranny can we tie ourselves to our side. Whether we are sad, sad, happy, happy, and the rest of our lives, we are closely related to him.

The next morning,

"then!" Zhongli MINGYE leans on the branch and looks for the biggest apple.

Throw it down,

Song Jinyu takes the cloth bag and goes on below.

"This apple is so big Her eyes were shining, "come down and have a bite." It makes Zhong Li feel uneasy and jumps directly from the tree.

Li Guanshi's son, Xiaoshi ran over and said, "are you a fairy in the sky?" When she was over three years old, song Jinyu bent over with a smile and couldn't help squatting down. "No," my mother said, "you are a fairy in the sky!"

Amused by his words, song Jinyu liked it and handed the apple to Xiaoshi.

"Lord, princess, please forgive me. I'm sorry to disturb you." Afraid of bumping into two expensive burners, Li Guanshi hurriedly takes the pebble away. Seeing that she likes children so much, Zhong Li MINGYE laughs, "we can have one ourselves." Also mentioned, song Jinyu remembered Xiang's words, and Lingyu, the ghost essence of the family.

If they were their children, who would they look like?

The days in Chuang Tzu were plain and happy. In the daytime, they went down to the river to fish, went up to the trees to pick fruit, and dug many sweet potatoes in the field.

they also looked at the cabbages collected in the cellar.

Song Jinyu asked Zhong Li MINGYE to eat the fried silkworm chrysalis. "Don't worry! It's really delicious... "

Looking at her one by one, smiling eyebrows curved. Finally, chopsticks are delicious. Quietly ate up a plate.

"Go, I'll take you to the scorpion!"

"That's poison!" Zhongli MINGYE sees her happily moving away a stone with a fat scorpion in it.

Curled up, motionless.

Song Jinyu's face did not matter, "fried oil, super delicious!"

It's a big tonic!

“……” His princess, eat everything?

In the night,

Zhong limingye pestered her, until song Jinyu cried and begged for mercy. I do not know why, often with her, always out of control and can not stop.

Before going to bed, song Jinyu regretted that he had eaten so many fried scorpions.

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