Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 115

"Ha ha, ah Ling, in fact, I\'m not uncomfortable and unhappy. You think too much. Moreover, you should also consider your sister\'s feelings. She is a person who requires a lot of love. I don\'t want to be sorry for her or you." Tang Wenhao smiled insincerely.

"Baby, do you really think so?" Ruan Ling was moved by Tang Wenhao\'s words.

"Well, you know, I\'m not alone now. I\'m still your sister\'s. I\'ll consider it unless your sister agrees." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Hey, hey... Bad boy, are you afraid that my sister can\'t explain when she knows? In fact, you still think about it in your heart, right? No wonder people say that no man doesn\'t like beautiful women. Hehe, did I say that you are smart?" Ruan lingduo? She soon saw through Tang Wenhao\'s heart.

Tang Wenhao smiled awkwardly and said, "I can only say that. I never wanted to apologize to you and Manny. As long as you don\'t let me do something, I won\'t do it."

"Hehe, I see what you mean, baby, do you still want it in your heart? It\'s okay. As long as you want, you don\'t have to consider my sister. Baby, in fact, my sister is much more generous than me in this regard. When you were with Ah Ying those days, I was jealous and crazy. She didn\'t have anything at all. She can think happily." Ruan Ling smiled.

Tang Wenhao was thinking, Ruan Ling said for a long time, which two beauties does she want to give me a choice? May or Yu? Did she find herself closer to these two little beauties? Why don\'t you just do it? Shit! It can\'t be true? This is a crime in China. If I really choose between these two little beauties, who should I choose?

May is lively, lovely, sexy and charming. The only disadvantage is that she is too young. Compared with her, she is at the uncle level and doesn\'t match well; A Yu is 19 years old. She is petite and beautiful. Compared with her seven fairies, she is mature and stable. Her temperament is like her sister-in-law a Ying. Sleeping with such a little beauty is absolutely ecstatic and refreshing!

Seeing Tang Wenhao lying there in a daze with a bad smile, Ruan Ling whined on his forehead and pretended to scold, "bad guy, do you want to do bad things?"

"Oh, no! I was wondering whether you would give me a son or a daughter?" Tang Wenhao said with a casual smile.

"Ghost letter, you are definitely not thinking about this problem. Don\'t think I can\'t see it, baby. Don\'t pretend to be serious with your sister. In fact, you men are the same. Lust is your nature, so you can directly tell me whether you want it or not. Whether you want it or not, I won\'t blame you. I don\'t want you to stare at our little beauties all day, old color Staring at them, ha ha, let the sisters of Death Valley laugh at their sister\'s marrying a little coyote, so if you want, I\'ll let you ask for it, okay? "Ruan Ling whined.

oh I see. Ruan Ling\'s consideration was really different. Tang Wenhao woke up like a dream and was grateful for her admiration. Who married such a great beauty and went crazy?

"I see, ah Ling, can you tell me which one you want me to choose?" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile. He was sure that it was a choice between Ah Mei and ah Yu.

"Bad boy, I finally get back to the point. What do I say? I\'m the wife who sends you beautiful women, or the yellow flower eldest daughter that you Chinese men like best. Would you not? Hum! I don\'t believe it. Tell you! I\'ve thought about it for a long time on the road. Among the five beautiful women I like most and think I\'m the most effective, Alan died unfortunately. Ah Ying married your eldest brother. Now there are more Ah Ju, ah Ya and ah Zhu have no men. Ah Ya\'s body is not clean. She has been humiliated by Abu and ah Xiong. I don\'t want my baby to touch her. Let her marry another man! Then there are only ah Ju and ah Zhu. They are my sisters who have been with me for more than five years. They are also about the same age as you. They are one of the best beauties in a hundred. You choose among them One, okay? "Ruan Ling said, looking at Tang Wenhao seriously.

"Ah? It\'s them?" Tang Wenhao is not disappointed, but he is a little disappointed. He has been with Ah Mei and ah Yu for more than half a month. In his heart, he prefers to choose one of them. It\'s not only the dirty thought of old cattle eating tender grass. Tang Wenhao gets along with them day and night these days. He really has feelings, especially for Ah Mei, He felt that he was really beginning to like her.

"Baby, don\'t you... Like them both? Do you have another candidate in mind?" Ruan Ling saw Tang Wenhao\'s loss.

"No, no, ah Ling, they are one in a hundred beauties. They are good at martial arts, good hearted, capable and loyal to you, especially miss ah Ju. Without her, we might be gone now, especially me. I must have been killed by that bastard Abu. In this sense, she is still our life-saving benefactor!" Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Baby, it\'s good to know. I just took this factor into account to let you choose one between their sisters. Ah Ju is really a rare talent. I always thought she was too kind and not cruel enough to do great things, but now I don\'t think so. She can do great things better than ah ya. She usually treats others leniently and is deeply loved by her sisters, but in the face of major right and wrong It was not vague at all. I asked several of her sisters and said that when she saved us that day, she was basically acting alone, and other people were just cooperating with her. She was very decisive in every decision she made. Without her determination, we would not succeed that time. Therefore, after the battle that night, I secretly made up my mind. Ah Ju, my sister, I will never succeed in my life I won\'t let her leave me. When the doctor said this today, I immediately had this idea in my heart. Just let him be your concubine. You have one more woman, she also has a long-term home, and I have returned her a great favor. Baby, do you think my idea is not good? Kill three birds with one stone. "Ruan Ling smiled proudly.

