Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 572: Light source, hope?

"Look at that, it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t have insight, but if you don\'t have insight, it\'s your fault."

Although Ye Fan wanted to twist everyone into a single thread, he didn\'t give Liu Yunzhi a good face either.

Pointing to the stone tablet, Ye Fan sarcastically said towards Liu Yunzhi.

At this time, Liu Yunzhi\'s face had become pig liver-colored, and he opened his mouth to refute, but he didn\'t know what to say.

After all, he really didn\'t know what was written on the stele.

But they didn\'t care, because everyone\'s attention had now shifted to the stone tablet because of Ye Fan\'s words, and no one noticed the change in Liu Yunzhi\'s face.

"What kind of text is this, I feel a little familiar!"

"Yes, it seems to be in ancient Chinese, but I don\'t know what it is written."


Looking at the stele, everyone talked in twos and threes.

Suddenly, a female voice suddenly sounded, breaking everyone\'s argument.

"This seems to be the seal script, the meaning of Yinghuo!"

"Yinghuo? Isn\'t that Mars? Are we on Mars now?"

But how is this possible? How could there be oxygen on Mars to sustain our survival? "

"Yes, isn\'t the only earth in the solar system that has a suitable environment for human existence?"

"Could it be that the knowledge we have learned before is all deceptive?"


There was a brief silence, and the word Yinghuo caused an uproar among the crowd again.

Facts have proved that their cultural literacy is still very strong.

Just now because of the first arrival, and the fact that they had just experienced too many things, their minds were directly suppressed, so they ignored these details.

Now, when everyone\'s attention is on these details, they still analyze a lot of things.

But after all, they are still a group of ordinary people, and they are ordinary people who have grown up under atheism.

They think more and have a harder time accepting extraordinary things.

Therefore, even if the days they argued are about to be upset, there is still no result.

At this time, everyone suddenly remembered that this matter seemed to have been brought up by Ye Fan, who had never spoken.

Does that prove that Wang Ran already has a more mature idea?

Ye Fan himself has a lot of prestige among his classmates, so listening to his opinions at this time is quite reasonable.

Therefore, everyone directly asked Ye Fan:

"Ye Fan, you found out about Yinghuo first, or you can talk about it, everyone will believe you."

"Yeah, Ye Fan, can you also tell us your opinion, what should we do now?"

Hearing that everyone\'s attitudes had begun to move closer to Ye Fan, Liu Yunzhi\'s face turned black, who had not dealt with Ye Fan.

But he couldn\'t speak. Who told him to leave a bad impression on everyone at the beginning.

Liu Yunzhi now only hopes that Ye Fan can\'t tell you how ugly you are, and make a good show of ugliness.

Will Ye Fan make a fool of yourself? Nobody knows. But now, Ye Fan has become the backbone of everyone.

Even Ye Fan\'s ex-girlfriend Li Xiaoman recognized this.

Ye Fan naturally did not conceal everyone\'s questions.

He himself has this idea, so Ye Fan said directly:

"Everyone knows that Yinghuo is Mars, and the font on the stele is even the seal type used by ancient ancestors.

From this point, it can be inferred that what we have just discussed in the bronze coffin is very likely.

The ancient ancestors are definitely not as simple as we thought.

And this Nine Dragon pull coffin is also very likely to be summoned by the ancient ancestors.

As for science, do you think what we are encountering today is scientific?

Perhaps science is indeed credible under normal circumstances, but if the legendary gods and Buddhas are real, then everything may be changed.

In contrast, our current situation is very dangerous.

We don\'t know what the situation of Yinghuo Guxing is, and we don\'t know the origin of this Nine Dragons Coffin.

So for us, danger is always there, even now. "

Ye Fan\'s firm voice rang in the ears of a group of classmates, even Liu Yunzhi, who didn\'t deal with Ye Fan, nodded in approval.

Seeing that everyone recognized his idea, Ye Fan continued to speak:

"In this case, our main task at the moment is to figure out the surrounding situation.

See if we can provide the conditions for us to survive here, and where is a safe place.

Of course, the most important thing is that we have to try to see if we can find a way back. "

Hearing Ye Fan\'s thoughts, everyone felt that they had no opinion.

After all, it is their common desire to find a way back.

Compared with the uninhabited and dangerous ancient stars, the comfortable modern life is better.

"Ye Fan, we have no opinion what you said, but Mars is so big, we definitely can\'t fully explore it, we should always find a direction."

Among the crowd, one of Ye Fan\'s classmates directly pointed out the source of the problem.

In this regard, Ye Fan was also silent for a moment.

Choosing the direction of exploration is absolutely very important.

If you choose the wrong one, let alone the wasted time and energy, your own safety cannot be guaranteed.

The unknown ancient star of Yingzhuo, God knows what dangers will be.

If this is wrong, waiting for them is likely to be overwhelming.

But they still have to go, because if they stay where they are and do nothing, their ultimate end will not escape a death.

Or they will be dragged by Nine Dragons to a farther and more dangerous place.

So, to make this choice, the pressure on everyone is really very great.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, an exclamation broke everyone\'s silence.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction pointed by the speaker\'s finger, and a look of surprise flashed in everyone\'s eyes in the next second.

Because, as everyone looked at, a light source was drifting in the distance.

The brightness of the light source is so weak that everyone even needs to stare attentively to find out.

It can be expected that the light source is still a long, long distance away from Ye Fan and the others.

Moreover, the light source is still very unstable, flashing, seeming to be in danger of being extinguished at any time.

But this can\'t stop the surprise in everyone\'s hearts, because the emergence of this light source, no matter whether it is dangerous or safe, they at least have a goal.

In case they are lucky, they might find a way back.

At this time, everyone in Ye Fan had the same idea in their hearts, that is, let\'s take a look!