Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Once she gave up her position as the leader of Tianmen Mountain, it meant that song Jinyu chose to be the imperial concubine. Ouyang Jinse hates himself very much. He only thinks that he has been troubled. But Zhong Li Ming Ye knows that she would not be the leader without Ouyang Jinse.

I'm afraid it's something else.

Is it revenge? Du Zhouli is dead. Who is she going to kill?

As expected, in her eyes, Yanfei is really very important.

"Since the Lord of Ouyang palace has mentioned my identity, Tianmen Mountain has seldom been associated with the imperial court since ancient times. In order to avoid suspicion... "

"From today on, I will abdicate and leave Tianmen Mountain."

"No In history books, don't remember Tianmen directory. " She slowly closed her beautiful eyes and then opened them again, "since then There is no longer any place for me, song Jinyu, in Tianmen Mountain. " The words are full of sadness, which makes people feel pity.

His thin body shakes for a moment without trace. Looking in the heart of Zhongli MINGYE, he is extremely distressed. The young girl he cared for with all his heart, how brave he should be today to give up the supreme power of the leader of the No.1 sect in the world.

She looked up at the top of the hall. After a brief disturbance, the crowd gradually quieted down. No one could guess what the new head of the young girl was thinking.

In order to keep up with the royal family, did you give up being the leader of Tianmen Mountain? There is another secret. Wensrong and Lin Wan know that there is a huge energy hidden in her slender body. Her character is like her name. Huaijin holds Yu. How can you be humbled by power and status.

All this seems to be abrupt, but in fact, it has already been planned by her. Whether he stepped on the mountain with blood or executed Du Zhouli and others, he abdicated to this day.

Step by step, song Jinyu cleared the way for Wen Sirong and took the power of Tianmen Mountain back to the leader. What she had to do gradually became clear. First, she kept the lintel of Tianmen Mountain for master, and then stabilized the overall situation. And then there's revenge.

Although she died of the death of Miao Yunshen and Yanfei, she was in agony. But song Jinyu, who has been taught by Miao Yunshen for many years, will hide this sadness.

From then on, there was no "little 11" in Tianmen Mountain. She picked up Yan Fei's spiritual throne and looked back at the high headmaster's throne. Alone, no nostalgia left

"Little sister!"

Winslet called her sadly, afraid that this departure would be a farewell. The girl stopped and looked at him gently. Winslet remembered clearly that there was hope and expectation in his eyes. Many years later, whenever he recalled this moment, he would feel moved by this look.

Some inexplicable emotions come to her mind. Zhong Li MINGYE follows her without any hesitation. She does not let song Jinyu feel oppressed, but also let her know that he has been there all the time.

In the early spring of this year, the cold in the last spring was severe. There was a spring snow in the sky. The snowflake was not big, and it melted on the ground. Song Jinyu walked down the 999 jade steps, stretched out her delicate hands, picked up a thin and transparent snowflake, and quietly watched the snowflake melt.

The broad robe covered the body, slightly shaking. She counted the 999 steps, knowing that she would never come back for the rest of her life.

1、 Two, three, four, five 99


Song Jinyu couldn't help it any longer. She vomited a mouthful of blood and fell straight down. She was about to roll down the steps. The clock flies to MINGYE and takes over her soft body.

The blood drops fell on the jade steps and flowed down with snow water Zhong Li Ming Ye's face is livid. The girl in his arms closes her eyes as if she had no voice.

Qingfeng set a carriage, behind Cheng song and curl came.

Zhong Li Ming Ye bowed his head and kissed her, "I'll take you home!" Even in a coma, song Jinyu's hand still clung to the magic card.

In the palace, when the emperor got the news of Miao Yunshen's death, he felt very sad. He has known Miao Yunshen for more than 20 years. Fortunately, he is cautious and never does anything out of the ordinary. The Emperor allowed Tianmen Mountain to be the only one.

But At present, as the situation in the DPRK is more turbulent, the forces of the rivers and lakes are infiltrating in. The emperor had to defend himself,

"leader Miao died, and the new leader was his eldest disciple Wen Sirong."

Duke Li guessed the emperor's mind and chose words for him. "The new leader is young and stable. I heard that... "

"I was the actual leader of Tianmen Mountain for a long time."

If the emperor thought, "if a person of duty, good."

"Your Majesty, I have a message." "Prince Yu's future Princess once studied medicine and recuperated in Tianmen Mountain."

"Oh? There is such a thing... "

The emperor said with a smile: "it's just a girl. How can such a big Tianmen Mountain value her?" However, he is still suspicious. Zhong Li Ming Ye asks for marriage three times, but for the Tianmen Mountain behind song Jinyu?

Just when he suspected, Shu Guifei suddenly came. He sent a new stewed tonic, "emperor, this is the special purple ginseng of Liuzhou sent by ye'er a few days ago. It's really precious and rare.""Try it..." As soon as Shu Guifei interrupted the emperor's thinking, she took Shu Guifei's hand and ate a bowl of porridge. "On the third day of the next month, ye'er will be married..." She was full of joy, like a girl twenty years ago. The emperor saw her face still good, and joked: "how long has it been, you have to be a mother-in-law!"

"I feel that no matter how long, I look forward to the health of my husband and my son and grandchildren The gentle tone made the emperor iron in his heart. Shu Guifei took him as a husband, although some of them were tyrannical, she said little.

The emperor held her hand and said softly, "we ye'er will not have to go back to Liuzhou city after he is married."

"It's just in Beijing, and I'll see them at any time."

Shu Guifei saw him happy, said two more words, the emperor's doubts were relieved. "Emperor, my concubine felt that this life was very successful because I married you. It is the most beautiful thing in the world to marry someone you love. " Princess Shu is a little embarrassed, but she has to coax the emperor in order to make Zhongli MINGYE's marriage smooth.

Yes, let's go. The emperor was very happy in his heart, and he also watched Zhong Li Ming ye have a deep love for songjinyu. Now, under the marriage, it is a combination of heaven and nature.

More and more proud, he called up Shu Guifei this night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!