Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 775: The Situation of the Fraudster

Word has not yet spread that the Lich King was defeated and captured by the Night Republic.

The Scourge led by the Lich King caused immeasurable and serious damage to the countries in the eastern continent, and Lordaeron was once subjugated because of this.

Once it is known that the Lich King has been arrested, regardless of other countries in the alliance, Queen Calia of Lordaeron will definitely ask the Andrea elves for the Lich King as soon as possible.

Andrea had no intention of keeping this half-dead guy, but he wanted to try to wring some information from the Lich King...or Ner\'zhul.

As for Arthas, the paranoid ex-prince of Lordaeron is of no value to him.

The Lich King sighed dejectedly, "Arthas VI, Ner\'zhul IV, what are you asking this for?"


Andrea touched his chin, "Then do you still have all the memories of Ner\'zhul?"

"Yes, we are soul fusion, and the memories of both parties are well preserved."

"very good."

Andrea squatted in front of the Lich King, looked at Alsace\'s pale and handsome face and asked, "Is there any record about the Shadow Realm in Ner\'zhul\'s memory? Kil\'jaeden handed over the Helm of Domination to Did he mention that at the time?"

"Shadow Realm?"

The Lich King froze for a moment, "I mentioned it, but it was just a word, and I didn\'t explain it in detail."

"I only know that the Shadow Realm is the destination of all dead souls. All the powers related to the **** of death in Azeroth are just digging the corners of the Shadow Realm, forcibly retaining the souls that should have entered the Shadow Realm."

Andrea asked thoughtfully, "The Shadow Realm didn\'t say anything about it? Just let you play tricks in front of yourself?"

The Lich King shook his head, "I don\'t know about that, but Kil\'jaeden once said that once the balance between life and death is broken, the Shadow Realm will begin to actively intervene in the material world."

"From this point of view, the number of undead in Azeroth is far from breaking the balance between life and death."

\'Is it balanced...\'

Andrea nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, let\'s send him away."

In the final analysis, the Lich King is just a **** for Kil\'jaeden to disrupt Azeroth, and he can\'t provide more information.

Instead of tossing the Lich King vigorously, it is better to directly ask Kil\'jaeden when counterattacking Argus.

Since the Battle of Draenor, the Burning Legion seems to have no intention of continuing to invade Azeroth in a short period of time, and Kil\'jaeden has completely stopped, no longer being active in arranging various conspiracies and tricks before.

This is obviously not normal.

Even if the Burning Legion, which suffered heavy losses, is temporarily unable to launch a large-scale attack, with the nature of a fraudster, he will continue to infiltrate Azeroth through various channels. After all, his good friend Velen, who has been chasing tens of thousands of years, is still here.

‘There are two possibilities, Kil’jaeden actively or passively gives up and continues to plan for Azeroth. \'

Taking the initiative is easier to understand. It takes a certain amount of time for the severely damaged Burning Legion to mobilize troops from other planets, and the fraudster as the commander cannot take action for the time being.

But if it\'s passive... that\'s more intriguing.

Sargeras severely punished his subordinates who failed. In the past, Archimonde and Kil\'jaeden were of great use to him, and he rarely imposed heavy punishments on these two commanders.

But now that Sargeras holds the soul of the Pantheon Titan, Kil\'jaeden\'s value is not as good as before. If he intends to take this opportunity to deliberately reduce Kil\'jaeden\'s authority in the Legion...

\'Infighting? Perhaps this can be used to advantage. \'

No matter what Kil\'jaeden and Archimonde agreed to Azeroth\'s persuasion in the first place, it can be seen from the opening and ending CGs of the 7.2 version of the game that Kil\'jaeden actually regretted it.

The conspiracies and tricks of the fraudster are hard to guard against, and it goes without saying how high his wisdom points are.

As an enemy, Kil\'jaeden is very difficult to deal with, but if he is dissatisfied with Sargeras\'s rebellion and abandonment... no, the behavior of killing donkeys, there are fraudsters launching a rebellion from within the enemy, maybe it will cause unexpected damage to the Burning Legion less serious injury.

Queen Calia has long lost her memories related to Arthas, and Velen, the strongest priest of light in Azeroth, once personally diagnosed Calia.

The conclusion is that Jia Liya instinctively gave up that painful memory and sealed it in the deepest part of her brain.

Forgetting all memories related to her younger brother who killed her father and destroyed the country, Calia began to truly show her potential and means as a queen.

Varian, the lion king who was the same age as Calia, did not dare to let down his vigilance against the new king of Lordaeron. The struggle between the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Kingdom of Lordaeron for the dominance of the alliance has never stopped.

The alliance\'s internal strife is temporarily controlled within a benign range, but as the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and no one knows when their conflicts will completely intensify.

The Night Republic\'s handover of the Lich King to the Alliance has received widespread thanks and praise, and Andrea is not interested in these unnutritious rainbow farts.

He also wanted to know whether Queen Calia would show an "interesting" reaction when Lordaeron, the country most affected by natural disasters, personally tried the Lich King.

The development of the situation was as Andrea expected.

Regardless of the objections of Rhonin and many ministers, Calia insisted on personally trying the Lich King who caused great harm to Lordaeron.

But when she saw the Lich King take off his headgear with her own eyes, the familiar appearance of Arthas awakened Calia\'s memory that had been sealed deep in her mind. The Queen of Lordaeron hugged her hair and screamed indecently, Fainted in Ronin\'s arms.


When Andrea and Fandral rushed to visit the King City of Lordaeron, UU Reading Luo Ning worriedly explained, "Callia\'s self-sealed memory has been broken, and she is trying to adapt to those things. Memories I don’t want to recall.”

"There shouldn\'t be any major problems in Lordaeron in a short period of time. The ministers explained to the people that the Queen is tired and sad, but if she is unable to re-govern for a long time... the situation at home and abroad in Lordaeron may be very serious. Negative changes occur."

Wei Lun helped his beard and comforted him, "Forgetting memory is just drinking poison to quench thirst, and what has happened will one day need to be faced again."

"This sudden incident may be a good thing instead. The longer the memory is dusty, the more trauma it will cause to Queen Calia when it erupts."

Luo Ning nodded firmly, "I will accompany her through this difficult time. I believe that Jialia can come out of the painful memories firmly."

Andrea smiled and patted Ronin on the shoulder, "Weren\'t you very reluctant before? You get used to being a prince very quickly."

Luo Ning smiled freely, "Perhaps this is the scary part of habit, at least I am living happily now."

"As the prince of Lordaeron, I am obliged to stand up when the kingdom is in crisis and help Calia to get her emotions in order as soon as possible."

Andrea turned around and waved goodbye to Rhonin, "Heh~ Then you can continue to work hard, Prince Rhonin of the Kingdom of Lordaeron."

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