Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 308

At this time, Ah Ying has opened her beautiful eyes. When she saw that Tang Wenhao, instead of Jin Dacai, appeared in front of her bed, she was stunned. Tang Wenhao was so distressed that tears kept pouring out, "Ah Ying, can you hold on? No, let\'s have a caesarean section?"

"No... Wen Hao, as long as you\'re by my side, I\'m not afraid of any hardship." as she said, two lines of clear tears overflowed in her beautiful eyes, and Tang Wenhao leaned over and kissed her.

"Ah... Ah..." Ah Ying cried out in pain.

Tang Wenhao quickly held out his hand, handed it to her mouth and asked her to bite herself. Ah Ying had no consciousness of the pain. She bit Tang Wenhao\'s hand tightly and tried to bite back the pain.

When the two doctors saw this, they both exclaimed, "young man, you will hurt your daughter-in-law and a good man."

After the pain passed, Ah Ying opened her beautiful eyes. When she found that she was biting Tang Wenhao\'s hand, she was distressed and said remorsefully, "Wen Hao, I\'m sorry, I didn\'t know it was your hand. It hurts very much?"

"Ah Ying, I\'m fine. As long as you feel better, my pain won\'t be painful. Don\'t worry, Ah Ying, I\'ll double my pain and love you in the future." Tang Wenhao said passionately caressing Ah Ying\'s pretty face.

Ah Ying was a little confused when she saw Tang Wenhao say such words. All along, she knew that Tang Wenhao liked her and was buried in her heart. Why is she so straightforward today? Moreover, her husband Jin Dacai didn\'t come in. What\'s the matter? She couldn\'t help asking, "Wen Hao, where\'s your big brother?"

Tang Wenhao looked back at the two female doctors, and then whispered in her ear, "my eldest brother couldn\'t come back. He specially sent me back. Just now they didn\'t let me in. Manny said I was your husband and your stomach was my child. As soon as I heard it, I had confidence. I was originally my child! So don\'t miss it."

A Ying nodded happily and said with a smile, "I see! Husband."

"Hmm! Wife, let\'s cheer together! Has she been sitting there ignoring you? Does it hurt to let you cry here alone?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"Well! They have been in contact with us all day. They haven\'t felt it for a long time. They cry louder. They are impatient! But it hurts so much that people can\'t help it! Wen Hao,... Ah... Here again... Ah!" another burst of intense pain hit.

Tang Wenhao quickly put his hand into her mouth again. Ah Ying stopped biting, just hugged his head desperately and cried wantonly

After this round of labor pains, Ah Ying\'s physical exertion was too severe and she felt obviously exhausted. Tang Wenhao quickly took out all the food and drink she brought in to supplement her nutrition.

"Wife, if we fight after we\'ve had enough to eat and drink, the victory must belong to us." Tang Wenhao joked that he wanted to let Ah Ying spend this difficult moment in this relaxed atmosphere.

It was time for the doctor to have dinner. The two doctors first checked Ah Ying and looked at the situation. They all went out when they saw that they were free for a while. They said they could ask the doctor next door for help if there was a situation. They went to dinner first.

"Shit, the doctors here are so hearty. Can they relax? They also stay on duty." Tang Wenhao scolded.

"Don\'t people say it? There\'s a doctor next door, Wen Hao. It\'s okay." ah Yingjiao gasped.

"Hmm! Ah Ying, I want to see our children over there, OK?" Tang Wenhao said with an obscene smile.

Ah Ying smiled shyly, "what\'s wrong? The children are all yours. Is there anything else you can\'t see? Just look if you want to!"

Tang Wenhao glanced at the door and saw no one. He walked to the end of the bed happily. He bent down and locked his eyes on Ah Ying. He was stunned. Women are really great. How painful it is! No wonder Ah Ying fainted in pain.

"Isn\'t it so ugly now?" Ah Ying smiled shyly.

"No, Ah Ying, it\'s not ugly, it\'s sexy, it\'s great. Ah Ying, no wonder women are the greatest animals in the world. You\'re great! Ah Ying, I swear I\'ll treat you all my life! I\'ll love you all my life." Tang Wenhao said emotionally.

"But... Wen Hao, although I can\'t be with you forever, I\'m still very grateful that you can be there in person when our child is born." Ah Ying said happily.

"No, Ah Ying, what I said is true. I want to be with you forever," said Tang Wenhao.

"But... Are you... Your eldest brother and parents are very kind to you and me. We can\'t do anything sorry for them, Wen Hao. I know you love me and are really good to me, but we can\'t be sorry for the Jin family." Ah Ying doesn\'t know what Tang Wenhao means, because she doesn\'t know that Jin Dacai has left her forever and her future, Jin Dacai has been entrusted to Tang Wenhao.

"Hehe, I know. Ah Ying, don\'t worry. No matter what we do, we won\'t hurt the Jin family. Just give birth to our Jin Ying. When you recover, we\'ll implement our next goal right away, okay? Ah Ying, you don\'t know. In fact, I like being with you very much. Every time you make me crazy." Tang Wenhao said with an obscene smile.

