Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Tianmen Mountain will be closed from now on. No one is allowed to enter or go out for three years. "

"If you disobey, kill..."

Girl's voice, as always clear, but no feelings.

She suddenly looked at Lin Wan, "the future master of Tianmen Mountain can only be chosen by the leader himself."

Sarcastic smile, can if Chunhua, "if anyone dares to intervene in this matter, kill!"

When song Jinyu thought of her master's fate, she felt a little heartache. "Tianmen Mountain will recruit teenagers and girls over the age of ten in the great Xia Dynasty and train them to become talents by apprenticeship. He also collected tuition fees and set up a famous medical hall for the common people of the Xia Dynasty. It is used by famous doctors to save the world and the people. "

"After that, man will no longer be the master of poison."

"Abolish the kneeling ceremony of three kneeling and nine kowtows!" Since then, Tianmen Mountain has abolished the only etiquette in the past 100 years that can be compared with that of the current emperor.

The ninth five is unique. The special honor left by the ancestors is sometimes a kind of talisman that falls down at any time.

"The thatched cottages all over the country belong to the imperial court. Under the unified jurisdiction of the court... "

After a word came down, people were shocked. If Tianmen Mountain gives 50% of the thatched cottage to the imperial court, it will cut off its lifeline!

Each hall leader talked about it one after another, and his face was unnatural. Unfortunately, song Jinyu didn't give them any chance, because Zhong Li MINGYE said, "I represent the imperial court, and I feel the sincerity of the leader of Song Dynasty. I will report it to my father. Your majesty will be very happy if you get this news! "

Now that the matter has come, the hall leaders have no complaints.

No matter how powerful they are, they are just ants in front of absolute imperial power.

However, there were still several bold hall leaders who raised objections. Unexpectedly, Prince Yu's words completely blocked them: "I represent the imperial court, only recognize the leader of the Song Dynasty. What she said is what the king meant

On hearing this, Ouyang Jinse's Fox eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Song Jinyu with a complicated look.

Does she know what she's doing?

This is the name of the first sect in the world in Tianmen Mountain!

Lin Wan knew that Miao Yunshen had been tired of the intervention of the Presbyterian again and again, and the new leader would not let them dictate.

Song Jinyu's arrangement for Lin Wan still looks at the past affection. "Auntie Herbal hall is still yours I'll just live for the rest of my life.

”To live a happy life? Lin Wan grinned bitterly. Where could she live in peace.

Moving her wrist, song Jinyu was tired. After all, the huge trigger is really inappropriate. Although she has the authority and momentum of the leader, she is still a girl who has just reached the hairpin.

Just as she wanted to say something, Ouyang Jinse suddenly said, "it's interesting. The leader of Song Dynasty is the first female leader of Tianmen Mountain."

He remembered that he had been humiliated by her and Zhongli MINGYE the day before yesterday, so he couldn't swallow it. Now Song Jinyu has become the leader of Tianmen Mountain. Zhong Li has to say whether he can marry her. He wanted to take this opportunity to disgust them.

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the hall whispered. "Yes, you are so young and have the ability to connect with the heaven. Ah!"

"The future of Tianmen Mountain is really It's immeasurable. "

Song Jinyu looked at Ouyang Jinse as if nothing had happened. There was no temperature in her eyes. She burst into a strange laugh, "Ouyang palace master, what do you want to say?"

"I think Tianmen Mountain is a great power. Now Since you are the leader, you can't be a princess again

"After all, there is no royal concubine in the world who can be the master of a sect." He was elated and resentful.

I can't tell what mentality I am. Maybe I can't get it, and I don't want to help others.

Zhong Li Ming Ye's eyes are frozen, and his whole body is cold. Qingfeng comes forward and resists with his sword: "wanton! Can you talk about Yu Qin princess

Song Jinyu looked coldly at the scene below. She laughed and said in a loud voice, "Lord Ouyang, are you full of breakfast today?"

Some people can not feel the head, "breakfast seems to eat a lot, otherwise how do you have so much leisure?" The implication is to ridicule Ouyang Jinse, who is fed up and meddling.

Zhongli MINGYE wants to laugh, but she is the only one who chokes to death.

