Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 309

The old man pulled Tang Wenhao aside. When Tang Wenhao saw it, he beat a drum in his heart. Won\'t the old man see it? If he really sees it, he must not tell him the truth. Big brother is his only child. At this age, it\'s cruel for white haired people to send black haired people!

"Wen Hao, dad asked you, did your big brother assign you a new task?" the old man smiled.

Tang Wenhao looked at the old man\'s expression and knew he had guessed wrong. He also understood what he asked. He nodded hurriedly and said with an embarrassed smile, "Dad, my eldest brother has assigned me a task for a long time."

"Hehe, that\'s good! You and Ah Ying are both young. It doesn\'t matter if you have the first child. It\'s also good if the first child is a daughter. Your mother and I like her very much. Then you and Manny come back this time and stay longer. When Ah Ying recovers, you can sleep at home! Just sleep in your sister-in-law\'s bed and let her have a baby as soon as possible. Dad is old and wants a grandson too much. Dad is here A wish can only get rid of you. "Mr. Jin looked at Tang Wenhao beggingly.

Tang Wenhao\'s eyes were so hot that he almost shed tears and sobbed, "Dad, don\'t worry. I assigned three or four grandchildren to Lao Jin\'s family, and I will inherit the unique skills you gave me."

"Well, well, your big brother didn\'t mistake you, good boy." Mr. Jin smiled happily.

After some chores, Tang Wenhao asks Wu Kui to send the old man and the old lady home. Manny and Xiaoting also follow. Manny wants to go back to Manny. Wu Kui also happens to report her recent work.

Tang Wenhao sat beside Ah Ying. They both looked happily at the crystallization of their love. "Wen Hao, our daughter is really like you. How beautiful these small eyes are! I love her to death." Ah Ying smiled happily.

"Hehe, the lips are like you. Oh, sexy. I will definitely be fascinated by many men in the future. I want to kiss her now. My daughter\'s first kiss must be given to me." Tang Wenhao was also very excited when looking at his daughter and leaned over and kissed her lovely mouth.

"Ha ha, hooligans! Villains! Hooligans!" Ah Ying Jiao smiled.

"Wen Hao, when will your eldest brother come back? What is he doing there? Why did he let you come back alone? Does he have any idea?" Ah Ying asked puzzled.

"Ha ha, sister-in-law... Ah Ying, what can my eldest brother think? He... I don\'t know if you know one thing? Didn\'t ah Ling want to build a villa for us in death valley? I don\'t understand this kind of thing. My eldest brother happens to be engaged in construction, and he is in charge of it there." Tang Wenhao made up a reason to prevaricate.

"Oh, I know this,... Wen Hao, why do I think you\'ve changed a little this time? You don\'t call me sister-in-law anymore?" Ah Ying asked shyly.

"Well? I just think there is no outsider present anyway. You are my woman! Right! Today, the old man gave me a task! Let me stay here until you recover. As soon as you recover, let\'s have a roommate and have a second child. I see that the old man is so old and in his seventies, I can\'t bear to refuse him and promise him." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Hehe, so you were forced to agree?" Ah Ying pouted and smiled.

Tang Wenhao leaned over and kissed her sweet lips and said with a bad smile, "wife, do you believe it? If your body can, I want your ideas now."

"Ha ha... I can\'t wait! Wen Hao, I love you so much and I love your brother, but my feelings for you two are different. I want to give myself to you when I see you. At that time, I feel that my soul has been with you. Wen Hao, will you love me all my life?" Ah Ying said emotionally.

Tang Wenhao crazily hugged her head and kissed her. Tears filled his eyes. In fact, he had already felt how intense Ah Ying\'s emotion towards herself. However, she had been hidden in her heart. That emotion would burst out only when she handed herself over to Tang Wenhao.

A Ying also seemed very excited, but she reluctantly separated from each other because of her physical discomfort. A Ying Jiao gasped and stared at Tang Wenhao\'s handsome eyes. Tang Wenhao looked at her sexy lips and thought of the pain when she gave birth to a child. She was very distressed, "wife, I will love you and our children with my life."

Ah Ying Mei said excitedly with two clear tears in her eyes, "Well, Wen Hao, I knew the man I deeply love is the best man in the world. Wen Hao, the doctor said it would take about a month to recover. I\'ll give it to you as soon as I get back to normal, okay? I must give birth to more sons to the Jin family. I want to repay the Jin family for their kindness to my family, thank the Jin family for you and complete the tasks assigned to you by the Jin family."

"Wife, let\'s let it be! Don\'t take this as a task. To tell you the truth, I\'ve never taken the task given to me by my brother as a task. I really want to be with you. Every time my brother says to let us be together, I\'m so excited that I can\'t wait to hug you crazy right away."

Ah Ying smiled shyly. "Villain, do you pretend? At first people thought you didn\'t want me! By the way, why didn\'t sister Lingzhi come back with you this time?" Ah Ying asked suspiciously.

Tang Wenhao\'s heart was broken in an instant. He was most afraid of mentioning sister Lingzhi.