"Bad guy... When do you still want this!" Ah Ying said shyly, but her beautiful eyes showed incomparable happiness. Tang Wenhao\'s ambiguous and sensational words made her feel that she could give everything for himself.

When she finished whining, she suddenly felt that her body hurt more than ever. She couldn\'t help shouting, "ah... Ah!... pain... Wen Hao... Help me... Pain." she shouted and scratched hard. Jiao was panting and panting.

Tang Wenhao looked at her badly. A dark mass of things squeezed out. He immediately reacted. It seemed to be a child\'s head. Now he was frightened, "Ah Ying, don\'t worry. I\'ll call a doctor. It seems to be coming out."

With that, Tang Wenhao quickly opened the door, ran to the delivery room next door, suddenly pushed the door open, raised his eyes, and his face immediately turned red. It turned out that this was a collective delivery room, in which seven or eight pregnant women were moaning in pain. Suddenly a man appeared, which scared these women to scream.

"Who are you? Get out. This is a woman\'s delivery room. Who let you in?" a female doctor scolded angrily.

Tang Wenhao quickly turned his head and said, "I\'m sorry! I didn\'t mean to. My wife was about to give birth. The doctor went out to dinner and asked me to ask you for help."

"Won\'t you knock? Let\'s go! Which delivery room?" the doctor shouted and followed him out.

Led the doctor to a Ying. At this time, a Ying was screaming with pain. Tang Wenhao nervously grabbed her hand, "ah... Ah..."

"Girl, push... Push again... Come on, don\'t stop, you\'ll be out soon... Come on... Push." the doctor commanded at the end of the bed.

"Ah Ying, don\'t be nervous. It\'s all right. I\'m here!" Tang Wenhao was deeply distressed when he saw Ah Ying\'s pain.

"Girl, do it again. Hurry up! Maybe you\'ll succeed once. Your head has come out," said the doctor.

Ah Ying gasped and grabbed Tang Wenhao\'s hand. Tang Wenhao silently put his hand to her mouth and said, "Ah Ying, bite my arm and bite hard."

"No, no... I can\'t bear to... Ah! Ah!..." another sharp pain hit, and Ah Ying immediately entered a confused state. Tang Wenhao put his hand into her mouth. Ah Ying bit and exerted himself, and then ah shouted and fainted.

Then the doctor said with a smile, "OK, come out!"

Jin Dacai was right. He was really a girl. When Tang Wenhao saw this young life kicking his legs in the hands of the doctor, he was very curious. Is this my daughter? Am I a father? He felt that this feeling was so wonderful that he couldn\'t adapt to this role transformation at once.

"Hehe, look at your daughter! It\'s very beautiful. Your wife is so beautiful and you are so handsome. Your daughter must be a stunning beauty. Do you want to wake up your wife? Let her see her daughter?" the doctor asked with a smile.

Tang Wenhao shook his head and said with a smile, "let her have a rest! What are we going to do now?" Tang Wenhao didn\'t know what to do when he was a father for the first time.

"Are her little clothes ready? Have you bought milk powder? By the way, what\'s her name? We\'ll get her a birth certificate and keep both her mother\'s name and her father\'s name."

"Oh, I see. Thank you! We\'ll talk it over before we tell you." Tang Wenhao was a little uncertain when he heard that his parents\' names should be written on the birth certificate.

"It\'s all right. I\'ll take her to take a bath first, and you can prepare milk powder and small clothes for your daughter." the doctor smiled.

An hour later, Ah Ying was pushed to her nursing room, which was booked by Jin Dacai. It was a VIP room with more than 1000 expenses every day. Manny, Xiaoting and Jin Dacai\'s mother all went inside to guard Ah Ying. Ah Ying watched her daughter lying next to her, full of satisfaction and happiness.

Outside, Tang Wenhao, Wu Kui and Jin Dacai\'s father are together. The Jin family is very happy. After all, there is a third generation. Although the child is not a granddaughter, the old man has already regarded the child as his own granddaughter in his heart.

"Wen Hao, a good boy, has a conscience. He has a conscience better than your eldest brother. This boy has fallen off his chain at this time. He has to come back no matter how busy he is. His daughter-in-law hasn\'t come back yet. I\'ll deal with him when he comes back." old man Jin scolded unhappily.

"Hehe, Dad, don\'t talk about my big brother. My big brother really has something important to deal with. Isn\'t it the same when I come?" Tang wenhaoqiang said with a smile. In fact, his heart is dripping blood.

"Hehe, that\'s what I say, but it\'s a big deal after all. By the way, what\'s the boy doing?" the old man of the Jin family asked suspiciously.

"Well, Dad, we have an important project to do. My eldest brother has more experience than me, so he left him there to deal with it. I don\'t understand anyway. He sent me back to take care of my sister-in-law." Tang wenhaoqiang said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way... Second, go down and buy a box of cigarettes for Dad." old man Jin gave Wu Kui away.

Wu Kui went downstairs readily.