Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Crispy, fragrant, crisp, tender and refreshing. This ordinary meal actually made Feng'er eat even more delicious food than she would have in the past in the palace.

He had just eaten two mouthfuls of stir-fried Shan Zhen, and when he stretched out his hand to take it, it was all gone.

Looking at the other side, the only thing that really mattered was Brother Slate's appearance. It was as fast as the wind and as fast as lightning. His mouth was filled with bread and the bowl was filled with more food. Judging from his posture, the plate in front of him was completely occupied by someone else.

Feng'er, who hadn't had enough of eating, narrowed her eyes dangerously on the spot. She let out a pained smile. "This dish, is it delicious?"

Brother Slate nodded vigorously, "It's delicious, delicious, extremely delicious! I've never had anything so delicious. "

Feng'er's smile became even more amiable. "Oh, is that so? Then, just whose shred of light did you get from eating this dish?"

"Of course it's yours." His mouth was filled with a mouthful of food, and he could no longer speak clearly.

Feng Er's smile suddenly changed, "Then are you going to eat alone or something?" Do I still want to eat more? "

At this moment, Brother Slate finally understood that Feng Er had been walking around for a long time, talking about what she was doing.

He rubbed his head and pushed the plate of dishes in front of him to the middle.

A bit embarrassed, he looked at Feng Er, "I, I only saw you eating so little. I thought you didn't like it, so I decided to make the first move." This is because my master taught me that wasting energy is absolutely shameful. However, your food is too gentle. That's why I thought you didn't like it! "

Feng'er was furious. This rock even acted as if it felt wronged. It was as if he was too polite and gentle to snatch food for himself.

It was clearly him who ate like a reincarnated hungry ghost, how could he blame her for thinking about such a polite meal!

Instead of refuting him, she just looked at him with her eyes, at the people eating at the table. At this time, after looking at it seriously for a long time, Brother Slate finally came to a conclusion. Emotions were not something that the other brothers ate in a gentle manner, but rather they were too rude.

At this moment, that fellow's tender and beautiful face turned completely red. Heh heh … I can't help it, I'm hungry. If you try eating for a day and a night without food, you'll eat like me. Come on, let's not talk about anyone else. Today, I have to eat my fill. It will be easier to handle later! "

The two of them worked diligently. Originally, Feng'er had only ordered two more dishes according to their quantity. However, they didn't know that the food was delicious, and the two of them ate with their hearts on their backs. The two of them had finished all the dishes on the table. Currently, Brother Slate was actually holding a plate of vegetables and pouring the leftover soup into his bowl.

Feng Er felt the mocking gazes from the people on the table. She thought to herself, "I don't know this guy, I definitely don't know him."

Even though she was a woman with thick skin, this man didn't pay much attention to the eyes of others.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned another table full of dishes. In any case, he still had some silver notes on him. Even if it wasn't enough, it wouldn't be a problem to withdraw a certain amount of silver from any of the Witch family banks in Zhilan Country. However, she felt that there was still some unwillingness in her heart to spend so quickly.

What's more, this seemingly innocent and good-looking man before her was actually a glutton. This made her feel even more unhappy.

After the two of them had dinner, Feng Er gave all the random stuff she bought on the street to this man. This was a good thing, but she actually found an obligated laborer. Although this laborer was a bit expensive, it was fortunate that he still looked quite nice.

The two of them traveled together. Needless to say, there were many women who were focused on looking at Shixiong Shiji. This made Feng'er wonder if she should rent out this man for a round if she really didn't have any silver left.

Due to her bad intentions, her eyes had been wandering around Brother Slate's body the entire time.

From time to time, a strange and sinister smile would surface on his face. Such a foxy smile made Brother Slate sweat profusely.

After walking a bit further, he couldn't help but stop. "Bro, isn't there something wrong with your eyes?" I said, let me show you first, look at your eyes, they are really getting more and more serious. Also, you're so young, yet you can't control your saliva. All I know is that with those old people, it's easy for people like you to start salivating. You can't also be the precursor to this kind of symptom, right? "

Brother Slate's face was full of concern. He even reached out his hand to feel Feng Er's pulse.

Waving away his claws, Feng Er smiled complacently, "Don't worry, I'm very healthy. Even if you're sick, I won't be. However, even if we are to rent you out, it would be best for you to remain silent. Otherwise, once you speak up and offend your employer, they will treat you like a fool and come back to me to claim my loss.

Her words were definitely spoken in a soft voice, but it just happened to be heard by that seemingly shrewd and foolish Brother Slate.

He stood there with his eyes and nose pressed together.

Phuong walked for a long time, looking back to see him still standing there with his head lowered.

and tugged at his sleeve, "I say, what's the matter with you? "Why are your eyes so red? Who dares to bully you, I'll get even with him."

This time, she was like a kind elder sister.

Brother Slate raised his eyes and looked at her aggrievedly, "You …" You are bullying me. "

Feng'er covered her mouth, her eyes wide open. One must know, he had been muttering to himself just now, if it was really soft.

[Is this man a martial arts master?]

Or did he have ears for the wind?

"Did you hear what I just said?"

He was a bit unsure. If this man was a martial arts master, wouldn't he have made a killing?

Thinking of this, her eyes sparkled even brighter. If he knew kung fu, this man's mind was so simple, so easily deceived. When the time came, it would be just around the corner to cultivate him into his own person. When that time came, he would have an additional powerful ally to support him!

"Therefore, when she looked into Brother Slate's eyes, they were so bright that he retreated once again." You... Don't get so close to me, I'm not worth much and I don't want to be sold. At most, I won't follow you anymore. "

Her face was serious. "Tell me, have you learned since you were a child what can fly on rooftops? And the kind that could pierce a rock to pieces with just a finger? Also, if three to five people were to beat you up and you were to blow your breath, you would be able to eat them all.