Tang Wenhao takes good care of a Ying and their baby daughter Jin Wenying. This is the name given by the father of the Jin family. He says Jin Ying is not very good. His mother a Ying is a single name, his daughter is a single name, and his mother and daughter have the same name. He says that this will make people scold, so he combines Tang Wenhao\'s name with Jin Wenying. In this case, the child\'s name is Jin\'s family, Wen Hao and a Ying\'s names are kneaded together. They are meaningful and sound good. Tang Wenhao and a Ying adopted them.

At the same time, he also keeps in touch with Ruan Ying and ah Xiu in Hanoi every day to understand the case, but the progress of the case there is not smooth. It seems that the case solving rate in Vietnam is not very good. It is said that there is no clue, and the murderer is still at large, which makes Tang Wenhao stuck in his throat.

Manny is always flying around on the plane these two days because of some major problems within Manny\'s family. She runs on both sides of Hong Kong and Shanghai. Tang Wenhao asks her what happened. She doesn\'t say it. She says it\'s all some problems within Manny\'s family. She\'s gradually straightening it out. Tell him when Tang Wenhao is busy with Ah Ying.

A week later, Tang Wenhao took Ah Ying and their baby daughter back to the Jin family villa. The three members of the family were officially lying in one bed. This was arranged by master Jin. The master was a little anxious. He wanted Ah Ying to conceive again immediately and add a big fat boy to the Jin family.

However, the old couple are also very fond of Wenying\'s granddaughter. The old couple feed their children milk powder. Ah Ying didn\'t have any milk at first. The doctor recommended a milk powder for them. The child is fed milk powder at birth. Tang Wenhao knows it\'s bad, but Ah Ying doesn\'t have milk, and he can\'t help it.

The doctor also said that if they want a second child soon, they can only wean. If they don\'t wean, they will recover and can\'t conceive.

Tang Wenhao took the opportunity to go out to buy things for Ah Ying and called his family. He told his parents that he was already in Shanghai and was having a month with Ah Ying. He told his parents what had happened in Vietnam and told them to keep it a secret anyway. He couldn\'t tell him and his wife that Ganoderma lucidum was dead.

After hearing this, Tang Cheng and his wife were stunned and didn\'t speak for a long time. "Son, it\'s impossible to hide it. Human life is crucial. How can you hide it?"

"Dad, I know, but now Ah Ying is in confinement and my eldest brother is gone. He died for me. I must take good care of the Jin family. Now I don\'t have time to take my father-in-law and mother-in-law to Vietnam! Besides, the murderer hasn\'t been caught yet. I don\'t want them to be cremated like this."

"Son, now it\'s not a question of whether to cremate or not. You have to let the couple meet Ganoderma lucidum for the last time. You can\'t make such a decision yourself. Otherwise, he family and our Tang family will really become a feud in the future. Ganoderma lucidum is your wife but also the daughter of others. You have to let them decide how to deal with the aftermath of Ganoderma lucidum. You don\'t know some ideas of rural people, Ling Zhi is the only child of he family. She has been waiting for you for so many years. Now when you take her out, you let others... Alas! Evil fate! Dad doesn\'t know what to do? How could it be like this! "Tang Cheng was so anxious on the phone.

"Dad, let\'s discuss something with you!" Tang Wenhao said.

"Go ahead, son."

"I want to be the Godson of he family. I will honor their couple like you and my mother in the future, so that my father-in-law and mother-in-law may feel better." Tang Wenhao thinks that in addition to this method, it can slightly reduce his pressure and comfort the spirit of Ganoderma lucidum in heaven. There is really no better way.

"Well, wait until you come back. My parents agree. I don\'t know if anyone else is willing or not. Can I spare you?" Tang Cheng said.

"Well, I\'ll go back immediately after my sister-in-law\'s confinement. Don\'t worry about you and my mother. It\'s already like this. We can\'t help it. I\'m more sad than anyone when Ganoderma lucidum leaves. She still has my child in her stomach!" Tang Wenhao said heartily.

"Ah? Are you pregnant?" Tang Cheng asked.

"Well, so it\'s four lives!" Tang Wenhao sighed.

After more than a month, Manny returned to Hong Kong for more than 20 days and said that she would soon complete the adjustment of Manny\'s team. She waited in Hong Kong for Tang Wenhao to return to Vietnam instead of Shanghai.

Ah Mui called and asked Tang Wenhao to go back earlier. She still had more than a month to go. She said she hoped Tang Wenhao would stay with her when she was giving birth. At this time, Tang Wenhao felt physically and mentally exhausted. It was not that he didn\'t want to accompany Ah Mui, but the parents of Ganoderma lucidum, which had overwhelmed him, He doesn\'t know how to face Mr. and Mrs. he denang when he goes back.

After dinner that day, a family of three went to bed early and the child had gone to bed. Tang Wenhao hugged Ah Ying and watched TV. In fact, he was not bothered by everything, but he still didn\'t show it to Ah Ying. His face was always happy. He didn\'t want his troubles to bring Ah Ying and the family.

"Husband, let me tell you some good news." Ah Ying smiled in his arms.