Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 114

"Baby, guess?" Ruan Ling said with a smile.

"Has it been diagnosed? Did I hit the target with one shot?" Tang Wenhao pointed back to Ruan Ling\'s belly with a bad smile.

Ruan Ling nodded shyly, and then said mysteriously, "baby, let\'s go into the room and say, I have something to tell you." then Ruan Ling got up and took Tang Wenhao to their room.

When she got to the room, Ruan Ling closed the door, put her arms around Tang Wenhao\'s waist and looked at Tang Wenhao with love, as if she wanted to swallow him into her stomach.

Tang Wenhao felt very much. She was about to extend the salty pig\'s hand to her. She was caught by Ruan Ling\'s jade hand. She smiled apologetically, "baby, no! In fact, I want to tell you this more than you do."

"Ah? Why?" Tang Wenhao looked at Ruan Ling in surprise. It was hard to understand. He went to the factory and couldn\'t play when he came back? What kind of truth is this?

"Baby, didn\'t I go to see a doctor this morning? She showed me and did a detailed gynecological examination. Baby, we really had children. You don\'t know. My heart was about to jump out at that time. Baby, I was almost thirty and finally had my own child. You know? I especially regretted not letting you go together at that time, because I wanted to hear the news Hold you and kiss you hard. "

"Hehe, it\'s not too late now! Come on, I just want to kiss you hard! Ah Ling, you\'re great! It\'s not too much to describe you with fertile water and grass and fertile land." Tang Wenhao smiled and touched Ruan Ling\'s belly.

"Hee hee, baby, you are also very happy, aren\'t you?" Ruan Ling smiled.

"Ah! Yes, we have children. Of course I\'m happy. Next time we go back to China, I\'ll take my daughter-in-law and children back together. How good it is! I don\'t have to worry about buying a house. My parents are absolutely happy." Tang Wenhao smiled proudly.

"Well! If you want a house, I\'ll buy it for you, baby, OK? I\'ll do whatever you want me to do in the future. As long as you love me and our children wholeheartedly, you are my life. I\'ll love you with my life, baby, I really love you." Ruan Ling said about the emotional place, and couldn\'t help holding Tang Wenhao tightly, Sweet lips soon covered Tang Wenhao\'s lips.

Tang Wenhao deeply felt Ruan Ling\'s deep love and deep love for herself in her very sensational words. He couldn\'t help but get up crazy. The two deeply loved people soon forgot everything.

The most direct, primitive, effective, happy and eager way for people to vent their emotions is to go to bed.

Ruan Ling, who was deeply trapped, suddenly woke up. She grabbed Tang Wenhao\'s hand, shook her head in horror and said, "baby, no! Go down quickly, it\'s really no good."

Confused by Tang Wenhao\'s desire to explode, he stopped his action and looked at her suspiciously, "ah Ling, what\'s the matter? Why not?"

"Baby, I\'m sorry. The doctor said that these months are a dangerous period. If I\'m not careful, I\'ll have a miscarriage. Moreover, she said that I should be a little late in pregnancy at my age. Pay more attention, baby. If I\'m not careful, I\'ll definitely have a miscarriage. For our children, bear it!" Ruan Ling looked at Tang Wenhao in embarrassment.

As soon as Tang Wenhao heard this, he nodded, decadent and came down from Ruan Ling and sighed, "well, did the doctor say when I can be happy?"

"Baby, it\'s really hard for you. She said that from now on, you can\'t play for at least three months. I know you\'ll be very uncomfortable, but for our children, you\'d better bear it?"

"Well, that\'s the only way to do it." Tang Wenhao said discouraged. He thought to himself, shit, three months? It\'s not my life. Now, let alone three months, it\'s even three days! His wife is Ruan Ling! The first beauty in death valley. She has such a figure and facial features. Who can fucking stand it when she lies next to you all day?

At that time, when he was with Ning Kexin, the reason why Ning Kexin knocked out five or six children was that they lost one at a time. After a few days, their bodies didn\'t fully recover, so they couldn\'t hold back, so they were also very diligent. However, at that time, they were very naive and didn\'t know how to protect themselves and each other.

Ruan Ling saw that Tang Wenhao\'s expression was very lost. She caressed his strong chest muscles and comforted, "baby, don\'t worry, I\'ll let my sister come back early. Just let her accompany you more."

"Ah? I have to wait until Manny comes back? I\'m suffocating." Tang Wenhao said sadly.

"Then I\'ll call my brother and ask Ah Ying to come back with you." Ruan Ling smiled.

"Go! What are you talking about? You really take other people\'s sister-in-law as a substitute? I tell you, ah Ling, you really have to believe me. Sister-in-law Ah Ying and I will never be together in the future. Unless she didn\'t conceive or conceive a boy last time, I can\'t control it. Because I have promised my brother, I will keep a boy for their Jin family and continue the incense."

"Oh, well, baby, I believe you. I believe my baby is the best man in the world. Hee hee, what should you do if you really can\'t hold it? I heard from the doctor that it\'s easiest for men to go out to find women at this time. You are so good-looking and handsome. I\'m still full of little beauties here. Is this too cruel to you?" Ruan Ling asked cunningly.

