Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 593: Murder

As for Li Ling and the others, they didn\'t take Ye Fan to heart.

The ancient eucharist is certainly famous, but it was only in the ancient period.

For so many years, no lonely ancient Eucharist can break the curse and resume the path of practice. What use is this Ye Fan, even if his slogans are louder?

They don\'t believe that a mere Ye Fan can reopen the glory of the Eucharist.

Therefore, they did not say much about Ye Fan\'s words, but directly said to the others:

"Since it has been determined that your talents are good and your life experience is innocent, then we will take the lead and wait for you to enter the sky."

"Yes, but you can\'t all join a cave. Of course, you don\'t have to worry about not seeing each other in the future.

We are in the same spirit in the six caves, and there are still many opportunities for you to meet in the future. "

"Let\'s do this, whoever is called by our six great caves will stand behind us.

From then on, you are the descendants of our major caves, and when the trials of the other disciples are over, we will take you back to the caves. "

Speaking of this, the representatives of the six great caves looked at each other one after another, and then began to call everyone\'s names one by one.

In the beginning they were very tacitly accepting only some people with average talents, and the scene of you and me was very harmonious.

But yelling and yelling, the atmosphere changed.

Because the farther to the end, the better the talents of the remaining people.

For this kind of genius disciple, no one wants to shut them out, just like earning their own heaven.

Therefore, the smell of gunpowder on the scene is getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, they even started a language attack.

Why is your family\'s Dong Tian not worthy of the truth? Why are your disciples inferior to one generation?

Anyway, all kinds of words that belittle other Dongtians came with their mouths open, and Ye Fan and the others who looked at it were stunned for a while.

If everyone\'s talents didn\'t differ much, nothing would matter.

After all, in the end, it\'s nothing more than all parties compromise and take a step back.

But when the six big caves divided the rest of the people, only Pang Bo, Zhou Yi, and Li Xiaoman were left with the best talents, and Ye Fan made up the number, the smell of gunpowder among the six big caves escalated again.

There are only three people, but there are six big caves to participate in the competition.

No one wants to give up these three talents who are obviously much better than others, so the situation is obviously going out of control.

"Senior Sister Li Ling, if I remember correctly, your Lingxu Dongtian has no core disciples, right?

If they join your Lingxu Dongtian, wouldn\'t they just be an inner disciple, and simply cannot have the best training resources. "

"Heh, our Lingxu Dongtian really does not have the quota of core disciples, but your Yuding Dongtian is not better, right?

Several elders of the powerful faction have already closed their doors, how can they train another person to carry the pot. "

"Let me say you don\'t fight, we Jinxia Dongtian still have several core disciples."

"Your core disciples are also embarrassed to say, what kind of characters can you have in these years, if you don\'t think about the predecessors, you might not even be able to keep the name of Dongtian?"

"What do you mean, do you want to fight?"

"Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom?"


Just as the gunpowder keg was about to be ignited, Zhou Yi, who was dumbfounded, said quickly:

"Seniors, don\'t fight anymore, I\'m really sorry, we already have a sect."

Zhou Yi\'s words were like a basin of ice water, directly splashed on the heads of the six big caves.

After hearing Zhou Yi\'s words, the crowd stopped arguing as expected, but looked at Zhou Yi together.

"Do you have a sect? There are people who discovered you earlier than us in this swallow territory?

Impossible, could it be your sect in the Western Regions before? "

A middle-aged man in Liu Da Dong Tian frowned and asked.

Hearing his question, Li Xiaoman said:

"I\'m really sorry, seniors. You are indeed the first one I met after I walked out of the forbidden land.

However, we just visited the teacher\'s gate not long ago, so we can only say sorry for your kindness. "

Hearing Li Xiaoman\'s words, everyone in the six holy places felt helpless.

You can see from Zhou Yi\'s attitude. They really didn\'t mean to worship the Six Great Caves.

However, after being helpless, a wave of anger rose in their hearts.

Just for these three people, they were very angry just now.

Almost even his face was torn apart.

As a result, Zhou Yi, Pang Bo, and Li Xiaoman actually told them that they already had a sect. Isn\'t this a joke?

How can their dignified elders of the six great caves, the most powerful group of people in the entire Yanzhi territory, tolerate such a play?

As for Ye Fan, he was directly ignored by them.

Anyway, even at the beginning, they didn\'t plan to accept Ye Fan.

Um~ humble little leaf, crying online.

"Can you tell us, what is the name of the sect you worshipped in?"

An old woman in the Six Great Caves asked with a dark face.

Although they were very angry, they even decided to take action against Zhou Yi.

But they are not old and confused. Although some people are weak, if the strength behind them is unusual, they can\'t provoke them.

Therefore, before the evil thoughts are turned into actual actions, they are still ready to inquire about the addresses of a few people.

Zhou Yi, Pang Bo, Ye Fan, and Li Xiaoman saw the old woman\'s dark complexion, and they knew that they had offended each other.

They didn\'t want this kind of thing to happen either, the blame was that they didn\'t explain clearly at the beginning and didn\'t have a chance to interrupt in the middle.

When they had a chance to explain, things had become irreversible.

The four of them met at each other and gave a wry smile to explain.

No way, people have already asked, and they dare not answer.

I only hope that the name of Zangmen is loud enough, or that the people of the Six Great Caves are broad-minded.

In the end, Pang Bo, the most burly figure, bit his scalp and replied to the six big cavemen:

"Senior, the name of the sect we worshipped is Zangmen."

Hearing Pangbo\'s answer, the elders of the Six Great Caves met each other, and there was a hint of doubt and cruelty in their eyes.

Zangmen? They have not heard of it.

In all continents of the Big Dipper Star Region, there are big sects with names and surnames recorded in the cave.

But this Tibetan gate is definitely not in this list.

This can only show that this Tibetan gate is definitely not a big gate that they can\'t afford to provoke.