Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"They got married..."

It's so fast. They didn't know each other until this time last year. Now she has become sister-in-law. Song Jinyu must be very happy.

The man, who was infatuated with when she was young, was obsessed with song Jinyu's eyes.

For the sake of song Jinyu, she did not hesitate to stab her own father, and did not care about any family views.

Yu duanya holds her stomach. The child is about to be born. I've always been good, but today I'm a little noisy.

After a while, the red dates came out again.

The servant girl supported her, "the Lord asked you not to walk around more..."

"It's OK. I've heard people say that it's good for children to walk around more."

The side imperial concubine Lin Shi comes to greet, she comes to pet, once did not put Yu duanya in the eye. It was not until the prince of Chengjun severely reprimanded her that Lin realized that he could not compete with Yu duanya alone.

So, since then, I've behaved a lot. What's more, after Chengjun king was deprived of the throne by the emperor, the atmosphere of the whole palace was very depressed.

Originally, several side concubines and concubines who competed for love had stopped competing for favor in this oppressive atmosphere.

More than the month of the sheriff, he sat down and said, "please be careful when you come here."

"Two days ago, my father-in-law sent some midwives."

Zhong Li Shuoyi is looking forward to the child. Lin's heart is sour. In fact, she has seen through Zhong Li Shuoyi. If it was not for Yu duanya's background, how could she talk about treating each other sincerely?

Especially that day, because of Yu duanya, the prince of Chengjun expelled three concubines in succession. Lin suddenly understood that, in addition to the imperial concubine, the woman in this mansion is actually not human.

"My father came back from the cool platform, and there was a summer feast in the palace."

Yu duanya looked at him with kindness, "I should have been around, but this body It's awkwardness. " With a smile, "it's better to have sister Laurin compensate the Lord."

Zhong Li Shuoyi is glad that she is so sensible, and Lin quickly goes to thank Yu duanya.

After they all went out, Yu duanya was cold. Lonely sitting under the phoenix tree, if that person, must not have wronged song Jinyu.

After all, Prince Yu was willing to peel fish bones for her in public and to offend the only king of different surnames in the Xia Dynasty.

She wryly smile, so long, why just can't let go? Do you think you are unwilling? People are greedy and grasp everything in their hands.

Never get, then the heart of hope.

I haven't seen Zhong Li MINGYE for several days. It's embarrassing to save!

However, this afternoon, song Jinyu woke up. See Zhong Li Ming Ye sitting beside the bed with a smile, "when you sleep, just like a cat."

She was startled and made fun of herself. Hum Lazy to pay attention to him, only the summer was wrapped up.

"People frighten people, they will scare people to death!"

After a few angry words, Zhong Li Ming Ye is a little green now, as if he hasn't slept for a few days.

Sure enough, he yawned softly, "um..."

"Love Princess I haven't slept for days. " Zhongli MINGYE looks at her with a smile in his eyes.

Song Jinyu: I got goose bumps when he said "love Princess".

"Then you don't go to bed soon!"

Run in and scare yourself what to do?

Zhong Li Ming ye had no choice but to say, "my father and Emperor went back to the palace. It was the beginning of summer. The imperial court organized a summer banquet."

He reached for her forehead and said, "let me take the princess to dinner..."

Ah? Going to the palace again?

Ah She said for a long time that the people in the palace are very free What's the point of doing these laborious things.

Just as she is in a trance, Zhongli MINGYE suddenly climbs into bed. "It's still early. Go to bed first..."

Yawning, regardless of song Jinyu's resistance, he went to sleep with his soft body.


Song Jinyu wants to say no, but he can't bear to wake him up because of his calm breath.

So So Had to be held by him, closed eyes rest. His head is in the arms of Zhongli MINGYE, listening to the strong heartbeat. If there is no sandalwood lingering in the tip of his nose.

Let her gradually calm down,

this afternoon nap is a little long.

Curly pinch point, wake up the two people in the deep sleep.

Song Jinyu blushed and got up uneasily. Zhong Li Ming Ye is full of sleep. He lies on the edge of the bed with his arms slightly raised. He glances at Song Jinyu, curling her hair.

The girl blushed and her eyes dodged. But Zhong Li Ming Ye knows that she has her own heart. Otherwise How can you be so good?

That day in the cloud Pavilion, although she had gone to sleep.

However, their relationship has undergone a subtle change. Before the knot, still need time to open. Now that she's married to herself, time is on their side.Zhongli MINGYE gets what he wants, takes her hand and walks along the palace road.

Song Jinyu's heart is full of joy, all because of the clock around him. Even if I don't like the palace, I feel a little relieved now.

Along the way, he met with Lin, the princess of Chengjun. Song Jinyu didn't see Yu duanya. On second thought, Xu was about to be born.

Prince Yong came with Princess soli, and the complicated palace clothes could not cover her stomach.

They were very happy. It was said that Prince Yong and his wife did not agree with each other in the Central Plains of Beijing. But song Jinyu saw that SuoLi had a good life.


Princess soli saw her and said hello warmly. Song Jinyu is her life-saving benefactor, which is closer than her sister.

The two exchanged greetings,

a few days later, they met the prince and his wife. Song Jinyu's eyes suddenly cooled down and her hands trembled slightly.

That's him!

When the prince of the dynasty, he tossed Tianmen Mountain three times and four times, and indirectly killed her master!

The prince Zhongli chengzepi smiles and looks at the three younger brothers with frivolous eyebrows. The princess's face was ugly, and she looked like she was recovering from a serious illness.

It seems to feel song Jinyu's eyes.

Zhong Li Chengze looks at her with aggressive eyes. Since Prince Yu's wedding last month, many people who have met Yu's princess are amazed at her natural beauty.

Now, under full dress, it is really beautiful and beautiful!

Zhongli MINGYE takes song Jinyu's hand and exerts a little force to make her come back to her senses. Then he stepped forward and blocked her behind her. "Your Highness, the prince, runs for the country all day long."

"Today, we must drink more!"

Feng Mou micro MI, although the face with a faint smile, but not to the bottom of the eye.

The prince took back his eyes and said with a smile, "it's all for the father and the Emperor You've just got married. You'd better have a few more drinks today

It is already public that the prince of Chengjun, Zhong lishuoyi, is at odds with the crown prince. Even on the face of Kung Fu, clock from Chengze are lazy to do.

Only from the nostrils, a cold hum left.

Holding back her anger, song Jinyu lowered her eyes. Zhongli MINGYE turns back to hold her and strokes her with his fingers.

Deep eyes, let song Jinyu gradually calm down the anger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!