"What can I do? Who let me marry a wife like you? Like our ancient imperial palace in China, there are so many beautiful women in the palace. Alas! I wish I were a eunuch, and I wouldn\'t think nonsense." Tang Wenhao lay there, closed his eyes and sighed.

"Hee hee, baby, in fact, I love you very much. Others don\'t know you. I know you best. You have fun several times a day. Now you can\'t have one in a few months. It\'s too cruel. I was thinking about this problem on the road just now. How can our baby get through this difficult day smoothly? Otherwise, can I find you a beautiful woman to sleep with you?" Ruan Ling said, looking at Tang Wenhao very seriously.

Tang Wenhao\'s eyes suddenly opened. He looked at Tang Wenhao suspiciously. He didn\'t know whether what she said was true or false. Shit! Ruan Ling is such a jealous woman. Will she take the initiative to find a woman with me? Ghost letter!

"Ah Ling, don\'t make fun of me, will you? This kind of joke is too boring." Tang Wenhao said and closed his eyes again.

"Baby, what I said is true. I really looked for a beautiful woman for you. Once I said this beautiful woman, you would certainly like it, but I only had one condition. You are not allowed to have true feelings for her and can only sleep with her." Ruan Ling said seriously.

Tang Wenhao believed it and was ecstatic. Shit! Did I really fall into the blessing nest?

Ruan Ling saw that Tang Wenhao\'s expression was a little bad, angrily twisted his cheek and said with a smile, "ha ha, you bad boy, you\'ll be happy when you say you\'ll find a girl to sleep with you! Can\'t you wait for this? I regret it now, I don\'t do it, it\'s beautiful for you!" Ruan Ling looked at Tang Wenhao with a whine.

"OK, then don\'t do that! I didn\'t ask you to do that. In fact, it\'s wrong for you to do so. You say that people are like that. Who can guarantee that we don\'t have feelings? We\'re not animals without feelings, are we? So, don\'t do it. I don\'t want to harm people. People with a temper like you will be angry at that time If I\'m jealous, maybe I\'ll kill someone, then I\'ll indirectly become a murderer? "

Ruan Ling said with a small mouth, "am I so bad? Baby, do you always think of me as a female devil? Is that right?"

"Hehe, it used to be, but now it\'s not. I think my wife is still very kind. Otherwise, I would have kicked you away. You think you look beautiful, I don\'t care about you! What I don\'t care about is that you are sincere and kind in your heart, you are good to me, and you really love me, so I\'m determined to decide you in this life." Tang Wenhao smiled.

"Hmm! Baby, I believe you and don\'t know what\'s going on. I just can\'t hate you. No matter what you do to me or what you do to me, I don\'t think I really hate you, baby. Do you know why?" Ruan lingai looked at Tang Wenhao with deep love.

"Oh, I don\'t know. I\'d like to hear it in detail."

"Hee hee, because I want you when I see you. Whenever, baby, do you think I owe you in my last life?" Ruan Ling smiled and lay down on Tang Wenhao.

Tang Wenhao\'s just extinguished fire rose again. Considering that the beauty on his body did not belong to him recently, he hurriedly pushed her down, "ah Ling, you\'d better go down! If you want this, I can\'t guarantee that I can control it."

Ruan Ling was so frightened that she hurried down from him and said, "can\'t I touch you? Baby, are you really uncomfortable?"

"Of course, if you were a man, you would know the pain. There is a Chinese saying that it hurts to hold your eggs. However, don\'t worry, I can carry it for three months?" Tang Wenhao pretended to be nothing. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart. Now he has to face the temptation of Ruan Ling every night, During the day, I have to deal with the harassment of Ah Mei and the temptation of the seven fairies all the time.

Alas! Living in beauty every day is not necessarily happy! It seems that there must be a prerequisite, that is, these beauties belong to you, and you can control them at will.

"Baby, I\'ve decided. I\'d better give you a beautiful woman! And I promise you won\'t be jealous of her, and you will like her," Ruan Ling said seriously.

"Well, ah Ling, stop playing. It\'s time for me to wash and eat." Tang Wenhao deliberately pretended not to believe her. In fact, he already believed Ruan Ling\'s words. When he saw her expression, he knew she was serious.

"Baby, wait until I finish. Don\'t believe it. I\'ve decided to send you a beauty. At present, I have two people to choose from. You can only choose one of the two beauties. Do you understand?" Ruan Ling smiled.

"You... Ah Ling, what are you... Doing?" Ruan Ling said. Tang Wenhao was worried. She didn\'t know what she wanted?

"Hehe, baby, I don\'t want to do anything, but I just don\'t want to make you uncomfortable. When the doctor said that, I was wondering whether I should think about it for you. I can\'t really occupy you because I love you and make you unhappy and uncomfortable. I\'ve figured out a lot since you replaced your eldest brother with Ah Ying last time. Really, when you were with her, I was really worried I really feel very sad, but after thinking about it, I think your brother will be happy and Ah Ying will be happy. After all, she has been with me for so many years, and you are very happy. I think my sacrifice is worth it. When I think about it, I won\'t be so sad and jealous. "Ruan Ling said magnanimously.