Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 594: The villain died of talking too much, but he still talking too much

Zangmen is at most similar to the six big caves behind them, and it may even be far inferior to them. It\'s just a small sect from another place.

Although it is not clear how the Tibetan gate rushed ahead of them and collected these good seedlings into the gate.

But is this important? Just a small sect, their six great caves are not waiting in their eyes.

Although the income is hopeless, these few are people who have not eaten the holy fruit for long, and they themselves are a huge amount of wealth.

Everyone only had a few conversations in secret, and they had already made a decision, ready to make a choice for the fate of Ye Fan\'s four.

"Haha, Zangmen, a pretty good sect.

Since you and I have no relationship with the six caves, I wish you a smooth path to practice. "

The old woman who spoke first said again, the tone was completely blessing, and she couldn\'t hear any bad thoughts at all.

Ye Fan\'s heart was relieved when the four of them heard what the old woman said.

Fortunately, it turned out to be a good death.

The four of them sighed in their hearts, and then they quickly spoke:

"Thank you seniors for your blessings, and I wish you all your wishes come true."

As everyone\'s voice fell, the elders of the Six Great Caves gave Ye Fan a deep look at the four of them.

However, they didn\'t open their mouths to say anything, but directly explained to the disciples behind them:

"Well, now that the matter has been resolved, then we will also go back."


As the voice fell, flying rainbows rose out of thin air, and flew away with Ye Fan\'s classmates who had already worshipped into the cave.

"Hey, wait, take us away too!"

With the appearance of Feihong, Pang Bo shouted loudly.

It\'s a pity that everyone in the Six Great Caves didn\'t hear it, and disappeared into the eyes of Ye Fan and others in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, they didn\'t say to take us out of this ghost place. Master and the others didn\'t come. What should we do next?"

The call was not answered, Pang Bo helplessly asked several people.

Li Xiaoman looked at Pang Bo helplessly, and then responded:

"Pangbo, we are already offending them, how could they help us?

If they didn\'t take action against us, they were already broad-minded. "

Ye Fan also hammered Pangbo\'s shoulder and said:

"Yes, you can grow up a bit, don\'t just grow muscles."

Hearing what Ye Fan and Li Xiaoman said, Pang Bo rolled his eyes helplessly, and then said:

"Thank you, my fault, my fault, this picture of you husband and wife is really nostalgic."

Upon hearing this, Ye Fan directly punched Pang Bo.

"Funny, whoever sings and sings as well as his wife."

Zhou Yi on the side looked at the two who were fighting, and smiled helplessly:

"Okay, don\'t say so much, let\'s quickly discuss and discuss where to go next."

"Discuss? No need to discuss, you can\'t go anywhere next!"

Zhou Yi\'s words did not get any answer from Ye Fan, Pang Bo, or Li Xiaoman, but got a response from a cold voice.

Hearing this cold voice, the chills of the four of them stood up instantly.

At the same time, their bodies shuddered uncontrollably.

Because along with that voice, there was also a strong killing intent.

They have not experienced the life and death crisis. The time the Crocodile Ancestor played with them is not counted, or they have also encountered it in the deserted ancient forbidden land.

However, this was the first time they felt this terrifying killing intent.

Suddenly, the brains of the four of them couldn\'t react to what else to do next.

Fortunately, the person who spoke seemed to want the four of Ye Fan to understand a little bit, and did not immediately solve the four of them.

Otherwise, based on the current transformation of the four Ye Fans, killing them is not much more difficult than killing chickens.

As the rays of light disappeared, several figures appeared directly in front of Ye Fan.

These people are not bystanders, but the elders of the Six Great Caves who have just left.

Looking at the silhouettes of several elders, Ye Fan\'s four also came back to their senses.

Somewhat puzzled and fearful, the four-man Zhanzhan opened his mouth and asked the elders of the six big caves:

"Several seniors, I don\'t know what you want to do when you come back?"

Hearing the questions of the four, the faces of several elders in the Six Great Caves all showed a sneer.

Looking at the four of Ye Fan, an old woman slowly said:

"What are we doing? Don\'t you already know what we are going to do?"

Hearing the old woman\'s answer, Ye Fan\'s four faces showed bitter smiles.

They never expected that the hypocritical faces of these people just now were actually paralyzing them.

No, it shouldn\'t be said to be paralyzing them, after all, the four of them have no way to threaten these cave elders.

The reason why they showed a hypocritical face at first is probably just to maintain a noble image in front of their disciples.

In an instant, you can also buy off the admiration and heartfelt hearts of their classmates.

In fact, this matter is indeed the same as Ye Fan\'s four guessed.

But unfortunately, even if they guess right, there is no reward.

What they should face, they still have to face it.

But Ye Fan and the four were unwilling to lead their necks to the slaughter, and they did not want to give up.

After the old woman\'s voice fell, Ye Fan asked bitterly:

"Why, can you tell me why we have to kill us? Is it because we offended you unintentionally?"

There was no respect in Ye Fan\'s tone, after all, no one would respect someone who would kill him.

However, the elders of the Six Great Caves didn\'t care about this either, and they cared about a dying person. They didn\'t think so.

Even, facing Ye Fan\'s question, they happily gave an answer.

"If only you offend us, we will at best teach you a lesson, and will not take your lives.

But the reason is not only that, the value in you is really too great.

Because the absorption of the medicinal effect takes a period of time, this has caused you who have just eaten the holy fruit to be a great medicine.

With your blood, you can refine a large number of excellent medicines.

To blame, blame you for eating the holy fruit. "

Hearing Liu Dadongtian\'s answer, Ye Fan\'s faces showed an unbelievable expression.

The reason for killing them was to use them to practice medicine?

This kind of answer really makes them shudder.

What is the difference between this approach and cannibalism?

"Don\'t you be afraid that our sect will seek revenge from you in the future?"

Zhou Yi threatened with some angrily.