Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Late at night, the autumn wind is rustling. Li Ziqi fell to the ground, and the white shadow was lying on his sedan chair. You can see it clearly and clearly,

is just fan Renmei!

"Li Lang, you are cruel! Why do you harm me? "

The whimpering voice of the white shadow pierced Li Ziqi's heart. "Harm you? You are too aggressive

"I've done so many things for you and almost lost half of my life. How are you, so cruel?" Fan Renmei's voice was ethereal and unreal,

Li Ziqi smelled a strange fragrance and gradually fell into madness: "ha ha! Who told you to do it? "

"Who asked you to blackmail me with fake banknotes?" Then, Li Ziqi, as if possessed by an evil god, talked about the pickle in the Shangshu mansion and let it go.

Finally, he madly wanted to catch fan Renmei, "I killed you!"

"If you're dead, do you want me to be buried with me?"

Fan Renmei left tears in her eyes. She was a humble actor in his heart.

Repent of the original, his head into his network of love, but also for him to do many wrong things.

They also printed fake silver tickets and gave them cash money in exchange for promotion and wealth.

Originally, they thought they paid so much that they would reciprocate. In the end, it was nothing!

Zhong Li, Ming ye and Jing Zhaoyin come out together. Li Ziqi is not awake from the illusion.

"Take it away!"

Song Jinyu came out, "even though the evidence has been destroyed a lot, now there is the testimony of Mr. Li and the witness of Miss Fan. It is hard to escape the law. "

Gently hugged her, "thanks to Princess Ai, enchanting powder, it really works." Suddenly in her ear dropped a sentence, "do you also give this king under the enchantment powder?"

“…… How could it be? "

"Well Why am I so infatuated with you From knowing song Jinyu to now, there is no other woman in his eyes. What is it?

"Good! I'm not only under the enchantment powder, but also the heartbroken powder Song Jinyu looked at him angrily and said, "go and be busy."

The rest of it is just the end.

The big fish and shrimps in the net should be tracked down. I'm afraid that the government and the public will be in turmoil for a while.

Her lord is busy for some days.

Zhongli MINGYE hugged her and said, "you are really lucky for this king!"

There are many implications in the case of banknotes. All the adult men of the Li family, the Secretary of the Ministry of war, were killed and all the pear orchards were razed.

Fan Renmei is no exception.

"It's not too much to end up like this." Zhong Li MINGYE and song Jinyu talked about this, "fortunately, they can be ghost couple."

Song Jinyu lamented that fan Renmei's personal experience was even more bizarre than the storybook. "It's just a pity for Li Zichao."

She opened her mouth and wanted to ask Li Ziqi about the king of Pingnan that day. But Zhong Li Ming Ye didn't give her this opportunity. "When this happens, I'll take leave."

"In autumn, the fruits on Chuang Tzu are all ripe, and there are the fat crabs." With these words, song Jinyu was so excited that she planned to go on a trip and forgot about the case.

When the prince of Pingnan kneels in front of him yesterday, he asks to be let go, but Zhong Li MINGYE only makes one request.

"The selection of the Secretary of the Ministry of war should be decided as early as possible."

Some words don't need to be clear, the wise people will understand them! Military power is crucial!

The silver bill case not only cleaned up the borers of the imperial court. What's more, he can harvest other things. Looking at Song Jinyu thoughtfully,

she is afraid that he has a clear idea.

After Rong Shuanger heard the news that the pear garden was abandoned, three people gathered at Yu Qin Wang Fu again, "it's a pity, so beautiful people."

He Yi also regretted, "it's really good to sing."

Song Jinyu smiles. Is fan Renmei dead? I'm afraid that she will be rescued. After all, she has many official secrets.

It would be a pity if such a person didn't make good use of it.

Zhong Li MINGYE doesn't need to ask. Ask, know the truth, but also increase trouble.

Many years ago, the Li family and his son met the officials in charge of the Treasury and the printing of silver bills. They had evil intentions. After getting drunk,

stole one of the molds. As like as two peas, Luban found a similar model. One day later, it was sent back.

The officials were timid and pretended not to have happened.

More than a year later, Li's father and son saw that no one knew about it. They printed silver tickets and exchanged them for cash. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, fan Renmei was used to perform opera to clear the source of silver.

Under the emperor's feet, such cases of money fraud occurred. Naturally, the emperor was enraged. For a time, few officials related to the government and the public escaped punishment.

Originally, they made a little fuss, but later li Ziqi became more and more greedy and printed many large denomination banknotes, which attracted the attention of the court.Later, song Jinyu discovered something unusual, so she exposed it.

He Yi was distressed, "in the future, I will never see such a wonderful opera." Rong shuang'er said with a smile, "if there is no fan Renmei, there will be Chen Renmei."

"Actors and famous actors, as long as you work hard, you can still make great progress."

Song Jinyu thought, thinking of those people behind fan Renmei, I'm afraid it is related to the royal family. Otherwise, Li Ziqi, no matter how brave, dare not do it so blatantly.

Sure enough, the depth of the capital is very deep. What's the world like this?

The Queen's hand shook as she heard the news. There was a slight shock on his face, but it soon returned to calm. The emperor has made a final conclusion, and the prince will not be involved in this matter.

So much money, Li Ziqi is not only filial piety to his father.

Ming Ruyi shakes a folding fan and plays chess with Zhong Li MINGYE. "It's hard to imagine that your princess is really smart. It's hard to imagine that such a common thing can make her see something different."

"She has always been careful, but Uncle Huang must keep this secret."

"Why? In the case of silver ticket, Jin Yu has made great contributions and should be praised. " Ming Ruyi knows clearly that he is afraid that Zhong Li has other plans.

Quietly left a son, "this king does not want, she becomes the target of public criticism."

"With Ben Wang, she can live well without praise."

"Tut Tut, you are a maniac who protects his wife. There is nothing in the sky but nothing in the earth." Although there is a lot of bitterness in her heart, Ming Ruyi admits that Zhong Li and MINGYE really love song Jinyu very much,

"how is fan Renmei?"

"Uncle Huang, you break through one by one according to the people in this book. There will be a good harvest

Falling the last word, Zhong Li Ming Ye bowed his hand, "yield!"

Ming Ruyi Leng on the spot, unknowingly, he actually lost?

This is what kind of fairy husband and wife, the plot is closely linked, easy to grasp the whole situation in hand.

Gradually extinguished, for Zhong Li Ming Ye's mind, shaking his head, this nephew is far more complex than he thought. , the fastest update of the webnovel!