Ouyang Jinse:

"Is it not the truth that this palace says?" He was even more angry, song Jinyu even scolded himself in public. "If Princess Yu becomes the master of Tianmen Mountain, then Tianmen Mountain will belong to Prince Yu's family!" Song Jinyu looks at Cheng song and takes advantage of Ouyang Jinse's complacency to wipe his scalp and cut off his bun.

"You..." Ouyang Jinse wants to start, but Qingfeng's sword is handed over an inch. "Ouyang palace master, you are too presumptuous! Who is so superior and inferior, but who is it? "

"Tianmen Mountain will not belong to anyone."

Song Jinyu stops the farce on the spot. Zhong Li MINGYE looks at her deeply, and his heart is torn up. Although Ouyang Jinse is not in tune, what he said is serious."Si Rong, you come..."

Winslet came out in response.

"Once upon a time, my master always said that you were loyal and courageous, and you were courageous. The most important thing is... "

Song Jinyu chuckled in a low voice. She immediately raised her head and looked at him sincerely with her eyes

Wensrong looked at her deeply. This little younger martial sister has always been the palm pearl of master and many martial brothers. After this incident, there was a lot of wind and frost between the eyebrows and eyes, and there was a faint sadness.

Song Jinyu motioned to him to kneel down in front of him, "the trigger is too heavy for me..." She personally put on the simple black jade ring for Winston. But Wen Sirong looked at her helplessly. That day, song Jinyu said, "this prosperous age is as you wish..."

Is that what I mean?

People are surprised to see the new leader, unexpectedly because of Ouyang Jinse's words, there is a great intention to give up the position of the leader.

Suddenly, he took off the jade plate on his head. Three thousand pieces of green silk poured down on the robe with blue ink inlaid with gold.

Her eyes and eyebrows became more and more delicate, and her 15-year-old girl's face was gorgeous. If we say that before the temperament contains the ignorance of the world, now there are more cold and proud Tsinghua.

She does not have a trace of emotional fluctuations for wensling's hair. And she couldn't see any concern for this right.

Seeing her action, Ouyang Jinse has some regrets

She stood up when the flowing clouds and flowing water finished the hair for Winslet. Leaving the headmaster's throne, "the Lord of Ouyang palace is right. I'm not suitable for the position of headmaster."

"Winslet obeys From now on, you will be the leader of Tianmen. We should uphold the will of our ancestors and inherit the future of Tianmen. " As jade as pearls, words as pearls,

the voice just fell, people were shocked. This reversal is too fast! After only two hours, she abdicated again.

Zhong Li MINGYE looks at Song Jinyu. He is puzzled, but after a long time, he gradually realizes that he is afraid that song Jinyu is determined to die and just wants to revenge.

Ouyang Jinse can't believe what happened in front of him. He just wants to disgust them by saying those words. Ouyang Jinse knows that song Jinyu is the leader of Tianmen Mountain, and Zhong Li MINGYE can't marry her again. Zhong Li's royal family will not tolerate this.

Now, with her own words, song Jinyu gives way directly!!!

Lin Wan thought of what song Jinyu said to her yesterday: "I knew that the real murderer of master's death was not only Du Zhouli, but also who Yanfei was killed. But right now, I have to look at the big picture. "

"Auntie, please be on the ceremony tomorrow..." Song Jinyu let Lin Wan get away with the reason that Princess Yu could not be the leader of Tianmen Mountain.

She said, "revenge We can't drag down Tianmen Mountain... "

But before Lin Wan opens his mouth, Ouyang Jinse even mentions this matter first. Well, if he said that, the effect would be better.

Wensrong knelt down to receive the token of the leader of Tianmen Mountain and Three tokens. Song Jinyu entrusted all her wealth to herself.

Recalling what she said to herself last night, "elder martial brother, I have nothing else to ask for in my life. I only want revenge for master and Yanfei."

"Tianmen Mountain is in danger. Only a broken arm can survive. I ask you to follow master's instructions and carry forward Tianmen Mountain! "

Younger martial sister She gave up everything she could get. Winslet looked complicated and sad.

But other brothers who had made friends with him were happy to see it, because Winslet had been trusted by all over Tianmen Mountain in the past few years. Be fair and competent.

This is song Jinyu's reward for not betraying Wen. In such a situation, wensrong sticks to the bottom line and refuses to join the fraternity.

To this day And never let go of that stubborn pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!