Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Brother Slate opened his mouth and blew on Feng Er, asking her honestly, "Do you think I can blow you away with my breath?"

With this, Feng'er became completely speechless.

However, she was still a bit unwilling to give up, "You really can't fly around? "If only I could fly here and there, how great would that be! If you had nothing to do, you would just hug me and fly here and there on the roof. I have been thinking about that kind of day for a long time."

Hearing Feng Er's words, Brother Slate blinked his eyes a few times, then suddenly smiled and reached out with his arm around Feng Er's waist. Is that right? It's still the same! "

The wind whistled in her ears. Although the wind was blowing on her face and causing her a little bit of pain, Feng'er really liked the feeling of flying around.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on top of a big tree.

"Haha …" Fly … Fly … I didn't expect you could really fly … It was too good, too good. "This time, I've struck it rich! I've struck it rich!"

She seemed to have lost her image as she let out a loud roar. Hearing this, Brother Slate also smiled. The two of them flew through the trees for a while before landing on the ground. However, they found out that the two of them had arrived at an unknown place.

"Where is this? Why do I feel that it's so strange?"

This was a valley, but it was so quiet it made people feel strange.

This place was a beautiful place. The scenery here was also extremely beautiful and filled with life and vitality. However, he felt that something was wrong.

"Feng Er took two steps before she suddenly stopped and turned around to look at her newly-met Brother Slate." Did you notice? "There are no traces of life here?"

After walking for a while, Feng'er finally realized why this place gave her such a strange feeling. Because here, the silence was terrifyingly frightening, and even more so, unsettling.

There was no sound at all. At this time of the year, the two of them had come from the forest. There was always the chirping of cicadas or the fluttering of butterflies. There were also some unknown bugs and birds flying around.

However, this place is obviously too quiet. There isn't the slightest noise, nor is there the slightest trace of my anger.

In front of him, a bunch of unkempt peach blossoms were competing to bloom.

There were still wisps of white clouds lingering around the trees. White clouds were flying around while pink flowers were blooming. The green trees around him were glistening. This sort of place was similar to the back of a fairyland, but there weren't any living creatures in it!

One had to say, this was too bizarre and bizarre.

Brother Slate's expression became serious. He pulled Feng Er behind him and walked forward step by step.

"Do we still have to enter this place?" I think it's very dangerous. " Phuong had a natural fear of this strange land.

At this moment, she had forgotten that she was a man disguised as a woman. What she revealed was the complete timidity and fear that a girl should have.

"Brother Slate seemed to have forgotten about her strange actions. He patted her hand and held her behind him." Follow me. Wherever I go, you go. We accidentally entered a land of extreme joy. I reckon that we won't be able to get out by following the original road. "

Feng'er was speechless. She would never have thought that just on a whim, she would blindly barge into such a place.

At this moment, Brother Slate, who was standing in front of them, had a crafty smile flash across his face.

Not long after they left, darkness appeared in the dense forest.

Looking at the Peach Blossom Forest in front of him, he frowned. In this place, it was obvious that something was wrong. There was an aura that he found very annoying.

"What should we do? There is the Five Elements Eight Trigrams Formation that I am the least proficient in, and it will probably trap me even further. If I follow in, I'm afraid that I won't be able to come out for a while. Do you want to go in or leave? "

He stood silently outside the Peach Blossom Forest and was in deep thought. He would never have thought that this simple-looking man would bring Feng Er to such a place.

It seemed that he had still underestimated that man and had been deceived by his honest appearance.

He looked at the peach blossom forest and left gloomily. He knew that man wouldn't do anything to Feng Er. However, it was truly unknown what his intentions were.

Right now, the most important thing for her was to follow Feng Er's final destination — Worryfree Valley — to wait for her there.

Who would have thought that after spending so much time with someone, he would actually lose his master? This was something Darkness had never tried to do before. It also made him realize that he had been too careless.

When Feng'er and the Slate Brother, whom she had not known for more than a day, arrived at the Peach Blossom Forest, she discovered that the fragrance of the peach blossoms was extremely rich. The wind blew, the peach blossoms drifted.

Like a shower of peach blossoms, the petals drifted down to his head and to his feet, followed by a shower of petals.

Forgetting her previous worries, Feng'er loosened her grip on Brother Yiming's clothes. Standing there alone, looking at everything inside, he was somewhat unable to recover his senses.

The melodious flute played, and it was a melodious melody of love, lingering all the way to the ends of the world. A very beautiful and beautiful song. In the brothel, although Feng'er couldn't play this song, she had firmly remembered it.

He didn't play it because he felt that this kind of love would never belong to him. So she never touched the kind of lyrics that could make people sink.

In the past, she had only played those plaintive and unjust lyrics.

Now, listening to such beautiful songs in such a beautiful environment, she suddenly felt like dancing and having a good time.

Taking off her shoes, she danced barefoot in the Peach Blossom Forest to the tune of the flute. A cheerful song came out of her mouth.

Slate stood in the distance and played a tune with his flute. At this moment, his eyes were filled with sparkling love. His love was slowly carried out by the melody.

Feng'er could feel it. That sort of pure love, her mind and body, was all bathed in this special feeling.

At the end of the song, the petals continued to float in the air. Feng'er had also stopped dancing. She stared dazedly at the peach forest in front of her. She was in a bit of a daze. Why would I suddenly dance? "

At this moment, she finally remembered that she was still dressed as a man.

