Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 135

Ruan Ling didn\'t say anything about them, but kept crying, shook her head and motioned them not to say. Her heart is very contradictory and tangled now. She doesn\'t know how to deal with this problem.

Ruan Ling is a perfectionist. She can allow Tang Wenhao to have other women besides her. At least now she has this kind of mind, but she only recognizes that Tang Wenhao\'s women are ice crystal and jade virgins. Like sister Ah Mui, with men and children, she feels that sister Ah Mui has desecrated her own men.

In particular, Ruan Ling extremely hates Ah Mui\'s black and thin ex husband. She feels that her man and that ugly man have had the same woman. She thinks it has defiled herself in disguise. When she thinks of this, she hates Ah Mui very much, but Ah Mui\'s identity is special. She can be said to be her benefactor. She wants to hate, but she can\'t hate, Can only accept the facts humiliatingly.

"Ah Ling, I really don\'t blame sister Ah Mei. Everything is my fault. I really didn\'t control my desire. I bullied sister Ah Mei. If you want to blame me, blame me!"

"That\'s enough! Stop talking! It\'s already like this. What do you want me to do? You\'re my sister and you\'re my sweetheart. What can I do when you sleep together?" Ruan Ling said and cried again.

"Ah Ling, I\'m really sorry! Sister Ah Mui has regarded Wen Hao as her only dependence in this life these days. Without him, sister Ah Mui would have died long ago." Ah Mui said, climbed over and hugged ah Ling tightly, sobbing.

"Well, sister Ah Mui, it\'s all over. As long as you two can live, what are these things? You can eat something later, have a good sleep and recover your body. We\'ll go home early tomorrow! I\'ll call may and them in to have a rest!" Ruan Ling said helplessly.

"Ah? May? They are coming too?" Tang Wenhao looked at Ruan Ling in surprise at his naked body.

Ruan Ling sighed indifferently, "don\'t you two know? They carried you out and in just now. They carried you both to the river, painted you with herbs to cool down, fed you some food and drink, and replenished some energy. They are all them. Otherwise, you can wake up now?"

"Ah? Then they all looked at my... Body?" Tang Wenhao asked shyly.

"What do you say? To save you, you must coat your whole body with herbal medicine. Don\'t worry! Sister Ah Mei changes into my clothes. As for baby you! You really don\'t have the clothes you wear. You are so tall. You can\'t wear our pants. No, wait. Tear someone\'s coat and wrap it around you!"

"Oh, that\'s OK." Tang Wenhao thought, so he could only do it.

"Then you two wait inside first. I\'ll go out and call them in!" said Ruan Ling, and she was about to get up and go out and call may and their eight immortals.

"Don\'t, don\'t, ah Ling, I also have good news for you." Tang Wenhao thought of the treasure in the cave. He wanted to tell Ruan Ling. First, the three of them discussed when to get the treasure out.

Ruan Ling looked at Tang Wenhao and Ah Mei suspiciously and asked with a smile, "do you still have good news? What better news than you two are alive?"

"Oh, ah Ling, it\'s not the same thing. I tell you, ah Ling, we\'re going to make a lot of money." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Well, ah Ling, we\'ve really made a fortune. This is a cave with treasures. There are countless gold and silver treasures in it." Ah Mei smiled excitedly, pointing to the cave wall.

"What? Treasure cave? You said it was a treasure cave?" Ruan Ling looked at them in surprise.

Tang Wenhao nodded and said with a smile, "yes, this cave wall is fake. In fact, it is an iron door. Push it open. It is full of gold and silver treasures. We can\'t spend it for ten years."

"Shh... Baby, sister Ah Mui, keep your voice down. If it\'s true, we must keep it a secret. We can\'t let the little girls outside know. They\'re young. Maybe hundreds of people know when they get home."

"Well, it\'s very important. Let\'s discuss it before my eldest brother and Manny come back? Ah Ling, if you go out again, can you still find this hole?" Tang Wenhao asked.

"Yes, baby, although I\'m not familiar with this place, I also know where it is in death valley. I can find it at any time." Ruan Ling smiled confidently.

"Well, in that case, my opinion is to keep it a secret first. Don\'t tell the fourth person outside us about it, because there are so many scary babies in it. We can\'t get rid of it once or twice. When my eldest brother and Manny come, we\'ll carefully plan how to transport it out. Do you think so?" Tang Wenhao asked.

Ruan Ling looked at Ah Mei for advice. "Ah Ling, I think baby, no, uncle, you\'re right." Ah Mei was afraid that Ruan Ling was jealous and quickly changed her mouth.

Ruan Ling smiled bitterly and nodded, "OK, that\'s it! Why don\'t I have a look first!"

"No, ah Ling, the iron door is too heavy, and it\'s not easy for us to reinstall it. It\'s basically restored to its original state. If we push it down and install it again, it\'s really difficult to block the light emitted by the jewelry inside, and it\'s likely to be found by Ah Mei outside." Tang Wenhao said seriously.

"Oh! All right! Then do as you say, baby! By the way, sister Ah Mui, since you are all like this, you can call Wen Hao whatever you want! I won\'t mind." Ruan Ling smiled helplessly.

"Ah Ling, is this true? Can sister Ah Mui understand that you will allow sister Ah Mui to be with her uncle in the future, and you will not interfere with us?" Ah Mui asked pleasantly, and Tang Wenhao looked at Ruan Ling with expectation.

