Become Prince's Wife By Accident


In Taiji hall, the sound of silk and bamboo is incessant, and the maids shuttle around many dignitaries.

After returning to the palace from the cool terrace, the emperor took a beauty with him. She is very beautiful and beautiful. What's more, she is very thin and full in summer.

Chest that pair of soft, under the cover of the bra, like a pair of jade rabbits, ready to come out. Thin lips are seductive and sexy, eye waves flow, and flattery appears.

Clock from Chengze see eyes straight, this beautiful body if lying under the body, how comfortable?

Unfortunately The man in her is destined to be the emperor.

The beauty's eyes are bright and clear, and the eyes are glued to the emperor. The whole person seems to be soft and boneless. At the scene, the concubine's heart was full of fire.

Only the queen and several concubines can still calm down, while the other several low-level concubines have broken their gums and twisted the handkerchief into twist.

Song Jinyu is also the first time to see such a plump beauty, and the beauty looked at the audience, proud to fly several winks. The emperor seemed to love her so much and coaxed her to sit beside her. The Queen's position was even higher than that of the queen.

for a while, the queen looked ugly, but she was not easy to say anything.

The queen turned her face and saw Prince Yu and Princess Yu. Her eyes are more sinister, especially song Jinyu. Three or four times to destroy their own calculations.

He Guifei also saw song Jinyu, and her apricot eyes shot terrible eyes. It was because of this woman that he family would fall down!

Long a face of national beauty, behavior is shameless. He Guifei doesn't investigate the real cause of his family's downfall. She only blames song Jinyu.

At present, Prince Yu's status as a mother and concubine is higher than her. In front of the emperor, he could speak better than himself. For a moment, she did not dare to move song Jinyu.

Ying Fei said with a smile, "look at this Yu Qin princess. She's very beautiful. Our prince Yu's eyes are glued to her

"Isn't it?"

Qing Fei drank a cup of sour plum soup with a smile. "The emperor talked about this marriage with his sister. It was Prince Yu who asked for it."

"And! Not only once, but three times! " Lian Fei put in a few words at the right time.

"Our emperor has done him a favor. It's just waiting for the first lady of the Song family and the hairpin to get married. " The Qing imperial concubine looks at Song Jinyu. She is really a beautiful woman. No wonder she can make the old cold faced Prince ask for marriage in all kinds of ways.

How many women in Beijing want such a lover, but she song Jinyu is so lucky.

The emperor's eyes were cold and looked at the prince. The rumors of these days have come to his ears. The old teaching was to feed the dog. This son was too much to let him worry. He thought he would be in charge of the country and have some experience. Who expected, but exposed the prince's ambition.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down at the people below.

For the crown prince, he beat Prince Cheng, Prince Yu, Prince Yong, and made an immovable gesture to the court.

I don't want to. The prince is really a failure.

Zhong Li Ming Ye is not interested in seeing song Jinyu sitting beside him. Knowing that she was disturbed by hatred, he gently poured a cup of plum juice, "this sour plum juice, frozen. It's refreshing. Try it... "

Song Jinyu took it, but did not drink it. "I don't have any appetite today..."

"After eating, nothing is wrong. I will take you back." Then she reached for song Jinyu's hair hanging down from her temples to her ears,

looked for delicacies and carefully prepared dishes for her. Several princes sitting around him looked straight.

Ming Ruyi swallowed the wine bitterly.

If song Jinyu is with himself, he is willing to spoil like this. Unfortunately From the beginning, he was late.

The emperor said with a smile, "ye'er, you This... " He wanted to say a few words, Shu Guifei poured wine and offered a toast to the emperor, "my concubine, congratulations on your new beauty."

"Ye Er's marriage is not long, and it's time for the young couple to mix honey and oil."

Everyone laughs at random. Zhong Li doesn't change his face, but song Jinyu is so shy that he wants to find a place to get in.

He Yi looked at her with envy, "sister yu'er, the best!"

Originally thinking of song Jinyu's bad appetite, Zhong Li MINGYE puts several cold dishes in front of her. Sweet and sour taste, just open appetizer.

But song Jinyu didn't eat a bite.

After the dishes were removed, people began to gargle. The beautiful lady beside the emperor stood up and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Good! Teacher, you can dance to cheer everyone up With the permission of the emperor, the teacher, Meiren, jumped onto the drum which had been prepared in the middle of Taiji hall.


Rao is not comfortable with song Jinyu, but she is still attracted by the beauty dance on drum. But a pain in her stomach made her look ugly.

It turns out that the beauty was found in the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that it is an exotic beauty presented by tingran Pavilion. Her mother is Hu Ji. She has been raised in tingran Pavilion since she was born.

Why did Xiao Xueyi send this beauty? Song Jinyu didn't have time to think,

the beauty stepped down from the drum, and the emperor was very happy. "Snow Princess!" was awarded on the spot People were surprised, the Qing imperial concubine a few people hate very much, they all start from the beauty, step by step to the imperial concubine position.The so-called "teacher" immediately became the imperial concubine.

Not only that, the Emperor gave the name "Snow" is to highlight the honor.

Zhong Li MINGYE droops his eyes to see the grape wine shaking in the crystal cup. Feng Mou flashed a trace of calculation, Xiao Xueyi's person is really excellent.

The whole banquet, he Guifei all tasteless. Not only because of song Jinyu, but also because of the newly conferred Xuefei.

Suddenly, she saw everyone's attention focused on Xuefei. Carrying wine, he congratulated the emperor from afar: "I congratulate the emperor on his sister Xuefei."

The Emperor just drank the wine in the cup, and his eyes were muddy. He was lost by the body ditch of Xuefei.

He Guifei's words changed, laughing about the recent rumors that the prince was not feeling well. After a few words, the empress and the crown prince were depressed. "My concubine is also kind-hearted. If the prince's highness is not well. I'll look for a doctor early. After all, it's related to the national system! "

The emperor's eyes were cold. He didn't know what Princess he said. I was going to let the grand doctor show the prince after the banquet.

But There is something wrong with bringing up this matter today.

Then he Guifei's eyes looked at Prince Yu. "I heard that Princess Yu's medical skills were excellent. She not only cured Princess Heyi's fright, but also cured Princess duanya's deficiency."

Guess what Princess he wants to say, Prince Yu is cold on the spot. Her eyes glared at her as if she were looking at a dead man. But song Jinyu was upset by the pain in her stomach, and she didn't want to get involved.

"It's better to..."

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