Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 573: Great Thunder Sound Temple

Unlike Ye Fan and others who couldn\'t see where the light source was flashing, Wang Ran, the good and the evil four saw it really.

A ruin, a ruin of an ancient palace that has been passed down for countless years.

Where there are rare treasures, at the same time, there are also shocking dangers.

Once this danger broke out, even Wang Ran and the four would not be able to protect themselves.

Fortunately, even if the ancient palace has been turned into ruins, it still possesses the powerful sealing power to seal the terrifying existence.

Even if it is now damaged, the existence of that horror can affect the outside world, but it cannot threaten the four of Wang Ran.

Of course, for Ye Fan and the others, even a little power leaked out of that terrifying existence was enough to disperse their souls.

Ye Fan and others, who are moving in that direction, will definitely encounter their unimaginable horror to this day.

Standing behind Wang Ran, Di Tian frowned without doubt.

As Wang Ran\'s contract beast, coupled with having been with Wang Ran for so many years, Di Tian was still able to perceive Wang Ran\'s concern for Ye Fan and others.

But now, Wang Ran knows that the ruins are full of crises, and Ye Fan and the others have gone. It is very likely that they will die.

But now, Wang Ran obviously paid close attention to Ye Fan and the others, but he didn\'t stop them from stepping into danger.

Not sure what Wang Ran thought, Di Tian asked with some doubts:

"Sect Master, are you just watching these little guys go to death? Do you want me to take action and let them retreat?"

Hearing Ditian\'s inquiry, Wang Ran shook his head gently.

Looking at the back of Ye Fan and others leaving, Wang Ran slowly said:

"No, they are all people with chance.

After this Nine-Dragon coffin pulling incident, they are bound to enter the world of spiritual practice.

You also understand the cruelty of the spiritual world. Compared with the conspiracy and tricks that kill people without seeing blood, this kind of intuitive danger, on the contrary, does not appear so terrifying.

Instead of letting them slowly understand the cruelty of the spiritual world in the future, it is better to wake them up with a stick now.

Let them understand that what they will face next is absolutely dangerous and hardship beyond their imagination.

This is a cruel trial for them. "

Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s words, the good, evil, and Ditian nodded lightly.

However, Kindness still had some doubts, and then asked:

"Sect Master, then we don\'t care about them from now on and let them fend for themselves?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Ran gently shook his head and explained:

"Of course not. After they have experienced the great horror of life and death, and truly recognized their situation, it is when we take action.

After all, not every time, there are people like us who help them when they are in danger.

Moreover, only after experiencing hardships can we truly understand the kindness of giving charcoal in snow. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Kindness pursed his mouth slightly, and did not continue to ask.

The evil, who had never spoken, raised his head slightly and glanced at the back of Ye Fan\'s group.

He can understand what Wang Ran said. Although he has some pity for Ye Fan and others, if he is allowed to choose, he will also make a choice that is common to Wang Ran.

After all, no one hopes that they will help the dog, feed the dog, or even get a bite.

The topic returned to Ye Fan and the others, at this time they were getting closer and closer to the perilous ruins.

At the same time, their hearts are getting more and more excited.

Of course, the nervousness did not disappear in their hearts, and it even went one step further.

Because they not only found tiles on the journey just now, but also human skulls.

The tiles represent hope in the distance, while the skull represents the hope, which is also perilous.

But by now, they have no retreat.

I can only suppress the fear in my heart forcibly, bite the bullet and pursue the light source.

With the passage of time, the mysterious light source also appeared in front of Ye Fan and others.

A piece of ruined walls, candles burning in the silent ruins.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan and the others were shocked.

Even in ruins, they can imagine the glory and hugeness of this palace.

They couldn\'t think of what kind of existence it was to build such a huge and vast palace on Mars.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Ye Fan and the others accelerated their pace and moved towards the ruins.

The closer they are, the more shocked they are.

Through the ruined walls, they can also see that the raw materials used to build this palace are definitely not ordinary products.

And this shock, as they came to the front of the ruins, reached a peak.

For no other reason, a plaque is still hung on the main entrance of the ruins of the palace.

The four characters of Da Leiyin Temple before the plaque deeply attracted the attention of everyone.

Da Leiyin Temple, the name is too familiar to them.

At this age, who has not read Journey to the West, and who does not know the Buddha.

And with the appearance of the Great Leiyin Temple, they were getting closer to the legendary mythical characters.

Everyone couldn\'t suppress their inner excitement and headed towards the inside of the Great Leiyin Temple.

They can foresee that there are definitely some unimaginable opportunities inside the Great Leiyin Temple.

Even if they don\'t find a way back, they can increase their self-protection ability.

Moreover, as long as they can return to the earth and find a few things in the Great Leiyin Temple, they can live the life of a master.

Only Ye Fan quietly looked at the linden tree in front of the ruins, his eyes shining brightly.

Bodhi tree, Da Leiyin Temple...

A bold guess quietly rose from Ye Fan\'s heart.

After everyone except Pangbo entered the Great Leiyin Temple, Ye Fan quietly picked off the Bodhi seeds from the Bodhi tree.

Pang Bo didn\'t know why Ye Fan did this. The reason why he didn\'t follow everyone into the Great Leiyin Temple was just because Ye Fan didn\'t go in.

As Ye Fan\'s best friend, Pang Bo knew Ye Fan too well.

The reason why he didn\'t go in was definitely because there were more important things.

The most important thing is that if Ye Fan needs help, he can still help.

Ye Fan didn\'t treat Pangbo badly either. Although he didn\'t know if the Bodhi tree was the same as he had guessed, Ye Fan still divided the Bodhi seed in his hand into Pangbo.