Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 766: tough study

Successfully killed N\'Zoth and destroyed the last power of the ancient gods. The good news of victory quickly spread to every corner of Azeroth with the triumphant return of the armies of all races.

Anarchis, the capital of the Night Republic, also fell into a sea of ​​jubilation. Andrea\'s speech before leaving was still vivid in my memory. Your Excellency the Speaker really kept his promise and brought back victory for Azeroth.

So far, the four ancient gods who came to Azeroth in ancient times have all died, and the hidden danger of the Void Lord buried in Azeroth has been completely removed.

Although there are still many large and small conflicts within Azeroth, at least people don\'t have to worry about being bewitched by the ancient gods.

The Twilight\'s Hammer, which swept across the southern part of the eastern continent, also suffered a devastating blow. Most of the shallow believers quickly returned to a peaceful life after breaking away from N\'Zoth\'s control.

Some careerists who tried to usurp the name of the ancient gods were still unwilling to give up, but without the support of the ancient gods, the Kingdom of Stormwind quickly wiped out the remnants of the Twilight\'s Hammer one by one.

For most ordinary people in Azeroth, the threat of eliminating the Old Gods will not have much impact on their daily lives.

After celebrating with the crowd for a while, they returned to their daily life, just treating this victory celebration as a rare holiday.

The ancient **** is gone, life will continue.

Andrea continued to lead the Supreme Council to handle official affairs from all over the country. Except that the high priest was still in seclusion, everything seemed to be the same as before.

But only Malfurion, Jarod, Shandris, Maiev and other high-level leaders of the Night Republic know that the aftermath of N\'Zoth has not completely dissipated.

Anubrekhan, the king of Ankahet, personally led troops to guard a closed area under Northrend filled with powerful void atmosphere, prohibiting any irrelevant people from entering the closed area.

In the special analysis magic circle in the center of the blocked area, the core of N\'Zoth, who had already lost his vitality, was placed in the center of the circle.

Azshara moved her nimble fingers in front of her eyes with a serious expression, and the arcane phantom suspended in midair changed subtly with her adjustments.

Andrea, who was supposed to handle official business in Anarchis, also stood aside and watched solemnly.

Azshara\'s arcane attainments surpassed all mortals and demigods in Azeroth, and even the learned spellweaver Malygos was inferior in some respects.

The Blue Dragon King\'s research is entirely based on his mood, and he doesn\'t insist on the progress of his research, which is closer to his easy-going personality.

And Azshara\'s research has a very strong purpose, and under her own supervision, she can usually achieve rapid results very quickly.


Waving away the phantom of the arcane procedure in front of her eyes, Azshara breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed the center of her brows slightly tired.

Andrea doesn\'t know the arcane.

Seles once explained the principles of arcane arts to him, and the program structure that was infinitely more complicated than c# and java made Andrea take the initiative to retreat.

Azshara’s arcane compilation seems to be different from the one used by Seres, and Andrea can’t understand the difference in specific details, but the version used by Azshara seems to be more efficient... Of course, the compilation process looks more efficient complex.

"How? Is there any result?"

Azshara looked at Andrea with idiot eyes, "How can it be so fast, do you think it is doing 1+ arithmetic?"

"The core of N\'Zoth\'s corpse does preserve the deepest mystery of his physical transformation, but deciphering it is not a project that can be completed in a day or two."

Andrea patted his forehead and sighed, "Well, I hope you can achieve results as soon as possible. Our spaceship research and development has made a breakthrough, and we will get the key to the interstellar voyage within five years at the latest."

"Heh~" Azshara put one hand on her slender waist, and teased jokingly, "I am indeed very interested in interstellar colonization, but what I value most now is the sublimation of my personal realm."

"As long as I can break through the limit of demigods and become a true god, the gods can even live in the universe in the flesh without limit. I have the final say on where I want to go at that time?"

Andrea waved his hands helplessly and said, "Yes~ No matter how much our ultimate goal differs, at least we can reach an agreement on breaking the genetic lock?"

"You continue your path to becoming a god, and I will also stick to my own interstellar voyage plan. I hope that we can continue to maintain close cooperation until the results of the research are obtained."

After all, Naga is an underwater creature. Many materials needed to study N\'Zoth are not available on the seabed, so they must be mobilized from the bottom of the land.

Moreover, Naga is a dark race that was once enslaved and transformed by the ancient gods. If N\'Zoth\'s body is placed on the bottom of the sea, no one knows whether his dark aura will further affect Naga.

Azshara was the main research force to provide manpower, and Andrea provided the resources and venues needed for the research. The cooperation between the two parties was carried out deep underground in Northrend.

After getting a clear answer from Elune, Andrea recently began to try to communicate with the star soul of Azeroth.

However, the immature Star Soul is still unable to express his meaning very clearly. In Andrea\'s words, it is like a baby babbling, occasionally mixed with a few vague words that parents can barely understand.

The star soul of Azeroth has been lonely for tens of thousands of years. Apart from Elune who occasionally communicated with her, Andrea was the first intelligent creature to try to chat with her.

The guardians of the titans are too respectful to the titans, and even the star souls as titan larvae. Before the Azeroth star souls take the initiative to call, they don\'t even dare to unilaterally communicate with the star souls.

With the gradual growth of Star Soul\'s spiritual wisdom, she couldn\'t bear the loneliness and began to consciously send out vague calls to the creatures of Azeroth, and the ravings Magni heard came from this.

As the descendants of the earth spirits, the dwarves are the true descendants of the Titans.

Magni is the most powerful person among the copperbeard dwarves. He can even temporarily use the gods to descend to earth and restore his real body when he was an earth spirit. UU reading www. It is a matter of course that heard the ravings of Azeroth first.

However, with Andrea directly chatting with him, Azeroth Star Soul gave up the practice of continuing to cast a wide net, and concentrated on learning Titan language from Andrea, striving to communicate with his children as soon as possible without barriers.

Leaving Azshara to continue to preside over the research, Andrea plans to go to Ulduar before returning to Anakis, continue to chat with Azeroth\'s star soul, and speed up Azeroth\'s growth as much as possible.

A brisk nerubian scout suddenly rushed out from the underground passage, whispered to King Anubrekan, and hurried back along the way he came.

Anubrekan moved his huge body to Andrea, bowed his head respectfully and reported, "Speaker, the Lich King you asked to pay attention to has made new moves."


Andrea froze for a moment, then smiled meaningfully, "At this time? Interesting, let\'s hear it."

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