Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Song Jinyu was wearing the Royal concubine's clothes and chanted all the way. "Is it too hot, or am I wearing too much?"

"You are a little dry today," she said with a slight smile

"However, the Lord has told me that I don't need to say any more. If anything happens, just push him."

I'm sorry, but when she was facing the mother of a country, song Jinyu felt that it was boring to be a princess.

This is the third time that song Jinyu has met the queen.

The queen felt her armor and looked at her. "A beauty..." No wonder Prince Yu Zhong Li Ming ye did not want the Qingyuan army, but also wanted her.

But Thinking of Rong Qing'er,

"there are two concubines in the palace of Liuzhou

"Now you are the princess of Yu Qin's palace. Pick them up and go to Beijing together."

Song Jinyu was at a loss. How could the Queen's mind care so much about Prince Yu's house. Rao thought so, but his mouth was honest and honest: "this is the king's house affairs, it's up to him." Originally, why does she want to go to Guan Zhong Li's concubine room.

The queen was dissatisfied with her reply, "you are weak. You can't serve ye'er for a while."

"Why don't you ask them to wait on them first and give birth to a baby in your name." what? Song Jinyu sneered that the queen was really abnormal.

"If there is any difficulty, we can find the daughter of the Minister of the court to give it to me again."

looking at the newly married Princess Yuqin, I have heard that Zhong Li MINGYE dotes on her. Song Jinyu was not wronged at all. Now He gave his concubine room, mixed up the Yu Qin Wang Fu.

"Then the empress has taken great pains If the Lord agrees, the minister and daughter-in-law have no objection. "

I'm only married for half a month, and the Queen's wife is the first to come to Tiandu. Song Jinyu's heart cooled. The queen is also the mother of the prince.

the prince has never had a legitimate son. Now Prince Yong, the princess of Chengjun, is about to give birth to lin'er. The empress was afraid that she was in a hurry. Thinking of this, song Jinyu gave a gentle smile, "Niang..."

"The minister and daughter-in-law just married soon, Yu Qin Wang's house has always only listened to the Lord." Yes, no matter what the queen said, she gave it to Zhong Li MINGYE. Moreover, she had just married, and the queen would not give her concubine's room, otherwise her relatives would mock the queen.

Shu Guifei got the news, and her face turned black. She calmed down. "Where's the emperor?"

"Back to your mother, the emperor has gone to the cool terrace today." "You go outside the Queen's palace and wait. If the eunuch in the palace asks you, you will say," this palace has got Jiangnan Silk, and you will give it to Princess Yu. "

After nearly half an hour in the Queen's palace. Song Jinyu got a lot of rewards, but nothing else. There was a little strange fragrance in the things that the queen sent.

If it's someone else, you can't smell it. But song Jinyu is from Tianmen Mountain. She has heard the fragrance of Miluo flowers.

Sexual aversion to cold, hurt female body.

In ancient times, prostitutes often used to smoke clothes and bedding to prevent contraception.

How could the queen have this "good thing"? Song Jinyu shakes her head and makes her take it far away.

Shu Guifei looked left and right. Song Jinyu didn't change her face. She didn't say anything more. She only asked the maid to take a lot of jewelry.

"If you have nothing to do, you will stay in the palace Well... "

"There are many tricks in this palace. You Be careful with Ye. " Shu Guifei told her, just like an ordinary mother. Song Jinyu was moved, "OK Mother and concubine. "

Shu Guifei teased her, "it's longer and more beautiful. No wonder ye'er is reluctant to go back to the capital. " This is the complaint that Zhong Li didn't come back for the Spring Festival. Song Jinyu blushed and twisted her handkerchief. "My wife The Lord is thinking about you... "

"Good boy, try not to enter the palace in the future."

She really likes song Jinyu and is worried that she will face a complicated situation when she becomes a pro princess. If you can't cope with it, it's your son who is in trouble.


concubine Shu also believes that this girl can make Zhong Li MINGYE marry in all kinds of ways, which must have something special.

Accompanied by the imperial concubine Shu for lunch, song Jinyu took a rest in the side hall, and then went out of the palace. After leaving the palace, he saw the carriage waiting for him.

Song Jinyu goes over and sees Zhong Li and MINGYE waiting for her. "Father in law an said," the queen has given you many treasures? "


He didn't want to let him know, so he had to take the jewelry to Zhong Li MINGYE.

"What's the problem?"

Sighed, "sex cold, hurt female body, lifelong no pregnancy." The clock leaves Ming Ye suddenly black face, empress this is looking at the prince still has no legitimate son, and anxious? I dare to count on myself.

"What else did you say?"

Looking at him, song Jinyu didn't know whether to say it or not, and hesitated. Can Zhong Li Ming Ye wait for her, "she said I took Liuzhou two concubines room back to Beijing."

In the heart inexplicably some block flustered, did not speak again for a time. "What do you think?""What do you think?" Don't understand the meaning of Zhong Li MINGYE,

"take those two concubines back to Beijing."

Song Jinyu didn't have a good way: "how do I know? If you want to receive it, you can take it. It has nothing to do with me. "

"Say it again! Which man in your royal family doesn't have three wives and four concubines. " Although the words are right and strong, song Jinyu's eyes are not right.

Inexplicably want to get angry, the natural tone is a little blunt.


Good what? Song Jinyu was cold, "just a little, don't hang around in front of me..."

"Ah..." Zhong Li Ming Ye looked at her seriously, "you don't care about this king, so why do you care about this king's concubine room?"

"I didn't care!"

The more said the more angry, simply cold face ignored him. Song Jinyu pondered over the past and the future. The palace was complicated, and it must be far away in the future.

If he dares to take it back, don't blame yourself for being rude.

But What's your position on him like that?

Back in the house, they parted unhappily. Looking for Cui to see that their atmosphere is stiff, a little embarrassed, "dinner is almost ready, these two people..."

Sure enough, song Jinyu let curl back a sentence: "eat too much lunch, do not want to eat!"

Zhong Li Ming Ye's face is black and he can't eat it immediately. But He didn't want to go to song Jinyu either.

these days, two people tortured each other. All this started from that day when song Jinyu aimed at him with an arrow!

He was a little tired in the night.

For a long time, it is Zhong Li Ming ye who chases song Jinyu. Even if he is hurt, he will immediately put down his mind and coax her.

But today, he didn't want to.

The wine pot in the hand is empty, and then it is thrown into the lake, which arouses a spray. In the silent night, it seems so abrupt.

It's like his mood.

She said, "if you want to take it, you take it. It has nothing to do with me. "

Yeah, what does it have to do with her? This is his own monologue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!