Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 61: pandaren empire

When Andrea successfully embarked on the return journey, the envoys with heavy responsibilities finally came to the end of their hardships.

After Shandris negotiated, the land elf who had strayed into the night elf camp agreed to guide them to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, as long as they paid a "guide fee".

Volta listened to Shandris\' opinion, and agreed to the reasonable request of the land goblin.

Wealthy night elves are not short of money. Just like what Andrea said, land elves are completely different from some kind of green-skinned dwarves. They advocate honesty in business operations, and the guide fees they charge are not expensive.

With a guide who is familiar with the local conditions leading the way, the next itinerary will be much smoother.

On the way south to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, Vota also got a lot of information about Pandaria from this little guide, which made him appreciate Shandris even more for making the deal.

It has been nearly 2,000 years since the various races of Pandaria were freed from the enslavement of the mogu. During this long time, many things have happened in Pandaria.

The enmity between the Jinyu and the hozen, the migration of the Yaungol, the Zandalari invasion, the mogu\'s counterattack, the unhealed wounds of the four gods, and the massive invasion of the mantid every century.

Among the various tribes who escaped from the enslavement of the mogu, the industrious and brave pandaren gradually became the new masters of Pandaria.

They inherited the legacy of the Mogu Empire and took the most affluent Valley of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria as their administrative center. For thousands of years, the Pandaren gradually spread their territory outward.

All the territories within the mighty Great Wall, Beaulieu\'s Spine, including Kun-Lai Summit, the Valley of the Four Winds, the Jade Forest, and Krasarang Wilds are full of traces of their lives.

Appreciating the kindness and brave nature of the panda people, the unreserved guidance of the four gods made the panda people embark on a period of rapid development.

However, the crisis still exists. Although the Mogu tribe has been declining day by day after being overthrown, the Pandaren have always maintained a certain number of standing troops in various parts of Pandaria in order to suppress the Mogu\'s counterattack.

On the other hand, the pandaren who inherit the legacy of the mogu empire carry with them their responsibilities as titan-forged.

Wanting to regain the heart of the ancient gods, the mantid will launch a large-scale invasion of the Serpent\'s Spine from the Dread Wastes and the Mantis Plateau every hundred years, and resisting their offensive will also consume a large number of pandaren troops.

Wota and others learned from the land spirit that the leader of the pandaren is not called the king, but the emperor.

The current emperor is named Shaohao, and he is a young and promising king who is widely praised by the people.

"When each generation of emperor ascended the throne, he would ask the Jinyu prophet to predict the future for the pandaren. I heard that when Shaohao ascended the throne, he saw a terrible scene in the future from the foreknowledge."

The goblin was very talkative on the way leading the way, and he knew almost all the questions Shandris asked, but he did not forget to sell his products to the curious night elves around him.

"Except for a few people, no one knows exactly what Shaohao saw from the foreknowledge, but since Shaohao ascended the throne, he has often found time to travel around with the Monkey King, a friend he accidentally met in the Jade Forest, as if looking for What are you wearing?"

"The Monkey King?"

Shandris interjected, "The king of the hozen?"

Land Essence Copper Coin nodded, "Yes, although the Jinyu people and the hozen are at odds with each other, the pandaren maintain a friendly relationship with both sides at the same time. It is precisely because of their mediation that the Jinyu people and the hozen still barely maintain restraint. "


The copper coin pointed to the distance, and a majestic gate appeared in front of the night elf special envoy. The golden wheat field behind the gate made Shandris open his mouth in surprise.

"Impossible, it\'s obviously not the harvest season, why..."

The copper coin raised the brim of his hat, and said with a proud smile, "This is the greatest gift Pandaria has left us. All the food grown in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms can be ripened in one day."

"This kind of power beyond the comprehension of mortals makes the people of all races living in Pandaria never go hungry, but... I think you night elves should have similar skills, right? It\'s just not as exaggerated as cooked in a day."

Wota smiled noncommittally.

With the nourishment of the Well of Eternity, the night elves also have no shortage of food. The night elves, who own more than half of the world, will not be greedy because of this little food problem. It is also because of this that the copper coins do not hide the magic of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

On the way close to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, the Cloud Serpent Knights patrolling in the sky spotted this team that obviously came from the outside world.

"Outsiders, welcome to Pandaria."

A pandaren knight descended and hovered in front of the envoys. While the night elves were amazed at the long and mighty three-clawed serpent, this knight also looked at the night elves with scrutiny.

"I am Li Yang, the Knight of the Cloud Serpent. What are you doing here in Pandaria?"

After finally connecting with the official power of the Pandaren, Wota, who had gone through a difficult journey, let go of a big stone in his heart.

"Mr. Li Yang, my name is Wota Moonscar. This time, as the ambassador of the Night Elf Rebel Army, I am leading a mission to meet your country\'s... Emperor. Please also inform us."


A strange look flashed in Li Yang\'s eyes. Although he didn\'t know what the situation of the rebel army was, the people who could bear this name were definitely not small.

After looking at the members of the envoy calmly, Li Yang said with some uncertainty, "Sorry, Mr. Ambassador, your request is beyond the scope of my authority. I need to report to the superior first. UU Reading"

"If you don\'t mind, please temporarily rest in West Wind Village outside the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. We will report the visit of the night elf envoy as soon as possible. Please wait patiently."

Although worried about the domestic war situation, Vota can only do as he pleases.

"I see. What we are here to talk about is an important matter related to the Burning Legion. I hope to be summoned by the emperor of your country as soon as possible."

In the depths of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, inside the Mogu\'shan Palace.

"Night Elf?"

An old pandaren man with white beard and hair couldn\'t help showing surprise on his face when he heard the report from the Xianglong Knights.

"They actually ventured across the territory of Zandalar to reach Pandaria? Are you sure the ambassador mentioned the Burning Legion?"

"Yes, Master Liu Li."

Zhou Yun, head of Xianglong Knights, replied respectfully, "According to the report from the scouts, almost all the members of the envoys were wounded, and they must have gone through a lot of hardships before arriving smoothly."

Pandaren Elder Liu Li is the chief administrative officer under the emperor, and his official position is called Prime Minister in the Pandaren Empire.

Stroking the long beard on his chin, Liu Li thought for a while and said, "Regardless of their intentions, keeping distinguished guests out of the Valley of Splendid Blossoms is definitely not the pandaren\'s way of hospitality."

"Your Majesty is still seeking the wisdom guidance of Scarlet Crane Chi-Ji in the Krasarang Forest... so be it."

Prime Minister Liu Li turned his head and looked down at the first middle-aged pandaren wearing an official uniform, "Master Zhang Xun, first use the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange for the envoys to stay in the Seven Star Hall, and I will immediately send someone to inform His Majesty of this matter." .”

"Remember not to neglect the distinguished guests. They must have ventured across the perilous mountains of Zandalar to reach Pandaria with sincerity."