Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Seeing song Jinyu go to bed early, miancui looks at the star sword with a bitter smile. "Curl, did you call the princess?"

"The Lord is in the Liuyun Pavilion, drunk..."

Curl looked at her in embarrassment, so she had to go in. Unexpectedly, song Jinyu said, "drunk? There are so many servant girls, ladies and girls. "

Turn over coldly.

I don't want to think about him, but I close my eyes. Anyway, it's Zhong Li's face.

Cover your head and turn it back.

She suddenly got up and sighed. I have to go out! Looking for Cui to smile secretly, is really a knife mouth bean curd heart.

All the way to Liuyun Pavilion, but do not want a servant girl is serving the drunken Zhongli MINGYE.

Instant rage!


When the beautiful servant girl saw song Jinyu, she was scared to some extent. "Princess and lady!"

"Since the Lord is waiting on me, I'm not in the way." He stares at the clock and leaves MINGYE.

I left without looking back

Looking for Cui to see that the servant girl is a little strange, make a voice to ask.

"My maid is Biyue. I went to the mansion last month." Although Biyue looks trembling, her face is full of joy, and she doesn't avoid looking for Cui.


"Help the Lord to go back!"

Star sword makes a look, Biyue is taken away quietly. She felt that she was given the opportunity to get close to Zhong Li MINGYE. As planned, she deserved the king's green eyes. Don't want to No one gave her the chance.

Song Jinyu's heart is blocked, but he is worried about Zhong Li Ming Ye.

Just in time, star sword sent him back.

He was given some wake-up wine soup, but he fell asleep all the time. Song Jinyu had to give a needle to relieve his drunkenness. She was both distressed and angry.

Gently wipe the wine stains on the corners of his lips. He was drunk and angry.

She was helpless for the hatred she was carrying. When the light was about to shine, she left. When Zhong Li wakes up, he has a slight headache, but he has no other discomfort.

Starsword comes in to serve him.

"Is the princess up?"

"Listen to curl say, sleep late yesterday, not wake up now."

She's still awake? Sleep late, but because of my concubine's room? Want to ask her the situation, Zhong Li Ming ye can't ask again.

Clearly he was angry with her, but also care about her.

Star sword saw his unhappiness and simply told him. "The princess went to Liuyun Pavilion last night..."

"But You were drunk A pretty maid will change your clothes for you

Zhong Li Ming ye and Feng's eyes are wide open. What's going on? Who is the pretty maid? Why did he not have any impression and looked at starsword suspiciously. "And then The princess was very angry and left! " Looking at his face, starsword lit a fire.

Angry? Doesn't she care? Dare to leave him alone!!!

Zhongli MINGYE can't tell his mood clearly. The next word of Xingjian makes him feel at a loss. "Later The princess took care of you all night. "

So she cares about herself? Just thinking like this, Zhong Li is in a better mood. "Let her sleep!"

"Don't disturb her."

"Yes! If there are those restless people in the palace His Feng Mou congeals, "dispose of Don't disturb her. "

Let go of yesterday's unhappiness. Zhong Li is in a good mood today.

With the sun rising, song Jinyu finally got up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she went out, she was blocked at the door. "Princess and empress, it's always the Royal concubine's duty to wait on the prince to get up. You've just got up three times in the day, but it's the rule of the governor's office of the Song Dynasty?"

A well-dressed old mammy suddenly lay in front of her.

Looking for Cui, Ning Mei reported: "yesterday the queen said your etiquette needs to be adjusted, so she sent mother Zhu."

The old Mammy was full of flesh. Her face was not worried. She was an old man in the palace. She had served many masters.

"Do you know this?"

Song Jinyu ignored the Mammy and asked for meicui. "The Lord is out..."

She looked at the old mother, "Mammy, since she was ordered by the queen, I don't know what to teach this palace?"

Song Jinyu listened to her words just now. Dare to ridicule her tutoring in the Song Dynasty? Ridiculous!

Is the queen so comfortable?

No longer pay attention to that mother Zhu's chatter, the path free curl to serve under wash gargle, with breakfast. Then she went to the yard to exercise, which was her habit in Tianmen Mountain for many years. Always after breakfast, go out and exercise.

Mother Zhu didn't respect her as much as other masters. So He picked up the identity.

Unfortunately, song Jinyu had to wait for her own activities.

Then he looked at her and said, "what do you want to teach?"

"What was wrong with this palace yesterday?"Mother Zhu said coldly, "naturally, it's disrespectful to the queen."

"Presumptuous! Dare to slander the princess "What's the evidence?" she said with a smile There was no threat in the gentle tone. Maicui knows that the softer she is, the more angry she is.

Mother Zhu chattered and tried to suppress song Jinyu from her momentum. But no matter what she said, the other side didn't care.

"First, the marriage of this palace is less than a month. Although the number of times of entering the palace is small, we dare not forget the etiquette."

"Second, do you know what is the crime of slandering the imperial concubine in the name of the queen?"


She smile, bright as flowers, mother Zhu shook her eyes, "I don't believe The queen will say that this palace is disrespectful. "

If you have the ability to say it out, everyone will think that the queen is in trouble for Yu Qin princess. Even if it is a new entrance, etiquette is not good, others also have to wait.

The queen can't wait to send a Mammy to come to teach. I'm afraid it's really a mistake.

Curl sarcastically looking at mother Zhu, said what reason is not good, not whole this.

What a fool!

Mother Zhu murmured, the folds on her face fluttered slightly, but she didn't know what to say for a moment.

No longer pay attention to this stupid Mammy. Do you really think that if you have a good reputation in the palace, do you dare to act recklessly?

If she is a smart person, she will stay in the house. Don't provoke a moth in front of the queen, or

Although song Jinyu was not as tall as other princesses, she was still a first-rate imperial concubine.

It's not a bully who wants to bully.

Meicui almost laughs because of her three reasons. She pours tea for song Jinyu. "Niang Drink some... "

Looking up at her, "people in the palace are really free every day." , the fastest update of the webnovel!