Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Thinking this way, she replied lightly, "I don't think the Third Princess will treat me that way with her character. However, I am actually worried that the third princess' personality is a bit too upright. If she were to clash with mother then, it would be a huge problem! "

She rolled her eyes and added, "At that time, Feng Er will even be worried about how to persuade you two." Hehe, after all, both of you are the mistress of Feng Er. You say, it's not right to stand on one side, nor is it right to stand on the other side. Sigh, I hope there won't be a day like that. "Otherwise, I think I will really be in a difficult position."

The smile on her face intensified. It was not hard to see that she was in an exceptionally good mood.

Looking at her smile, Miao You Ran felt that it was extremely dazzling. However, she couldn't do it either. He could only forcefully cough, "Oh, I think you're overthinking it, Feng'er. This kind of thing, I believe we will handle well. You also know Mistress' personality. You're the one who can tolerate it the most. As long as she did not overdo it, Mistress would not do anything to her. Seeing that Feng'er is not in good health, Mistress will take her leave first. "I wonder if the wedding ceremony has ended yet. Mistress should go and take care of it!"

Miao You Ran only wanted to leave as soon as possible without getting a good ending. Phuong smiled and bowed, then sat down again.

Everyone knew that she had never been polite or polite to the couple in the mansion. Some of them were just casually wandering around!

As Miao You Ran left, his eyes seemed to inadvertently glance at Mei Xiang, who was bent at the side. She had not forgotten that Mei Xiang had tried to stop her. It seemed that apart from hatred and fear, this little servant was completely loyal.

Feeling Miao You Ran's hatred, Mei Xiang was terrified.

Just now, she had reacted out of reflex, fearing that Miao You Ran would do something to Feng'er. That was why she had extended her hand to stop her.

When she saw the look of hatred in her eyes, she felt her entire body go cold.

Feng Er's gaze landed on Mei Xiang's nervous face, then calmly swept her gaze over Miao You Ran's retreating figure. The corners of his mouth curled up into a sneer. There were some things that she could have guessed without her knowledge. Because of this, she didn't trust Mei Xiang and everyone around her too much. This wasn't because she was paranoid, but because of the environment.

However, teasing these people seemed to be quite fun at times.

"Meixiang, tell me, master is busy today with the third princess' wedding present, would you come to visit me here?" "Shall we make a guess?"

The absent-minded Mei Xiang was still in a trance. She was still thinking about whether or not Miao You Ran would do anything to her or her family. Why would he really think about this question of Feng Er's?

"Oh, Mistress says that I know how to do it!"

He looked at her in amusement, "Mei Xiang, I just didn't know. That's why I asked you. Why did you come when I said I would!?" It looks like Mei Xiang has a lover, right? "

After being stared at by her teasing eyes, Mei Xiang finally recovered from Miao You Ran's warning.

Lowering his head, he frowned, "Reporting to Master, this servant really doesn't know, but I think Master hasn't come for a few days. Perhaps he will come."

Feng Er didn't say anything as she stared at her. She only calmly looked at her. If she had opened her heart to him just now, he might have even considered taking her away before he left. However, she still chose to hide it from him.

"A thin smile appeared on her face, and she let out a soft 'oh'." That's right, I haven't been here for so long, and I still want to have a good chat with my master. Oh right, Mei Xiang, do you think that he and I are a pair of master and disciple? "

This question was too sensitive and too taboo. Mei Xiang was so frightened that she stood rooted to the spot, not knowing how to answer her.

Her eyes wandered around for a long time before she asked Feng'er in a clever, probing manner, "Young miss, do you mean to say that? Do you want to hear the truth or is it fake? "

Her eyes darted around, and she could tell that this girl was thinking about what she should do to answer her master's difficult question. After all, this was a taboo for everyone in the estate.

A few years ago, there was a woman who unintentionally said that there was no such thing as' no nonsense 'in the house. Everyone understood who he was pointing at and who he was cursing at.

However, it was this old woman who mysteriously died a few days after she said those words.

It was said that he died of an illness all of a sudden. However, Mei Xiang had personally gone to rein in that old woman. That person had died without a single wound on his body. However, his eyes were wide open. Obviously, he was scared to death.

Since then, although the people in the residence were still the same, and the prime minister's wife was also affectionate, everyone had a name in their hearts. There were some things that could not be said. Who could truly understand that the old granny had really died from a sudden illness? And it was because of something else that scared him to death!

Thus, after experiencing that incident, Mei Xiang had a deep understanding of how one spoke and did things in this mansion.

Feng'er tilted her head and looked at her with a face full of amusement. Since I'm asking you, of course I want to hear the truth of your words. What, are you afraid I'll blame you? "Hehe, since you're afraid, then forget it, let's not talk about it anymore."

She smiled mischievously, looking at her with that smile. Mei Xiang was stunned for a moment. This young lady had instantly regained her previous shrewd and mischievous appearance. This kind of situation made her feel that it wasn't easy to deal with her.

"Laughing mischievously, she retracted her fear of Miao You Ran." I think the truth is, you two really don't look like each other. Rather than calling the two of you a master and disciple, it would be more accurate to say that you are a pair of, uh, battle-qi enemies. The two of you, one seems to have been conquered, the other seems to have taken control of her heart. But in reality, no one was able to conquer anyone. No one was able to control her body and heart. All of you are just hurting each other. "

Being able to hit the nail on the head, Mei Xiang's words seemed very ordinary. However, he actually spoke the truth. Feng'er froze when she heard this.

She bit her lips and sat on the spot. For a long time, her previous mischievous smile was gone.

Mei Xiang saw that she remained silent for a long time and was startled. She even thought that she was going to blame him for his bluntness. However, after being on tenterhooks for a long time … Feng'er then revealed a pitiful smile, "Haha …" Mei Xiang, I didn't expect you to be able to see through it so thoroughly … That's right, I used to think about how I could subdue him. He was also thinking about how he could free himself from his grasp. "However, the current me doesn't think this way anymore …"