Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 576: Save everyone from fire and water

Except for Ye Fan and a few others who are still insisting, most people have actually given up in their hearts.

Sitting on the ground, they are really tired.

At this juncture, as long as they vent their energy, they really can\'t hold on anymore.

Whether they continued to rush forward or collapsed on the ground weakly, everyone closed their eyes in despair.

They knew better in their hearts that they were already in danger this time.

However, after waiting for a long time, the pain in my imagination did not come.

On the contrary, there was a dragon roar in their ears.

Is this... rescued?

Everyone opened their eyes in confusion, and in the next second, they saw a scene that they would never forget in their entire lives.

Countless crocodiles swept towards them frantically, but were intercepted by a black dragon.

With a breath of dragon, a large number of small crocodiles fly into ashes and annihilate.

No matter how impacted by those little crocodiles, they couldn\'t get past the thunder pond one step.

"Dragon... the living dragon..."

Everyone murmured unconsciously, they didn\'t know what the origin of this giant dragon came from, and what it had to do with the Nine Dragons pulling coffin not far away.

But they knew that they were rescued, at least they were rescued now.

Just when everyone was stunned, a gentle male voice rang from everyone\'s ears.

"Ditian, quickly solve these little ones, don\'t worry about the big one, he won\'t be able to get out."

As the voice fell, three silhouettes of two men and one woman in long robes quietly landed in front of the crowd.

It was not someone else who was talking, but Wang Ran who had been sitting on the wall all the time.

Following Wang Ran\'s exit, Ditian no longer had any scruples and continued to keep his hands.

In the next moment, the power of Di Tian surged, and an endless sea of ​​fire spewed out of Di Tian\'s mouth.

The endless sea of ​​fire directly covered the entire crocodile tide.

However, after a few breaths, the crocodiles that had just performed evil have turned into flying ashes.

As the crocodiles disappeared, Ye Fan and a few others who were still standing collapsed on the ground.

At this time, the body of Di Tian who transformed into the body also changed, and he transformed directly into a human form and fell behind Wang Ran.

Looking at the collapsed crowd in front of him, Wang Ran smiled and said to everyone in Ye Fan:

"How about it, are you all right?"

Everyone felt depressed after experiencing such a thing.

Now that I heard Wang Ran\'s words, a few people with poor psychological quality immediately couldn\'t help but burst into tears.

Fortunately, there are still a few who can resist such pressure in their hearts.

People like Ye Fan, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi, and Li Xiaoman are still able to stay sensible now.

After hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Ye Fan and the others panted heavily, thought for a moment, and replied:

"Um... several gods, do you know what the situation is? We just want to go back now. We really don\'t want to stay longer in such days."

"Yeah, several sages, I wonder if you can help us go back?"

When the voice fell, everyone looked at Wang Ran, Kindness, Evil, and Ditian expectantly.

Unfortunately, Wang Ran did not give them a definite answer.

Shaking his head, Wang Ran said softly:

"Although I am very sorry for you, but I can\'t intervene in this matter."

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, a look of despair appeared on everyone\'s face.

"Why? You are so powerful, so the terrifying crocodiles can be wiped out at will, why can\'t you send us back?"

Desperate in his heart, Liu Zhiyun asked unwillingly.

Wang Ran sighed as he looked at everyone.

Can he send Ye Fan and the others back? There is no doubt that he can.

But he can\'t do this, because the man who manipulates all of this is far from what he can provoke now.

Although it is still unclear what level of his current strength is on the Sky Covering Plane, Wang Ran knows very well that only the terrifying monster beast that is sealed can easily crush the four of them after breaking the seal.

And how powerful should the emperor with the top combat power on this plane be?

Wang Ran is sure that as long as he destroys the other party\'s plan, the next moment is his own burial.

Wang Ran didn\'t dare to use his own life to bet whether the other party had any idea of ​​making a move.

So even if he had this ability, Wang Ran wouldn\'t do it.

Of course, Wang Ran can also choose to send some unimportant people back to Earth.

But if you really want to do this, how should Wang Ran explain it?

I can\'t say it directly. Isn\'t it the same to destroy the plan of the great emperor by then?

And if it is stated clearly, how can his Wang Ran\'s mystery be maintained? How will the plan be implemented in the future?

You know, in a world without a foundation, keeping a sense of mystery is the secret of rapid development.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Ran knows that Nine Dragons Coffin Coffin is about to start.

If they were to send everyone back, they would not be able to catch up with this ride.

Although they can travel in space, if you really rely on them, how long will it take to find a planet where they can grow?

Rather than wasting that time, there is no such thing as a hitchhiker.

But even if this was the case, Wang Ran couldn\'t explain it to Ye Fan.

So in the face of everyone\'s questioning, Wang Ran just smiled and said in a mysterious tone:

"You have to know that everyone has their own turning point in their destiny.

Now that you are at this turning point in your destiny, I don\'t want you to miss it because of it. "


Hearing what Wang Ran said, a girl still wanted to say something.

But before she could speak, Zhou Yi on the side directly grabbed her and said to Wang Ran:

"Shangxian, we understand, thank you for your kindness, and thank you for your help this time.

If the immortal is useful in the future, please speak up.

We will surely go through fire and water, whatever it takes. "

Zhou Yi is very smart and knows reality clearly.

He understood that they couldn\'t make Wang Ran change his mind.

Rather than keep entanglement and cause dissatisfaction and even anger from Wang Ran and others, it is the best choice to go downhill.

Maybe it would make Wang Ran and the others happy, and get some benefits for themselves.

Even if there is no benefit, it is good to leave a good impression.

Ye Fan also understood this, so after Zhou Yi finished speaking, he also opened his mouth and said:

"That\'s right, thank you so much this time.

The life-saving grace is not unforgettable. If there is a chance in the future, we will do our best to repay you. "

Sure enough, after hearing what Ye Fan and Zhou Yi said, Wang Ran, Kindhearted, Evil, and Ditian were still happy in their hearts.