Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 570: Ye Fan, leave

Wang Ran simply determined which Ye Fan was. Of course, it wasn\'t that he knew Ye Fan.

It is mainly Ye Fan\'s ridiculous ancient sacrament, which is really easy to distinguish.

For Wang Ran\'s gaze, Ye Fan, who was in the crowd, naturally did not feel it.

On the top of the Jade Emperor now, apart from Wang Ran, there were only Ye Fan.

When they stumbled up from the ground and saw the sight in front of them, they all couldn\'t help but take a breath.

For them, the impact of the scene in front of them is too great.

The huge dragon corpse, the weird copper coffin, and the cracked top of Mount Tai all impacted the worldview they had formed over the years.

They don\'t have any idea of ​​staying here, they just want to leave Taishan as soon as possible.

Just a simple communication, they began to prepare to leave Taishan.

However, Ye Fan, who can be called the protagonist, had just begun the opportunity, how could he easily escape it?

Before they could take a few steps, there was another violent vibration on Mount Tai.

At this time, the crack on the top of the Jade Emperor directly expanded.

Through the huge cracks, everyone can clearly see the five-color altars wrapped in rocks.

A sense of absurdity rose from the hearts of Ye Fan and others, and they suddenly felt that the world seemed to have another side that they didn\'t know.

Are the legendary mythical characters really just mythological characters? Is it true that the ancient emperor chose to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai for the sake of a posterity?

Not necessarily, Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin may not be able to explain these problems, but these five-color altars hidden in Mount Tai have already explained all this to them.

Even, they all suspected that the Nine Dragon Pulling Coffin before hitting Mount Tai was summoned by this five-color altar.

He didn\'t dare to stay any longer, and everyone hurriedly went down the mountain.

However, Mount Tai, who has experienced the impact of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin, is now very unstable outside.

Just a small amount of weight may cause the entire mountain to collapse.

As if it was now, waiting for them to take a few steps, a girl suddenly fell into the crack with her feet empty.

As if there was a chain reaction, all the cracks on the top of the Jade Emperor were rapidly expanding.

One of Ye Fan\'s group was counted as one, and they all fell into the altar beneath their feet.

Only then did they notice that under their feet there was an altar much larger than the surrounding five-color altars.

At a time, even if their will is much stronger than ordinary people, they can\'t help but get into chaos.

A soft choking sound came from the crowd intermittently, and a few girls couldn\'t bear the shock today.

There is only one thought in their hearts now, and that is regret.

Why did they come to Taishan for the appointment? If they don’t come, don’t they have to suffer from this kind of thing?

But things have reached this point, even if they regret it in their hearts that they are dying, there is no way to change anything.

The five-color altar on Mount Tai doesn\'t even care about their temperament.

As Ye Fan said that people fell on the altar, the huge five-color altar slowly bloomed with brilliant light.

One huge rune after another floated from the altar, and then, a huge gossip array slowly rose from the altar under Ye Fan and the others.

With the rise of this huge gossip map, a spectacular star map appeared in front of everyone.

That star map, like a Milky Way, poured down from the sky.

Even Ye Fan and the others couldn\'t help being shocked by this scene at this time.

But before they came back to their senses, the closed bronze coffin suddenly opened a crack slowly.

As the cracks grew larger and the bronze coffin slowly opened, a huge suction force came out of the bronze coffin.

Ye Fan and the others only felt the darkness before their eyes, and in the next second, Ye Fan and the others were directly sucked into the bronze coffin.

At this time, Ye Fan and the others had already reacted, and immediately wanted to run outside the bronze coffin.

But time was too late, because the next second, with a muffled bang, the bronze coffin was directly closed.

No matter how desperate Ye Fan and those people were, the bronze coffin did not open again.

And as the bronze coffin completely sucked Ye Fan and the others into it, the star chart floating on the five-color altar also disappeared.

In the next second, the light of the five-color altar was generous, and the nine dragon corpses seemed to have come alive, directly pulling the bronze coffin and flying towards the sky.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ran on the side directly said:

"Keep up with them."

After speaking, Wang Ran stood directly on the back of the bronze coffin, and good, evil, and Di Tian also followed the trend.

In the next second, nine dragon corpses pulled the giant bronze coffin directly out of the earth.

After the nine dragon corpses pulled the bronze coffin and left, the entire Mount Tai suddenly became quiet.

Taishan is quiet here, but the extraordinary monitoring base of the Imperial Capital is not quiet anymore.

They had already noticed the existence of this horror long before Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin had entered the earth.

Although the people here are well-informed people, but who has seen something like Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin?

So all of them, at this moment, are constantly discussing this matter.

However, no matter how intense their discussion is, there is no way to change the outcome of the matter.

The report has been handed in. As to what choice will be made in the end, that is the business of those in power.

"Ah, it\'s them!"

But suddenly, an exclamation came from the crowd.

It was the monitor who had discovered Wang Ran and the four who made the exclamation.

His exclamation this time was not because of anything else, but because he had discovered the four of Wang Ran again.

"What\'s wrong with Mo Ge, what are they?"

Hearing the exclamation of Mo Ge who had spotted Wang Ran\'s figure, his colleague couldn\'t help but asked.

Mo Ge didn\'t explain anything, but directly moved the monitoring screen forward.

"It\'s them!"

This time, it was not that Mo Ge alone exclaimed, but everyone shouted in unison.

Because in the picture just now, they actually saw Wang Ran\'s four figures on the top of the bronze coffin.

Although the four of them only appeared for a moment, Wang Ran and the four of them disappeared without a trace along with the bronze coffin.

But their appearance has long been kept in mind by these inspectors.

Looking at each other, everyone was surprised.

All the personnel of the entire state secrets department, after struggling to find a person who had no results for more than ten days, appeared at the scene where the coffin was pulled in Kowloon.