Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 774: righteous backstab

While Andrea was out to deal with the wreckage of N\'Zoth, the long-awaited Tyrande just happened to lead the army.

The Second Flying Fleet joined the Fourth Flying Fleet in Northrend, and headed for Hydra Island in the northwest of Icecrown Glacier.

Knowing that the night elves\' army was coming down, the Lich King, who had been preparing for war, quickly rose up.

The Scourge of the Undead has no morale, and the Lich King did not make any pre-war mobilization, and directly ordered Kel\'Thuzad to block and repel the attacks from the enemy.

The area of ​​Hydra Island is not large, at least far less than the island of conquest next door.

The entire island is full of various types of undead. In order to regain the Frozen Throne, the Lich King secretly built a lot of meat grinders during the preparation period.

The raw materials were secretly cut down in the Borean tundra from under the eyes of the orcs by virtue of the advantage that the undead do not need to breathe.

The various races of the tribe led by Goel are deepening their cooperation. There are Forsaken spirits in the tribe who often travel to and from Durotar City.

Although the natural disasters were occasionally encountered by the orcs and yakmen of the tribe to ask questions when cutting down trees, they were barely perfunctory under Kel\'Thuzad\'s witty response.

Goyle is not such an easy-going person, and with the inexplicable loss of wood in the Borean tundra, he began to intervene to find the source.

But at this time, Kel\'Thuzad\'s goal has been achieved. Hydra Island already has a small amount of metal deposits. With ample supply of wood, a large number of meat grinders are quickly formed under the construction of undead craftsmen who never sleep.

Ner\'zhul\'s dog nature allowed the Lich King to fortify the defenses of Hydra\'s temporary lair while preparing for battle.

When the night elves\' fleet arrived above the island, the meat grinders erected on the fortifications had already started throwing stone bombs and plague barrels into the sky.

Manufacture of plague is the old line of natural disasters, and the plague virus exploded in mid-air spreads rapidly along the wind direction.

It was Tyrande\'s long absence to go into battle in person, and she had made a lot of preparations before the battle.

The information related to the Lich King and the natural disasters had long been sent to Andrea by Kel\'Thuzad, and Prisim placed the compiled information on Tyrande\'s desk for the high priest to read.

The soldiers who parachuted from the flying boats wore tight gas masks on their faces and thick protective clothing on their bodies.

This special protective clothing has the characteristics of keeping warm, high-strength defense and anti-virus at the same time, and it is specially prepared for the paratroopers of the flying fleet.

The paratroopers who landed in large numbers like dandelions ignored the plague barrels that exploded in the air, adjusted their direction and fell in the direction of Hydra Island.

Of course, the night elves wouldn\'t just be beaten and not fight back. Magic cannons of various calibers mercilessly fired back at the meat grinder below.

Although the blockage of the mountain fortifications had little effect, at least it suppressed the plague attack from the ground, causing most of the plague barrels to explode as soon as they flew into the air.

At the same time, the submersible mothership, which has been hiding under the water and secretly monitoring it, also surfaced quietly, releasing the amphibious assault landing puppets stored in the ship to form an air-to-ground coordination with Tyrande\'s flying fleet.

Andrea didn\'t pay too much attention to the situation in Northrend. This was a small-scale war that was destined to end before the fight started.

Losing the Frozen Throne, the medium most closely connected with the Shadowlands, the Lich King\'s control and control over the undead of Azeroth has been significantly weakened.

In the process of merging his own frozen seabed with his soul, undead from natural disasters kept breaking away from the control of the Lich King and became undead with self-will.

Most of these undead followed their instincts and chose to dive and swim back to their hometown - the Eastern Continent.

The undead don\'t need to breathe, and the extremely cold sea water in Northrend has no effect on them. These undead can always hide underwater to avoid everyone\'s sight.

The undead who landed in various places in the northern part of the Eastern Continent chose to keep a low profile, hiding in the mountains and old forests like the original Nathanos, and carefully went out to inquire about information.

Under the leadership of Nathanos, the Forsaken had become quite popular, and defeating Lordaeron\'s general attack made them famous.

The free undead who landed in the northern part of the Eastern Continent soon began to gather in Stratholme, providing more population and combat power for the Forsaken who could not reproduce.

Nathanos, who unconsciously dug the corner of the Lich King, found a valuable source of soldiers, and with the cooperation of Goel\'s orcs, he began to actively guide these free undead to join the kingdom of the forgotten.

However, not all the undead who regained their will wanted to become the Forsaken. Some of them still chose to follow the Lich King on the premise of retaining their will, and some of them had no intention of participating in the continental disputes, sneaking into the snow-capped mountains of Northrend to ignore the world.

The undead from the Scourge, which used to number in the millions, shrunk dramatically. When the Lich King woke up and regained power, the total number of the Scourge was only about 500,000, and the overwhelming undead sea power of the third war had long since disappeared.

Andrea put more focus on the final preparations for entering the universe, personally urged the mass production research of the spacecraft, and had to deal with the small troubles caused by Xalatas from time to time in daily life.

In the spare time, in addition to spending time with her family and Elune, who often jumps out to show her presence, Andrea will continue to promote the growth of Azeroth\'s star soul, and chat with her to relieve boredom.

Although it has entered a relatively peaceful period, Andrea feels that she is not much more idle than during the war, but her mentality is much more relaxed than the tension during the war.

Reinhardt\'s fourth birthday had just ended, and good news came from the Northrend front.

The army led by Tyrande defeated the defense of Hydra Island. The Lich King tried to escape by diving when he saw that the situation was not good.

The Lich King was knocked down by this unbelievable betrayal, and Tyrande quickly restrained him with magic. Lower Alsace\'s face full of despair and incomprehension.

The Helm of Dominion is related to the mysterious Shadow Realm. UU Reading In order to avoid the invasion of the Shadow Realm, after Tyrande sent the helmet back, Andrea put it on the shelf with great care .

As for the role of the Helm of Dominion in controlling the undead, it is no longer important. Hundreds of thousands of remaining natural disasters have been smashed to pieces. Andrea is not interested in controlling the Forgotten, so he simply sealed the Helm of Domination.

As one of the behind-the-scenes heroes who defeated the Lich King, Kel\'Thuzad, under the recommendation of Andrea, was able to cleanse himself in the name of trying his hardest, and joined Tiris like the first Lich of Azeroth, Meri Winterwind. law council.

After experiencing a natural disaster and the enslavement of the Lich King, Kel\'Thuzad has long lost the resentment that he had to stand out when he was driven away by Dalaran.

Kel\'Thuzad, who joined the Tirisfal Council, worked diligently, compiled his understanding of necromancy and frost spells into a book, and taught the interested mages to his younger generations without reservation. The look of enjoying oneself.


Andrea looked at the white-haired man kneeling in front of her playfully, with his hands tied behind his back by Tyrande magic.

The Lich King, who used to be mighty in the world, now looks downcast, and he obviously already knows his final outcome.

"Lich King, I have a question that needs to be answered by you."

"What is the ratio of Arthas to Ner\'zhul in your soul?"

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