Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 569: Kowloon pull the coffin

"Go, let\'s see what it is!"

In order to verify the conjecture in his heart, Wang Ran directly addressed the three of Good, Evil, and Di Tian.

The three of them are curious, although it may be dangerous, but which one of them is not a person who has experienced wind and waves?

Now that Wang Ran said so, the three of them naturally responded out loud.

With a flash of body shape, the three of them instantly disappeared in place.


At the same time, a group of young people who were only 26 or 27 years old had just reached the top of Mount Tai.

As the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, Mount Tai naturally has its unique charm.

However, the charm of Mount Tai doesn\'t seem to be that attractive to this group of young people with different minds and internal undercurrents.

For them who had just experienced a class reunion not long ago, the beauty and everything are secondary.

They only want to find face or continue to slap their faces.

After all, the most common story of college student gatherings that have just entered society for a few years is not about pretending to be slapped in the face or being beaten back.

Naturally, they are no exception.

But after they climbed to the top of the Jade Emperor, such thoughts faded a lot.

Because the scenery above the top of the Jade Emperor is indeed too spectacular.

The moment they climbed to the top of the Jade Emperor, the four figures suddenly appeared on Mount Tai.

These four figures are naturally not bystanders, but Wang Ran, Good, Evil, and Ditian.

With the arrival of Wang Ran and the four, the sound of wind and thunder suddenly came from the sky.

The group of young people who had just reached the top of the Jade Emperor also raised their heads subconsciously, wanting to see what was going on.

Is it true that the gods are not beautiful, will it rain if they just go up the mountain?

But it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t look at it. With the shift of sight, a group of people\'s eyes widened in an instant.

Because they saw nine black dots in the sky, and the black dots are still growing rapidly.

However, while breathing, nine behemoths descended from the sky, coming towards the ground with extreme speed.

As if nine long black rivers were falling down, at this moment everyone on Mount Tai\'s expressions of shock were frozen, and they looked at each other in amazement.

All the people held their breath in astonishment, and even forgot to yell for a while.

Because the nine behemoths are the mythical creatures they know publicly, the dragon.

No, it should be exactly nine huge dragon corpses.

Behind the nine dragon corpses, there is also a huge bronze coffin.

The next moment, Mount Tai was boiling. Everyone ran in a panic, rushing in all directions, avoiding the huge dragon corpse nearby.

You must know that Mount Tai is the first of the Five Sacred Mountains and a famous tourist destination. There is never a shortage of tourists.

There was no problem when it was quiet, but now in such a panic, the entire Mount Tai seems to have exploded.

Some people died under the same kind of trampling before the nine dragon corpses came.

With screams of fear and crying helplessly, Mount Tai at this moment is no longer the famous fairyland, but has turned into a purgatory on earth.

The young people at the beginning were naturally among the fleeing crowd, but they were all highly educated talents after all.

Under such circumstances, although panic, but still remaining calm, knowing what kind of choice is best for him.

They didn\'t run down the mountain headlessly, just because of the chaotic transition now, running down might not be safe on the mountain.

Wang Ran and the four came quietly to the top of the Jade Emperor when the crowd was chaotic on Mount Tai.


As it got closer and closer to Mount Tai, the speed of the nine coffin dragon corpses slowed down.

But even so, as the nine dragon corpses and the bronze coffin landed, the entire Mount Tai still produced a huge shock.

Numerous cracks extended from under the nine dragon corpses and the bronze coffin. Everyone except Wang Ran fell to the ground under the shock.

The group of young people on the top of the Jade Emperor had the best luck, but some of them suffered minor injuries.

Those chaotic crowds running down the mountain do not know how many people died at this moment.

Standing on the top of the Jade Emperor, Wang Ran narrowed his eyes to look at the nine huge dragon corpses and the bronze coffin tens of meters long, and muttered:

"Sure enough, Nine Dragons pulls the coffin~"

Hearing Wang Ran\'s voice, the good, evil, and Ditian who followed him couldn\'t help but ask:

"Nine Dragons pull the coffin? Sect Master, do you know what this thing is?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Ran nodded gently, and then replied:

"This is made by a supremely strong man.

Not only were these nine dragon corpses a terrifying powerhouse before they were alive, but the material of the bronze coffin was also a top treasure.

Of course, you can also regard him as the top transportation in the starry sky.

However, I have only heard of this thing, but I have never seen it. "


Upon hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Evil, Kindness, and Di Tian all spoke in disbelief.

Especially Emperor Tian, ​​both belong to the dragon clan, although he and these nine dragon corpses are not in the same plane, but this does not affect the connection between them.

He of the same race can feel the power of these nine dragon corpses even more.

It is no exaggeration to say that the most powerful existence among the dragons on the Douluo plane, the former Dragon God, is no different from a newly born young dragon in front of these nine dragon corpses.

With nine corpses like this and an impenetrable bronze coffin, Wang Ran even said it was a means of transportation.

What a powerful existence is the creature that refines them into this.

While Ditian was shocked, there was still this indelible sadness in his heart.

Such a powerful clan has been refined into a means of transportation. It seems that the dragon clan in this world is the same as the dragon clan on the plane of Douluo.

Wang Ran didn\'t explain too much. He didn\'t quite understand what the specific situation of this plane was and what unknown secrets there were.

After speaking, he directly turned his gaze to the group of young people who had just got up from the ground embarrassedly.

Because he didn\'t guess wrong this time, the famous scenes like Nine Dragons pulling the coffin have come out, and this plane is definitely the plane that covers the sky.

Parallel world? Wang Ran secretly guessed in his heart.

No wonder this plane is so similar to his hometown, it turned out to be such a thing.

It\'s just that Wang Ran didn\'t expect that the level of the sky-shielding plane was so high that he fell to the Douluo plane far away.

The heavenly servant of this plane, the future Emperor Ye Tian, ​​is not among these young people.