With Ruan Ling\'s introduction, Tang Wenhao\'s mind also flashed the scene that ah Ju bravely rushed into the experimental base to save them that night, which really fascinated Tang Wenhao. Ah Ju is really a rare female talent!

"Ah Ling, do you think miss ah Ju will agree?" Tang Wenhao asked with a smile.

"Baby, you chose ah Ju, right? I can understand that?" Ruan Ling asked.

Tang Wenhao smiled shyly and nodded because he didn\'t know much about ah Zhu. He just met and talked to her several times. He just thought she was also beautiful and sexy. He knew nothing else. He knew more about ah Ju and really admired her beauty and wisdom.

"OK, baby, as long as you agree, ah Ju has no problem. She likes you. If you take the initiative to ask her, she can\'t wait!" Ruan Ling smiled.

"No! Why didn\'t I find that she liked me?" Tang Wenhao said with a bad smile.

"Does ah Ju want to tell you personally? Ah Ying told me that ah Ju envies her very much and that she is blessed with misfortune." Ruan Ling smiled.

"Hehe, according to what you say, she likes my big brother too?" Tang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Fool, no matter how good your elder brother is at martial arts, he\'s old. You\'re much younger than him, with education, Kung Fu and good temper. Of course she likes you more, baby, don\'t you know? You\'re the dream lover of our sisters in our death valley now! They all regard you as their prince charming. As long as you ask for one, They promised that they would be happy. "Ruan Ling smiled at Tang Wenhao with admiration.

Shit! Is this true? Tang Wenhao is secretly ecstatic. No one doesn\'t like being worshipped! Tang Wenhao is the same as him, but with his popularity among beautiful women all the time, Ruan Ling should not compliment him. Previously, in Manny\'s Manny group, he was also the prince charming in Manny\'s beautiful women\'s heart. There\'s no way. He\'s so handsome!

When they were chatting vigorously, they heard the walkie talkie at the head of the bed ring. Ruan Ling looked at the walkie talkie suspiciously. Tang Wenhao quickly sat up, climbed over and handed the walkie talkie to Ruan Ling.

Ruan Ling saw that it was from the factory. She pressed the key and said, "I\'m Ruan Ling."

"Elder sister, I\'m ah Ju. There\'s a call from Lang Shan." Cao Cao said that Cao Cao came. It was ah Ju\'s phone. Ruan lingchong smiled at Tang Wenhao.

Asked, "ah Ju, who\'s the caller from Liangshan?"

"It\'s sister Ah Mei, sister Ah Mei. Something\'s wrong with sister Ah Mei?" ah Ju said sadly.

"Ah? Sister Ah Mui has an accident. Tell me, what\'s the matter with sister Ah Mui? What\'s the matter with her? What about my sister? What about my mother-in-law? What about brother Jin? What about Ah Ying?" Ruan Ling\'s spirit immediately became nervous, and a series of questions quickly lingered in her mind. She was afraid that Abu and ah Xiong would find their revenge.

"Sister ah, don\'t worry. Others are fine. They are going back to China today, but sister Ah Mei can\'t go?" said ah Ju.

"Why? Last time my sister called, didn\'t she say that all their procedures had been completed?" Ruan Ling asked nervously.

"Yes! But sister Ah Mui really can\'t go. Her husband wants to go with her..."

"What are you doing with her?" Ruan Ling asked eagerly.

"Divorce, sister ah, sister Ah Mui said that her marriage was over, and her husband didn\'t want her. Sister ah, how could her husband be willing to give up her for such a good woman as sister Ah Mui?" ah Ju also defended sister Ah Mui against injustice.

"Yes! Did sister Ah Mui tell you why? They have been married for more than ten years. Besides, they all have children. How can they say divorce is divorce?" Ruan Ling asked anxiously.

"Well, I really don\'t know. Sister Ah Mui didn\'t say it. She just kept crying and asked her, but she didn\'t say it. Sister ah, why don\'t you come and call her to ask about the situation! Sister Ah Mui is in her thirties. Now if her husband doesn\'t want her, which man will want her? Isn\'t sister Ah Mui too poor?"

"Well, sister, I\'ll be right there. I\'ll see you later." then Ruan Ling turned off her step.

Tang Wenhao also heard their conversation clearly. He couldn\'t help but cherish ah Mei. What a good woman! How could that boy be willing to break up with her? He was born in bliss.

"Baby, why don\'t we go to the factory to call right after dinner? Come with me! Will you comfort sister Ah Mei later?" Ruan Ling said and got out of bed.

"Well, OK, but what about the afternoon training?" Tang Wenhao asked suspiciously.