Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 575: Horror strikes

"No, the danger is not over yet!"

An abrupt voice suddenly broke the cheerful atmosphere of everyone, and the speaker was Ye Fan, who had just experienced life and death.

Ye Fan\'s words directly condensed the cheerful atmosphere among the people.

Liu Zhiyun, who looked at Ye Fan\'s irritation himself, turned his lips disdainfully when he heard Ye Fan\'s alarmist remarks:

"Ye Fan, don\'t scare everyone here to highlight your importance. Pangbo has just killed the culprit who attacked us. There is no danger."

Liu Zhiyun\'s words made a kind of students successfully put on a complicated look on their faces. Looking at Ye Fan, there was a complicated light in his eyes.

I have to say that Liu Zhiyun spoke very viciously, not only destroying Ye Fan\'s image in the hearts of everyone, but also provoking the relationship between Ye Fan and Pangbo by the way.

Unfortunately, the relationship between Ye Fan and Pangbo is not something he can provoke.

After hearing Liu Zhiyun\'s words, Pang Bo did not feel dissatisfied with Ye Fan in his heart.

The same goes for everyone. Although they have more or less other ideas, their attitude is still biased towards Ye Fan.

If what Liu Zhiyun said is true, everyone will indeed give Ye Fan a bad sign in their hearts.

But it is a pity that Liu Zhiyun only made Ye Fan nauseous.

After he finished speaking, Zhou Yi on the side said directly:

"Ye Fan is right. I don\'t know if you have noticed it. The little crocodile that Pangbo killed just now has a lot more blood holes on their heads than Li Yuan.

Moreover, just looking at the blood holes on Li Yuan and the others before, everyone should also be able to find that the sizes are actually different.

So we have reason to suspect that there is definitely more than one crocodiles like this.

In the same way, there is definitely more than one potential enemy we face. "

Hearing Zhou Yi\'s explanation, Ye Fan, Li Xiaoman and other people who noticed this also immediately responded.

At this time, the smiles on everyone\'s faces disappeared, and Liu Zhiyun also closed his mouth in a serene manner, not saying anything more.

The feeling of slapped face, he really tried many times in the past few days, which made him almost psychologically overshadowed.


"Then what shall we do now?"

After knowing that they were still in danger, everyone couldn\'t help but asked.

"Run, run to the coffin in Kowloon, although I don\'t know what it is, but we can only believe that he can bring us safety.

In addition..."


Ye Fan spoke firmly, but before he could finish speaking, the scream rang again.

Another person was killed, and the same was a blood hole in the top of his head.

This time, they even saw a small crocodile crawling out of the dead man\'s head.

Everyone couldn\'t care about other things anymore, and ran in the direction of Nine Dragons to pull the coffin.

While running, Ye Fan shouted loudly:

"Everyone takes the things brought from the Great Leiyin Temple in their hands. Those things can protect us and cause harm to these little crocodiles."

Ye Fan\'s words were not indiscriminate. When Pang Bo hit the little crocodile with the plaque from the Great Leiyin Temple, he clearly saw the faint light emerging from the plaque.

Ye Fan was very sure that the little crocodile died because of the faint light damage.

Otherwise, how could the little crocodile, which can easily break open the human skull, die because of hitting an ancient plaque?

After speaking, Ye Fan also took the Buddhist items he had obtained in Da Leiyin Temple in his hands.

The same is true for everyone. After hearing Ye Fan\'s prompt, they also took Buddha\'s lamp, wooden fish and other items in their hands.

Although it is not clear whether what Ye Fan said is true or false, what if? If it is true, their chances of surviving are greatly increased.

Facts have also proved that what Ye Fan said is indeed true.

After they took out the Buddhist artifacts, their situation has indeed improved a lot.

Facing the attacks of those little crocodiles, the Buddha artifacts seemed to have encountered provocations, actively emitting brilliance, and let the attacks of those little crocodiles return without success.

They even killed a lot of small crocodiles.

However, the number of baby crocodiles is not as they expected, only a few.

As they got closer and closer to Nine Dragons to pull the coffin, the little crocodiles seemed to be irritated, and they were no longer hiding themselves.

In an instant, an overwhelming number of little crocodiles, like ocean waves, swept towards them frantically.

If you have intensive phobia, as long as you see this scene from a distance, you will probably get a tingling scalp in fear.

What\'s more, are people like Ye Fan who are facing the crocodile tide?

There were several who were terrified and couldn\'t even control their legs and feet.

Fortunately, the students who had experienced life and death together did not give up on them, but gave them a hand.

Moreover, now they are not too far away from Jiulong pulling the coffin.

But even so, several people were still covered by dense crocodiles.

It\'s like being surrounded by ferocious piranhas in the Amazon River.

Even the few people who were overtaken by the crocodile group always have Buddha artifacts in their hands, but there are so many little crocodiles that can\'t stand it.

And they can\'t take the initiative to urge the Buddha to kill the enemy, they can only respond with the instinct of Buddha.

This made the damaged Buddhist artifacts unable to bear the heavy burden at all.

Within a few breaths, the Buddhist artifacts in the hands of a few people were completely damaged.

And those few people did not escape the fate of tragic death in the end.

There is no blood and blood as imagined, and there is no bones.

It was still just an extra blood hole before the Tianling Gai, and it didn\'t look bloody.

But those wide-open eyes were enough to see their panic and unwillingness.

This is more frightening than no bones.

At this moment, a deep despair arose in everyone\'s hearts.

Nine Dragons pull the coffin is right in front of them, but this little distance, in their opinion, is like a godsend, it is difficult for people to cross.

Because the speed of everyone is too slow compared to the terrifying crocodile tide.

Even if the distance between the two is very long at first, but in a moment, the crocodiles can catch up with them.

If there were no accidents, their fate would have been fixed since the crocodiles swallowed the first person.

Now, the terrifying tide of crocodiles is behind everyone.

In the next second, they can be swallowed.

There is no hope in everyone\'s hearts, even if the Nine Dragons Coffin is only a few dozen meters away from them.

They are so tired that they can\'t run at all.

This is not just physical pressure, but also mental pressure.