Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Feng'er didn't say anything more. She just smiled faintly at the spring flowers in the distance.

The wind rises, and the broken flowers fall. Although it is the spring equinox, it is not comparable to the passing of the flowering season. Spring flowers full of trees, just like this thanked the red, leaving a ground full of broken petals sighing.

"Miss, I didn't expect that our guess was right. The Lord is here."

Mei Xiang gently called out, causing Feng Er to look towards the door.

Xuanyuan QIyuan, who had walked over, had an evil smile on his face. No matter how one looked at it, he felt that this was a dishonest Prime Minister. Did he have the illusion that such a man had really been to Zhilan Country? Reject his good intentions in front of the Supreme Lord, and for the sake of showing his determination in front of everyone, smash into a wall on the spot?

This, no matter how you looked at it, why did it feel like he was just a man without any disasters, nor did he have any schemes. Although she was good-looking, she also had a superior appearance. However, he didn't really have much to do with words like intelligence. However, he was such a man who had dealings with people like intelligence.

Perhaps, he had used this kind of appearance to deceive many people.

After Mei Xiang bid her farewell, she obediently left. She knew they must have had a conversation. After all, she was the one who knew the most about the delicate situation between the two of them.

"Much better!" She asked lightly, but didn't say anything, only looking at him with disgust.

After a while, he said coldly, "I want to go out. I want to go out with them. Even if that's the case, as the reward for the first time after completing a mission for you! "

She looked at him boldly with determined eyes. It was as if if if if he didn't agree, he would leave decisively.

"No way!"

At the same time, he also resolutely replied to her, and the words he said without the slightest rebuttal made her sneer again and again. Then, why did you have to save me? " If you don't save me and let me go, then it will be even better.

He was a little despondent and a little disappointed, but also filled with endless frustration and anger.

She glared at him with hatred, no longer concealing her anger at him. Because there was no need, and he didn't want to face him with that mask again. She was tired. After experiencing life and death, after experiencing such a thing, she truly felt tired from the bottom of her heart.

Therefore, there was no need to face him with a fake face. He didn't care about her change at all. Like her, he had retracted his previous false concern for her. He no longer hid his hatred towards her, as well as his disdain towards her.

He looked at her coldly, "Why did I save you? It's because you still have some use to me. What your family owes me, even if you use your entire life to repay it, you won't be able to. This is my greatest kindness to you now. Don't try to get from me what you shouldn't get, and don't try to get from me the freedom you should get. In this life, if I lose my freedom, you will also lose it.

"If you must get rid of me, unless I get rid of you first, then everything is just talk and imagination …"

He had never expressed such hatred in front of him, nor had he ever said so many heartless words. However, he had used his actions to prove his ruthlessness.

Now he had spoken to her. Now he was certain that he hated Meng Hao, and had enmity with him.

Who was the source of all this?

Needless to say, it could only be her parents. The matter that caused her to have her Gu family wiped out once again surfaced in her mind. She painfully closed her eyes.

Lying powerlessly on his chair, his large eyes that were lifeless and empty stared straight at him. "It's you …" It's you... You are the one who caused the murder of our Gu family. It's you, you let me become your slave on purpose. It's you, it's you who made me your chess piece, but only so that you could torture me and make me live a life of life, no, and death like you? "

Fear appeared in her eyes without restraint. At this moment, she covered her ears even though she had asked this question.

She was afraid, from the bottom of her heart. That belief, that past, made her afraid to hear what she didn't want to hear.

All along, although he was the worst, he was also the worst to himself. However, he was also the person who cared about him the most. Very contradictory life, very contradictory people. It was a very contradictory matter. Although she hated him for what he had done to her, she still held a trace of fantasy towards him.

Looking at her weak appearance, he recalled that smiling woman from back then. She walked towards him step by step, using her words to provoke him, causing him to reveal the route to the village …

This hatred, this deception, had caused him to be unable to bear Feng Er even a little bit. It had all turned into an unforgettable hatred.

"He pressed closer and closer, his face contorted into a ferocious expression." You feel hatred, you feel that you shouldn't be treated like this, but if you know that all of your loved ones were killed by the enemies that led you in, what would your hatred be? So what if you are unwilling? I'm telling you, all of this can only be hated by your loved ones, the people you love the most. It was them, a vile creature they had created. It's them, who caused you to fall into such a situation. "

"As he pressed her closer, she kept backing away." No, don't say anymore, don't say anymore, my parents, they were also helpless. I believe they are good people, good people. In my heart, they are the best and dearest people to me. "Don't destroy them. I don't believe you. You're talking nonsense. You're talking nonsense."

She helplessly shook her head, screaming nonstop.

His sympathy was not aroused by my pity for him. On the contrary, it was even more so by his resentment.

Back then, it was precisely because he pitied that damnable, injured man that he agreed to bring those assassins in. In the end, what did his kindness get?

What he got was that fake sick person, who jumped up from the bed and stabbed his third grandpa to death with a single slash. As for Third Grandpa, before he died, he even gave him a push. He wanted to escape as soon as possible to notify the villagers …

The hatred instantly caused his hair to stand up without any wind, and the hatred instantly caused his eyes to turn blood-red.

The Gu Feng'er before him seemed to have transformed into the hateful woman from back then. At the same time, she seemed to be the man who had disguised himself as someone seriously ill.

Their acting seems to be very good. They really know how to use the weakness of human nature. They really know how to use their compassion back then …

Now, when he faced such a face again, there was no longer any sympathy that he should not have. There was only ruthlessness.

Looking at this kind of face, he would feel disgusted and extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her collar, staring at her intently, "Gu Feng'er, all of my relatives were killed by your father. All of them. Tell me, what should I do to settle this debt?"

With a sudden pull of her hand, Feng Er's collar was tightened. She could clearly feel that terrifying tightness in her chest.

Tears fell down helplessly, feeling pain for their parents' past. Her parents had always been the most noble and pure support in her heart. But now, they were all broken by this man in front of her.