Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 380: Plans can't keep up with changes

Niyana looked at the mournful expression on the young Nightborne\'s face with a smile.

\'Is there any chance for him to say no...\'

In the end, Netara agreed to Andrea\'s request half-heartedly. The form was better than people, and he didn\'t want to die young so soon.

Besides, there was another hidden reason that prompted him to agree to Andrea\'s proposal.

Although the Yeguang family can be regarded as an upper elf family, it has been in decline for many years.

In fact, he didn\'t quite agree with the fact that the big nobles controlled the political situation.

In the beginning, when Elisande did not retreat so frequently, these consultants could still work diligently, striving to create a better living environment and development space for the people of Suramar.

But as the Grand Magister soaked in the Nightwell all day, the authority of the advisors was greatly enhanced, and some people began to show their true colors.

Although under the restraint of the impartial Chief Arcanist Talisa, the Highborne faction did not dare to go too far, but the secret participation in the selection of the exile team has basically been confirmed.

Any political opponent who opposes the Highborne faction will be exiled by them for reasons after failure, leaving them to roam the wilds of Suramar without magic to fend for themselves.

Although the claim of equality of all professions in the Dark Night Republic inevitably harmed the interests of the nobles, it was an opportunity for the Luminous family, which had no benefit in the first place.

If they can contribute to this operation as Andrea said, and successfully help the Moon Shadow Speaker to conquer Suramar, the status of the Luminous family as the leading party will naturally rise.

Although it doesn\'t have noble privileges like Suramar, at least the future development of the family will be higher than it is now.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.

After all, there are only a few people who act with passion, and most people walk in the world to obtain various benefits.

Netara saw better development prospects in the open and inclusive Dark Night Republic than in the closed and conservative Suramar. This was enough. Regardless of whether it was for the interests of Suramar or the family, he decided to stand up and fight.

The clothes of the Highborne were very cumbersome to wear. Andrea buttoned the buttons wrongly many times in a row, and finally gave up struggling, allowing Prism to help him tidy up the clothes in silence.

"...Who invented these unreasonable clothes, don\'t they feel troublesome to wear?"

Prism ignored Andrea\'s whining complaints, helped him get dressed, and retreated into the shadows.

Just at this time, Niyana also finished dressing with the assistance of a maid from the Moon Guard Fortress. The two ignored each other\'s clothing, and immediately set off on the road to return to Suramar under the urging of Netara.

"I\'ve been out for long enough, and any longer may arouse Captain Aluriel\'s suspicion."

This team of half-true and half-fake Moon Guard family members set off quickly under the leadership of Netara, and came to a hidden teleportation platform in the east of the Moon Guard Fortress to meet up with other magic swordsmen who were waiting for orders. The group directly teleported to Sura Outside the barrier of Macheng.

As the leader of this magic swordsman team, Netara led a group of people through the purple translucent barrier and entered the city through the passage spell he received before leaving the city.


Andrea and Niyana subconsciously took a breath after entering the inner city of Suraman.

They weren\'t the only ones, everyone who came to Suramar for the first time did something similar.

‘It’s so rich in magic power, the Son of the Night just let the almost materialized magic power permeate the city? Don\'t need management? \'

After Netara entered the city, he first handed over respectfully to a female magic swordsman in gorgeous enchanted armor. According to his name, it can be known that this person is the head of the magic swordsman Aluriel, who is also an upper elf a member of

The strange profession of magic swordsman who uses swords and spells at the same time did not exist before. Aluriel is the creator of the magic swordsman profession. With the support of Elisande, she gradually introduced this new combat role in Su Rama carried on.

While the real Moon Guard family members in the team were marveling at the prosperity of Suramar City, Andrea keenly sensed that something was wrong.

"Niyana, be more vigilant."

He squinted his eyes and observed the strange positions of the guards around him. This surrounding guard posture was not just a routine guard, but a relatively subtle aggressiveness.

\'Exposed? It shouldn\'t be so fast, let\'s put it this way... Suramar just used the shelter of the Moon Guard\'s family as a cover to fool the Moon Guard Fortress from the beginning? \'

Before the Moon Guard Fortress completes its mission, the advisors headed by Fandos will not allow them to enter the city so easily.

These moon guard family members from the Moon Guard Fortress should not be easily killed, but they will definitely be isolated in a certain area of ​​the city, and they will be forced to write false letters about the city\'s peacefulness and peace in the city and send them to the Moon Guard Fortress to appease the moon. Guardians\' impatience.

Andrea\'s speculation in the blink of an eye contained a lot of subjective ideas, but he almost guessed Fandos\'s thoughts completely.

Although Aluriel didn\'t think much of the fanatical aristocrats headed by Fandos, since this resolution was passed by the advisory group, she would not blatantly jump out and sing the opposite.

At least, the lives of this group of people are safe for the time being, and they can indeed live in the magical city of Suramar.

Before Andrea gave instructions, Prism and the scouts mixed in the crowd didn\'t show any abnormalities.

It took only a short time for these professional scouts, who talk about people and talk about people, to get acquainted with those real family members. The two sides talked and laughed together, as if they were full of longing for a better life in the future.

Aluriel glanced at these people with pity, and ordered to Netara expressionlessly, "Hand them over to the people of Fandos, our work is over."

Neta, who didn\'t know the inside story, was taken aback for a moment, "Vandos? But we\'re not..."

The irritability in Aluriel\'s eyes flashed away, "There is no but, obey the order!"


Ignoring Netara\'s tangled and questioning eyes, Andrea put on his hood and mingled in the chattering family group and moved forward silently. Halfway through, he quietly looked at the imposing Aluriel from the corner of his eye.

‘Aluriel, the head of the magic swordsmen, seems to be a fairly upright warrior character, and has some hidden dissatisfaction with Vandros, which may be able to be used. \'

On the first day of entering the city, Fandos did not go too far. Although the residential area for these family members was located on the border of the eastern enchantment far from the city center, at least he did fulfill his promise to the Moon Guard.

After some unnoticed activities by Prism, UU Reading Andrea and others were "accidentally" assigned to the same building complex.

"Uncle, what shall we do next?"

After initially settling down, Niyana asked with some concern, "The situation seems to be quite different from what we expected. There must be too many guards around."

"Don\'t be impatient."

Andrea lay peacefully on the simple plank bed, and observed the monitoring situation outside through the window without any trace.

"A plan is just a plan. In the process of implementation, there will always be many irresistible and unexpected factors. It is good to learn to adapt to the situation. There are only a few events that can really proceed smoothly as planned."

"If my speculation is correct, Fandos will not let this group of people feel comfortable for too long, and soon he will send someone to carry out the next scheduled plan."

"Changes may bring crises or opportunities. In short, let\'s cultivate our spirits and wait for the changes."