Brother Slate was very straightforward, "Although this peach blossom is very beautiful, but there is a kind of powder that can make people hallucinate. In this place, people could not help but let go of what they wanted to do. Just now, I just wanted to play a song. Brother, you are indeed a good person. To think that you would want to dance with me. Not bad, not bad. If you had danced that song in your disciple's clothes, I believe you would have looked even better. "

Slate looked at Feng Er with a serious expression, making her feel uneasy. One had to know that she was only a disciple to begin with.

However, this Bro Slate didn't know.

If he hadn't said those words to her in all seriousness, Feng Er would have suspected that he was teasing her on purpose.

"Cough …" Cough … This is a hallucinatory powder foam, you didn't even remind me, you are deliberately making me look bad! "Let's go, let's go. I'm really curious about what's inside!"

With a bright red face and fluttering eyes, she almost wanted to rush in.

At this moment, Brother Slate, who was standing behind them, revealed a mischievous smile. However, when Phuong turned around, his face returned to that pure and flawless expression.

"Why is there such a large Peach Blossom Forest?" Slate, tell me, is this planted by a person or is it a natural product? Why do I feel like I can't get out? "

After walking for nearly two hours, the two of them were still wandering around the Peach Blossom Forest. Wiping away the sweat on her face, Feng Er puzzledly asked her brother, Slate, who was standing behind her.

"If we can't get out of here, what do you regret the most?" Slate, who was behind her, asked her in a patient tone.

"The most regrettable? Heh heh, I have nothing to regret. "In any case, to me, death is just a matter of life and death!"

Hearing the tone of abandonment, Slate's eyebrows knitted together.

"What about you, Slate? You must have a lot of regrets, right? "

Slate smirked and opened his mouth in an uneasy manner, but no words came out from his mouth. Feng'er turned her head to the side and tilted her head to ask him. Hey, what's with your expression? Why does it feel like I'm a big girl? Don't tell me your biggest regret is not being with a certain girl? "

"Seeing how accurate her guess was, Slate felt even more embarrassed. I'm right, I'm sorry I wasn't with a girl. As long as I can be together with that lady for life and death, I have no other regrets in my life. "

Feng'er had a whole new level of respect for him. He hadn't thought that this brother was actually a man who had someone he liked. Looking at his decadent appearance, he didn't seem to be the type of person who could be a lover at all.

Knowing that he had a woman on his mind, her interest came.

He ran up to her with a curious look on his face, "I say, what does that girl of yours look like? Let's hear it, I'm really too curious about why a man like you, who looks like a slate, can open up EQ towards women. I wonder what kind of magical person this woman is. "

Her curious eyes stared at Slate uneasily. "Keep your eyes away from her gaze." Actually, actually, I have never really interacted with her before. However, she was very bad. The first time I met her, she thoroughly touched my whole body. In the end, he pushed me away at the most crucial moment. Sigh, when I think of her exquisite skin and her intelligent eyes, I can't help but think about her. My teacher and my junior, they all say she's a bad woman.

But I just thought she was a good woman! Do you think that a woman like her would be a bad woman? "

When Slate mentioned the woman he liked, his originally innocent and shy eyes suddenly lit up.

This proved to Feng'er that love can rebirth, and can also change a person's mental state. Just look at this Shibai Ren from before. He had a silly look on his face. This was a good meeting. When it came to women, it was as if he had been reborn.

Feng'er felt her heart ache for some reason. She realized that she had actually eaten the woman in this man's mouth.

"They all say she's a bad woman, so she must be. But, I think, the key is not you. You think that she is the best woman in the world, that she is the best, but if you think that she is bad, hehe, then she, no matter how kind a woman is, she will still be a very bad woman to you. This sort of thing, the key lies in your heart. Do you understand? "Kid!"

Love, can let the man who loves her see her as a goddess. However, when a relationship was about to break up, many people would treat their former lover as a snake-like woman. Phuong, back in the brothel, saw such scenes before.

Brother Slate raised his head and glanced at Feng Er, who was not paying much attention to him. A hint of a smile flashed across his eyes. " I wonder what it would be like if you fell in love with a woman? Would it be plump, or would it be the type that looked sweet and long? If you want this type of person, I have a Junior Sister.

Introduce yourself to a woman!

What a joke, she was a woman after all.

Feng Er turned around abruptly, and with his cold eyes, he wanted to shout at this blind man.

Unexpectedly, this time, it was too urgent. Slate was right behind her. This time around, she coincidentally bumped into Brother Slate's lips.

"I... "Why do you sound like a disciple, with your mouth full of fragrance?"

Covering his mouth, Brother Slate clicked his tongue.

Those teeth just now had hurt him. Even though he had taken advantage of Feng Er.

Feng'er's expression was serious. "Cough, cough, I think you're crazy for women. I'm a man, a man, don't think about it. Hurry up and think of a way out. If we continue like this, I'm afraid I'll starve to death! "Although I said that death would still be death, I still like to live on."

"Brother Slate asked her seriously as he looked at her with melancholy eyes." If, in this Peach Blossom Forest, we were able to live, would you still think about getting out? "

He slightly clenched his fists, showing his seriousness and concern.

Feng'er nonchalantly glanced at him, "I say, Slate, is there something wrong with you?" This place is a forest of peach blossoms. Besides, we men have been living here for a long time, so it's not fun. If it was a man and a woman, they might be able to create a little girl when they were free. But, these two men are meaningless! "