Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 136

Therefore, for Ruan Ling\'s invitation full of hunger and thirst, how can he have reason to refuse? So Tang Wenhao glanced back at the eight fairies and sister Ah Mei lying not far away and readjusted Ruan Ling\'s body.

"Well, baby, stop talking and hurry up." obviously, Ruan Ling can\'t wait.

The next day, Ruan Ling took Tang Wenhao and Ah Mei and led her eight immortals to death valley. Because the food they brought was almost done by Tang Wenhao and Ah Mei last night, they had to go back early. Besides, most of the people in death valley came out, and she was a little worried.

On the way, the precocious may always couldn\'t help running to Tang Wenhao\'s side, walking side by side with him, looking for words to tell him. Meimou glanced at Tang Wenhao intentionally or unintentionally. She was full of curiosity and expectation about Tang Wenhao\'s body.

"Uncle, did you really kill that big snake?" the little girl began to talk again.

Tang Wenhao said with a smile, "to be exact, sister Ah Mui killed it. I bit it when I was playing with it. The most fatal thing should be that sister Ah Mui stabbed it in the eye with a fire stick."

Ruan Ling smiled at sister Ah Mei, "sister, I didn\'t expect you to have so much courage and courage as a weak woman."

"Ah Ling, at that time, I thought the beast was going to bite our treasure... My uncle\'s head. I was so anxious at that time that I couldn\'t care about anything. Let\'s fight with it." Ah Mei said and glanced at the little beauty Ah Mei. She had a feeling that she had a baby face, but the beautiful little girl Ah Mei who was well-developed was full of worship when she looked at her baby, This girl won\'t fall in love with Wen Hao, will she?

"Hee hee, uncle, you can really bite such an ugly beast? Yeah! It\'s disgusting!" may closed her eyes, shook her head and smiled.

"Ha ha, may, when people arrive at that time, they have the instinct to survive and can do anything." Ruan Ling smiled.

Her little girls also chattered and laughed. Because they found my uncle and sister Ah Mui, their tasks were completed, so everyone was in a very good mood. Only ah Yu was sweating for Ah Mei.

Ah Yu has been calmly observing Ah Mei. She knows what ah Mei is thinking and is worried that she will sink deeper and deeper. Since she saw Tang Wenhao\'s body yesterday, Ah Mei has been in a state of excitement. In addition, she was left by Ruan Ling to wash Tang Wenhao\'s body and feed him. Therefore, she has been in closer contact with Tang Wenhao\'s body than other beauties.

Last night, may secretly asked ah Yu if she knew what men and women should do together. Ah Yu scolded her for not being ashamed. She said she didn\'t know such a thing. She was also a yellow flower girl herself? Ask Ah Mei to ask their sister Ruan Ling or Ah Mei. They must know.

Therefore, ah Yu was very worried when she saw that Ah Mei came together with Tang Wenhao intentionally or unintentionally all the way from getting up in the morning. She was worried that she would finally cross the red line and have something wrong with her uncle Tang Wenhao. If ah Jie knew, could Ah Mei still live?

So, thinking about it, in order to save her, ah Yu still pulled Ah Mei behind. When everyone didn\'t pay attention, she whispered to Ah Mei, "Ah Mei, don\'t be silly! A man like my uncle can\'t be thought of by a girl like you and me. He\'s an elder sister\'s. you can\'t have ideas no matter how much you like him."

"I know, sister ah Yu, can\'t I even talk to my uncle?" Mei said unconvinced.

"It\'s not that I can\'t. I think even sister Ah Mei can see that you like my uncle. It\'s estimated that sister ah knows. You\'d better pay attention to yourself." ah Yu warned her.

"No! I haven\'t had anything to do with my uncle?" may said with a frown.

"It\'s nothing. When it\'s all right, it\'s too late. Sister a and sister Ah Mei are people who come here. What can\'t be seen through? They don\'t say you now. It doesn\'t mean they don\'t know. My uncle knows better. Don\'t treat others as fools."

"Hehe, sister ah Yu, I know. I\'ll pay attention later. Hehe, sister ah Yu, you said that when we found out that my uncle and sister Ah Mei were together, they didn\'t wear clothes. Do you think they had that kind of relationship? I think sister Ah Mei and my uncle looked like a couple when they walked together." may said curiously.

"Shh, you\'re going to die! You can\'t talk nonsense. Elder sister Ah Mui doesn\'t say anything. What do you say? Elder sister Ah Mui is elder sister of elder sister ah. Although she\'s not a pro sister, they grew up together. Elder sister Ah Mui has been serving elder sister-in-law. Their relationship is not comparable. Ah Mei, I warn you, what\'s the relationship between elder sister Ah Mui and my uncle? Don\'t talk nonsense to others , if you are in trouble, no one can save you. "

"Is it that serious?" may said unconvinced with a small mouth.

"Sure, you should control your mouth." ah Yu looked at her seriously.

"OK, sister Yu, I see." may smiled as if nothing had happened.

To make a long story short, three days later, Ruan Ling and Tang Wenhao had stepped into the territory of death valley. However, when they walked to the edge of the jungle a few kilometers away from death valley, Ruan Ling found that the surrounding environment was somewhat strange. According to reason, Ruan Ling and them had not left death valley for ten days, that is to say, there should be people around death valley at this time, Because she has removed all the mechanisms, she can basically go in and out at will. Either the people who go out don\'t find Tang Wenhao, they go home one after another, or she will meet some people on the road these days.