"Alas! Sister Ah Mui, even if ah Ling doesn\'t like it, you\'re already like this. Can I break you up? If ah Ling breaks you up, baby can\'t tell how much she hates me! Besides, ah Ling wanted to bring him and ah Ju together, but she let ah Ju sleep with him because ah Ling couldn\'t satisfy him for the time being. Now ah Ju is dead, and you two can\'t come together It\'s providence, but sister Ah Mui, I still have one condition, "Ruan Ling said seriously.

"Ah Ling, you said that as long as sister Ah Mui and the baby are together, I will promise you anything." Ah Mui smiled happily, and Tang Wenhao was also very happy. Although Ah Mui was seven or eight years older than him, Ah Mui brought him unparalleled happiness, which fascinated him. He could not give up Ah Mui, the best young woman, Her ripe body is an inexhaustible treasure.

Ruan Ling glanced at them and said, "Sister Ah Mui, you are much older than the baby and have children again. Obviously, you are not suitable for being too formal together. Therefore, I allow you two to be together, but I don\'t allow you to be like me and my sister Manny, even ah Ju at that time. You have to be restrained. You can\'t make the whole city stormy and let everyone know. It\'s just limited to us and my sister , like those girls outside, you have to avoid it. I don\'t want to damage our baby\'s healthy image in the hearts of the sisters in death valley. "

"Ah? Ah Ling, it\'s not good for sister Ah Mui..." Tang Wenhao was afraid to hurt Ah Mui\'s self-esteem.

"Not really, what? Baby." Ruan Ling asked angrily.

"No, it\'s good, baby, just according to what Ah Mui said. Originally, Ah Mui doesn\'t deserve you. It\'s very good that ah Ling can allow us to be together. Ah Mui is very satisfied. Ah Ling, thank you! You give Ah Mui hope to live again." Ah Mui said emotionally.

"Well, sister Ah Mui, what else do our sisters have to say? You two rest first and I\'ll call them in." Ruan Ling said and stood up.

"Ah Ling... You\'d better get me a dress to cover it first!" Tang Wenhao smiled shyly.

"Hehe, baby, are you shy? Don\'t worry! I don\'t want to be cheap. These dead girls!" said Ruan Ling and went out.

After Ruan Ling went out, Tang Wenhao and Ah Mei couldn\'t help hugging each other, "baby, we really won\'t die. I can continue to be with my baby. It\'s really like a dream. When I go back, I\'ll take good care of ah Ling and you. Ah Ling is so kind to me."

"Sister Ah Mui, I wronged you." Tang Wenhao said emotionally.

"Don\'t be wronged, don\'t be wronged, baby. In our hometown, no one wants a woman like me. Where can we find a man like baby? Baby, sister Ah Mui\'s life is yours and Ling\'s. sister Ah Mui is willing to die for you at any time."

"Sister Ah Mui, what are you talking about? What can\'t die? We won\'t die. We\'ll love ah Ling and Manny all our lives, okay?"

"Well, baby, it\'s so happy." Ah Mui was very happy that she had a blessing in disguise. She lost an ugly and useless husband and got a handsome, young and excellent Tang Wenhao. In particular, Tang Wenhao was not as arrogant as their Vietnamese men. He was gentle and polite to anyone. Living with a man like Tang Wenhao was like falling into a honeypot.

When they were happy here, they heard the messy and compact footsteps from far to near, and quickly released each other, so that others would not see them hugging together.

First, Ruan Ling came in. She held a torn female coat in her hand and handed it to Tang Wenhao with a smile, "baby, surround!"

Tang Wenhao feels much more comfortable with this rag around him. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to watch the pure and beautiful eight immortals flock in and sleep with them here. How ambiguous the atmosphere is?

Tang Wenhao was in good health. Once the fever subsided, he ate most of the food brought by Ruan Ling and they soon completely recovered, and Ah Mei also recovered to 89%.

As the saying goes, Tang Wenhao hasn\'t been with Ruan Ling for ten or twenty days. She suddenly hugged her and slept with her. How can she sleep safely? Ruan Ling is the same. Although she knows she can\'t share a room with Tang Wenhao in the past two months, when her body contacts Tang Wenhao\'s male body, the fire hidden in her body quickly spread all over her body Soon burned her out of her mind.

"Baby, I can\'t stand it!" Ruan Ling begged in Tang Wenhao\'s ear.

Tang Wenhao\'s feelings for Ruan Ling are different from those for Ah Mei and ah Ju. She is more seeking constant stimulation for Ah Mei, a kind of stimulation from psychology to physiology; for ah Ju, he is moved by her doting and infatuation for herself. He did not expect that ah Ju\'s love for him would be so crazy and give up on me in just a few days. Therefore, he is full of shame for ah Ju\'s death Guilt, many years later, every time he thought of ah Ju, he felt like a knife. Ah Ju\'s love for him is unforgettable forever.

He loves Ruan Ling from the bottom of her heart. Ruan Ling is both overbearing and tolerant. She likes to be jealous and can compromise quickly. She has made many unprecedented compromises for him and love him. She can go her separate ways with her partner Abu and make friends with death. Therefore, Tang Wenhao admires her, likes her and loves her deeply. Ruan Ling is sometimes crazy, Sometimes gentle, sometimes overbearing, sometimes tender complex character makes him feel very exciting with her.