Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 60: Kun-Lai Summit and the Goblins

Although Andrea is very disgusted with Queen Azshara\'s ignorant behavior of attracting demons, but as the queen of the huge night empire, Azshara has her own pride.

Accidentally losing the bet, Azshara didn\'t make any excuses or become angry. She kept her promise and returned Tyrande to Andrea without saying a word, and arranged for the moon guards to **** the three of them out of the royal city.

The flying demon of the Burning Legion was stopped by the moon guards, and they could only watch Andrea\'s griffin speed up and disappear from sight.


Not far from the city where the griffin passed by, a shirtless night elf with a cloth bag looked up at the sky as if aware of it.

"What kind of strange bird is that?"

The black-clothed night elf "watched" the Griffin away with a frown. He always felt as if he had missed something important.

"Forget it, it\'s important."

Clenching his fists hard, the blind man looked firmly at Xin Aisalie.

"Tyrande, wait for me, this time I will definitely prove to you that I care far more about you than Malfurion!"

"Ahhhhh! So fast!"

It was the first time for Leticia on the back of the griffin to experience such a new thing, and she yelled loudly in a half-frightened and half-excited mood.

Tyrande put his arms around the girl and lowered his body to relieve the wind pressure. He patted the Griffon\'s back in dissatisfaction. If you are so reckless, what if you encounter a demon blocking the way!"

"Do not worry."

Andrea fine-tuned the direction in the air and said confidently, "The route I chose has been verified by practice. Although I can\'t say for sure, the chance of encountering demons is very low."

It took Andrea a long time to come, that\'s because he spent a lot of time researching safe evacuation routes, and after many attempts, he chose an optimal flight route that could almost completely avoid the Burning Legion.

After leaving Zin-Azshari, Andrea flew all the way south, leaving the border of the Dark Night Empire in the evening of the second day and entering the northern part of Nazmir, which belongs to Zandalar.

Nazmir is an endless virgin rainforest. This area is extremely rich in water vapor. Without the constant temperature magic in the Dark Night Empire, the hot and humid climate makes Tyrande and Leticia, who have never left the Dark Night Empire, quite uncomfortable. .

"Be patient, we won\'t be here for long."

Andrea slowed down after entering Nazmir.

All kinds of strange flying creatures above the rainforest that were difficult to see in the territory of the Dark Night Empire made Leticia\'s eyes shine, and Tyrande also looked at the unique features here that were completely different from his hometown with surprised eyes.

Due to the increase of "peers" in the sky and leaving the more dangerous outskirts of Xin Aizali, Andrea gave up the explosive flying method and changed to a stable and controllable cruising flight.

After entering the territory of Zandalar, Andrea thought of Shandris who followed the envoy to Pandaria.

‘I don’t know if that girl’s itinerary is going well. According to the departure time, they should have entered Pandaria, right? \'

At the foot of Kun-Lai Mountains in the north of Pandaria, a team of dozens of night elves is heading south.

Many members of this team were wounded, even Shandris had a bandage on his left arm, spots of dark red blood leaked out from under the bandage, it was obvious that they didn\'t go smoothly in the previous trip.

"Everyone stop, we will be camping here today."

Volta Moonscar, head of the envoy with bloodshot eyes, ordered camp to be set up on the spot.

Although the armor with the self-cleaning spell on his body was still spotless, Wota\'s hair exposed outside the helmet was no longer as smooth and tidy as it was before departure. The messy hairstyle and thick dark circles under his eyes made him look haggard.

"Ha... I can finally rest."

Druid Reinera slid down softly leaning against Shandris. Shandris was already familiar with this familiar and carefree Druid, so he rolled his eyes helplessly, and carefully supported her to sit on the chair. on the ground.

There were three more small wounds on Reinera\'s smooth cheeks, and the three scars were exactly parallel, which seemed to be caused by the same enemy.

The last battle in Zuldazar severely exhausted the physical strength of the fighters of the special envoy. If it wasn\'t for the help of unknown people at the critical moment, it would be difficult for them to escape from those annoying big bats.

Leaving the sweltering heat and humidity of Zuldazar, the envoy entered Kun-Lai Summit in northern Pandaria.

As soon as they stepped into this area, the hot and humid air was swept away immediately, and the dry and cool breeze refreshed the tired members of the special envoy.

In the Kun-Lai Mountains, they struggled through the narrow winding trails with twists and turns, and a few unlucky ones fell into the deep valley due to lack of concentration. Shandris and the others finally left the mountains and came to a relatively flat area.

Due to Andrea\'s reminder about the pandaren\'s life routine, Vota began to let the members of the envoy be jet-lagged before leading the team to set off.

They traveled during the day and rested at night, and when they came to camp at the foot of the mountain, it happened to be the time when the sky was full of sunset.

Perhaps because of being in a high-altitude mountain area, the night sky of Kunlai Mountains is extraordinarily magnificent, and the bright galaxy provides enough clear lighting for the dark night.

Shandris, who was on duty at night, looked at the missing moon in the sky and was a little lost. I don’t know if Andrea has rescued the mentor. It should be very difficult to sneak into the enemy’s stronghold, Zin-Azhari. I hope he can also successfully complete his task. task. \'


There was a sudden slight friction sound among the sparse bushes around, and Shandris immediately recovered his senses and pointed the bow and arrow at the place where the sound came from.

In order to avoid the bombing of the camp due to excessive tension, Shandris did not speak rashly.

\'Benevolent Moon Goddess, may you grant me the light that dispels the darkness. \'

The simple magic began to take effect with Shandris\' silent prayer, and a beam of soft moonlight shone on the yellow and green bushes.

"Wait! Don\'t attack, UU Reading I have no malicious intentions!"

A slightly sharp voice came from the bushes, and then a short creature whose height was not as long as Shandris\'s legs raised his hands and walked out.

This short creature wore a furry thermal hat on its head, covering most of its face, with a long black beard growing on its chin, and its appearance looked very weird.

Shandris did not relax his vigilance, and still pointed the bow and arrow at the opponent.

"Who are you? Why are you hiding in the dark and watching us secretly?"

This strange creature was carrying a large package several times his own height. He pointed to the backpack behind him and explained, "I am a passing land fine merchant. I just hid and observed out of curiosity and vigilance. I really have no malicious intentions!"

"Earth spirit?"

Shandris remembered the message Andrea had told her before she left.

"Eluen gave me a certain amount of knowledge when he blessed me with strength, including the customs of Pandaria."

"The land spirits are a kind and gentle race. They support themselves by doing their own business and trading."

"The land goblins and pandaren maintain a good relationship because they are allies who fought against the enslavement of the mogu empire together."

"If you meet them in Kun-Lai Mountains, maybe you can ask the land spirit to lead the way and introduce you to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. You only need to pay an equivalent fee for this."

After looking at the land spirit with a flattering smile under the brim of her hat, Shandris chose to believe Andrea\'s information, and she slowly put down the longbow in her hand, trying to show her kindness to the other party.

"Mr. Earth Spirit, we are an envoy from the Night Empire. We have important matters to meet the king of the Pandaren. Can you guide us?"

"Of course, we will pay accordingly."