However, except for the eight fairies I brought out these days, I didn\'t meet any sisters in death valley on the road and in the jungle. Now, there is a dead silence around me. Why on earth? Did something happen at home?

Thinking of this, Ruan Ling waved to everyone to stop, "baby, sister Ah Mui, let\'s not go in again. I think something\'s wrong at home!"

"Ah Ling, now that Abu and they have run away, does anyone in death valley dare to oppose you?" Ah Mui asked suspiciously.

"Yes! Sister, are you thinking too much? Who dares to hurt you, our sisters in death valley?" May asked in puzzled.

Ruan Ling motioned to everyone to hide. She paced aside and thought calmly, "well, sister Ah Mui, baby, do you think it\'s ok? Let\'s send one or two people in first. If it\'s okay, we\'ll go in and find a way if there\'s a problem."

"Ah Ling, shall I have a look?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"Baby, you can\'t do it. Your goal is too big and dangerous!" Ruan Ling rejected it.

"Ah Ling, I\'ll go. I\'m a maid. I\'m useless in their eyes. There won\'t be any danger. Besides, we don\'t know who\'s going to play tricks in it. Do you think too much?" Ah Mei said and got up.

"Sister Ah Mui, you can\'t go either. They all know that you two have disappeared. It\'s easy to expose us when asked. Sister Ah Mui, her sisters won\'t turn against me. What I\'m most worried about is the people of ah Cheng. They really should have killed them at that time. Now there are hidden dangers."

"Ah Ling, do you mean ah Cheng must be the opposite?" Tang Wenhao asked suspiciously.

"Well, it must be him. Now there are only a few people left in death valley. One is ah Zhu and ah Yun. They have been with me for many years and will not turn against me. I know. Besides, I promised them that I would take them out of the valley to find their mother-in-law at an appropriate time. They all want to marry to China, so their sisters are unreasonable By opposing me. "

"Ah Cheng is different from more than ten of them. These people are used to eating, drinking, whoring and gambling with Abu. They are too much controlled by us here. Now there is an accident in death valley. It is not impossible to seize the opportunity. Maybe ah Zhu and ah Yun and their sisters are controlled by this guy." Ruan Ling said calmly.

"Will sister ah Chu be ruined by them?" Ah Mei asked anxiously.

"It\'s entirely possible that these people used to do all kinds of evil in Xinyuan. They liked to play with women. They have been holding back for so long these days. Alas! They really shouldn\'t stay." Ruan Ling\'s intestines were green with regret.

Ruan Ling\'s words made Tang Wenhao particularly worried. When he thought that several good sisters before Ruan Ling had accidents one by one because of their arrival, he was very guilty and hurriedly said, "ah Ling, don\'t argue, I\'ll go and have a look! It\'ll be fine. Except you, I have the highest martial arts here. It\'s most suitable for me to go."

"Baby, you can\'t do it. They all know that you are good at martial arts and can point acupoints. If they find you, they won\'t give you a chance and will shoot you. Ah Cheng is not a fool. He knows the situation of death valley. If you and ah Ya outside are controlled by them, he won\'t worry about me at all. Therefore, you and ah Ya outside can\'t take risks now It\'s dangerous. The three of us still have the strength to fight with them. Baby, what I\'m most worried about now is that Aya has returned from Liangshan, and they must have controlled Aya. "Ruan Ling said anxiously.

"Sister, don\'t worry! You still have our eight sisters!" ah Yu heard the seriousness of the problem and quickly stated his position.

Amy, ABI and other seven fairies also expressed their loyalty to Ruan Ling to the death, which moved Ruan Ling very much.

"Ah Yu, I\'d like to thank you for supporting ah Jie at this time. However, you\'re too young and haven\'t learned Kung Fu. Ah Jie doesn\'t want you to take too much risk. You just have to follow her." Ruan Ling said gently.

"Elder sister, why don\'t you send me to inquire about it! Ah Cheng and his people are not familiar with me, so I told them that I went out with you to find my uncle, but I didn\'t find it. Later, we were separated, and I went back alone. Do you think it\'s good to say so?" may smiled.

"No, may, you\'re only 19 years old. Sister doesn\'t want anything to happen to you." Ruan Ling rejected her idea.

"Sister, but I don\'t want you and your uncle to have an accident. Don\'t worry! May is not so easy to deal with. I will act according to the opportunity and won\'t force them. I will paralyze them, listen to their words, run away while they don\'t pay attention, or find a way to deal with them with sister ah Zhu and them." may smiled lightly.

Ah Yu nodded and said to Ruan Ling, "sister, I think our eight sisters are really more suitable for selecting people to explore the reality and reality. Of course, may not go. She is really too young. I think it would be more suitable for me to go than May."

Several of her beauties also wanted to venture in to inquire and want to show it at this time, but they were rejected by Ruan Ling. She was not confident about the ability of these little girls and lacked a deeper understanding of them. She dared not take such a risk.

If they can\'t stand the test and sell themselves, they will be finished. When death valley came out, Ruan Ling was afraid of losing guns and was locked in the warehouse by ah Zhu. If ah Zhu was captured, ah Cheng must have controlled the arsenal. Now, except for a submachine gun and some throwing knives in her hand, she doesn\'t have any beautiful women, How can a single gun fight ah Cheng and survive in this jungle? How important guns are!