Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 767: Repulsion Power Furnace

The Lich King had been diving for so long that Andrea, busy with other things, had almost forgotten about him.

Before going to war with N\'Zoth and Naga, Andrea left a certain number of underwater combat troops to monitor the movements of the undead.

As early as a few years ago, the vanguard of the Lich King "quietly" entered a deserted island on the east side of the island of conquest.

The island of conquest is rich in mineral resources, and even open-pit oil can be found on the island.

The night elves, who use clean energy, have no intention of extracting oil, a polluting and inefficient source of energy.

Through the study and reference of Draenei crystal technology, the night elves modularized the pure energy extracted from the Well of Eternity and gathered it into a solid magic cube.

But relying on this method of extracting the energy of the Well of Eternity and the magic net has great limitations.

Once they are far away from the planet that can produce magic power, the space battleship of the night elves may even be embarrassed to stop in the universe and cannot act when the supply of magic cubes is insufficient.

In view of this, Andrea arranged for the artisans and researchers in the clan to consult the draenei, but the results made the night elves somewhat dumbfounded.

Unsurprisingly, the energy used by the Draenei is holy light, but the source of a large amount of holy light is the naaru who sits on the spaceship at any time.

To put it simply, the spaceship of the Draenei... or the spaceship of the Naaru is to use the Naaru as a biological battery.

As long as the energy of these naaru is not exhausted, the spaceship can always maintain sufficient energy supply.

No one can learn the wonderful energy supply method of the Draenei, and Andrea can only find another way.

Before the chaotic energy was researched, the night elves were temporarily stuck in a bottleneck in the supply of high-intensity clean energy.

The huge energy fluctuations caused by the collision of light and shadow aroused Andrea\'s interest.

After some tests, it was found that when light and shadow repel each other, they will generate several times, or even dozens of times, the energy they can supply alone, and the multiple depends on the intensity of the energy collision.

In other words, as long as the scale of light and shadow collisions is well controlled, and the excess energy generated when they repel each other is refined and used to supply the spaceship, the efficiency of the night elves\' energy use will be greatly improved.

Relying on Andrea\'s whim, the night elves spent more than a year and finally came up with a proper plan.

With a specially customized power furnace, the light and shadow are endlessly mutually exclusive in the power furnace as stable as possible.

Andrea named this energy supply system the Repulsion Power Furnace.

The first-generation repulsion power furnace can increase the efficiency by 5 times of the energy produced by light and shadow itself, which greatly reduces the consumption speed of the magic cube when the spaceship sails.

This is just a relatively rough first-generation energy elimination furnace, and the night elves are researching how to more effectively prevent the harm caused by energy elimination.

Once this problem is solved, the efficiency of the repelling power furnace will be further improved.

Andrea\'s inadvertent discovery made Wei Lun almost tear off his beard in shock.

At first, the Prophet told Andrea the law of mutual generation of light and shadow. He didn\'t expect Andrea to draw inferences from this theory, and then developed the black science... black magic product of the repelling power furnace.

The principle of repelling the power furnace is very simple, and it is not difficult to learn.

There are also many shadow priests among the Draenei, and they are all managed by Archbishop Maladaar. In the past, this shadow priest organization named Auchenai has been sitting in Auchindoun in Draenor, mainly responsible for appease the souls of the dead.

Inspired by the night elves, the draenei soon followed suit, freeing the naaru\'s consumption during spaceship navigation, allowing them to spend more energy on assisting the draenei in combat.

The oil on the Isle of Conquest is not needed by the night elves, but the Titan Iron Ore produced on the island is very important.

Andrea also didn\'t expect that this remote big island would produce the Titan iron that only Donggrasp Lake has. Although the output is not high compared to Donggrasp Lake, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

Now that Titan Iron has become the main shell material used by night elf space battleships, it is also a good thing to have one more way to mine it.

The submersible mothership, which patrols underwater around the island of conquest all the year round, has been keeping a close eye on the small island to the east.

The island was named Hydra Island by Andrea. The name itself has no meaning. It was a name that Andrea slapped his head casually.

The information conveyed by Anubrekan came from Hydra Island.

After years of soul fusion, the Lich King finally reappeared. He is now wearing the classic ice iron armor and the helmet of dominion, enjoying the cheers of the souls of the undead on the island.

Just a few hours after receiving the news from the submarine carrier, Kel\'Thuzad, who was hiding somewhere, also sent a ghoul to get in touch with Andrea who had returned to his manor.

Kel\'Thuzad communicated remotely with Andrea through the spirit possessed by the ghoul.

"The Lich King woke up from his slumber, and immediately called to you?"


Kel\'Thuzad said through the hoarse voice of the ghoul, "Out of consideration for my own safety, it is inconvenient for me to reveal the hiding place to you. Please forgive me."

"Without the special environment of the Frozen Throne, the Lich King\'s restraint on the undead has been weakened a lot."

"He hopes that I can lead the army to join him immediately, plan how to return to the Frozen Throne, and establish a spiritual connection and control network with all the undead in Azeroth."


Andrea touched his chin with great interest, "Then you go, I want to see what the Lich King wants to do, but you have to wait for my contact at any time."

"Okay, but how should I keep in touch with you."

The corner of Andrea\'s mouth curled up in a strange arc, and a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the mind of Kel\'Thuzad who was hiding in the distance.

"Do you think that by isolating the message in this way, I won\'t be able to locate your location?"

Kel\'Thuzad, who was hiding on the ancient beach, suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He didn\'t expect that he could be traced backwards through the ghouls.

"Don\'t panic."

Andrea said in a leisurely tone, "Do you think I don\'t know your whereabouts? The ancient beach is a warehouse built by the Titan Guardians. I have already located the army of undead you are hiding on the island through Ulduar\'s alarm system."

"Your worry is unnecessary. If I wanted to clean you up, I would have done it long ago. I don\'t have to wait until today."

"Go, I will temporarily transfer the patrol fleet along the way, and join up with the Lich King as soon as possible. I want to know his first-hand information at any time."

Even though he had already died and turned into a lich, UU Reading Kel\'Thuzad still had a very terrifying feeling. If he was still alive, cold sweat should have dripped down his forehead.

After struggling to sort out his emotions, Kel\'Thuzad\'s originally rather relaxed tone became a lot more respectful.

"Yes, your will."

After cutting off the spiritual link with Kel\'Thuzad, Andrea smiled playfully.

It is not incomprehensible for the Grand Lich to hide his whereabouts out of the idea of ​​protecting himself, and Andrea didn\'t bother to pursue it.

After beating Kel\'Thuzad, Andrea was basically sure that this guy wouldn\'t dare to make any fools, at least for a short time.

"By the way, is the current Lich King Arthas or Ner\'zhul? and half?"

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