Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 379: playthings

\'Sugar and whip...\'

From the perspective of a bystander, Niyana can calmly understand Andrea\'s relatively simple pressure tactics, but as a party facing the pressure directly, the Nightborn quickly revealed all the information he knew like pouring beans .

Sure enough, Suramar already knew about the existence of the Night Republic from the news that the Moon Guard Fortress had leaked.

However, the attitude of the Suramar management headed by Elisande was very ambiguous, and they did not send people to contact them immediately, nor did they put on a clear warning posture.

At least, not on the show.

The deal between Suramar and the Moon Guard Fortress is very simple. The big men in the city made a promise to Augustine that as long as they continue to provide Suramar with information about the Night Republic, they will allow the Moon Guards to send their families to Suramar to enjoy the blessings first. .

These intelligences are not limited to the movements of the Night Republic in the Suramar region, but also include the entire country\'s military, political, and cultural intelligence.

This made it clear that they regarded themselves as a country equal to the Republic of Darkness, planted dark lines by instigating rebel spies, and the sense of confrontation was already evident.

"Hmm..." Andrea rubbed her chin and pondered, "Who made this decision? Elisande himself? Or did her advisor act without authorization?"

Suramar\'s political system is rather strange. The leader of the city is not the title of mayor, consul, or governor, but is called the Grand Magister.

There is no such thing as a city council in this city, and Elisande invites outstanding talents from all walks of life in Suramar to serve as his advisors.

Each of these advisers has great powers that do not overlap, and can even make decisions for Elisande on the premise of reaching a consensus when she is in retreat.

" is the advisor, Mr. Fandos, and the other advisors have also adopted a wait-and-see attitude with tacit approval."

"And Elisande herself? Does she agree with the proposal?"

As the person who controls the Pillar of Creation and can effectively use it to a certain extent, Andrea\'s attitude towards the Grand Magister is the most important.

If Elisande had also agreed to the counselors\' tentative confrontation, it would be impossible to peacefully conquer Suramar.

The Nightborne Demon Swordsman shook his head like a rattle, "The Grand Magister rarely participates in government decision-making. She spends most of her time in seclusion guarding the Nightwell, but every time the Grand Magister leaves the customs, she can give us The people bring the right guidance."

Andrea nodded thoughtfully, "Peeping the revelation from the timeline..."

The Pillar of Creation held by Elisande is called the Eye of Aman\'Thul. As the name suggests, it is the eye of Aman\'Thul, the father of the gods... just kidding, of course.

The Eye of Aman\'Thul is a powerful purple gemstone. It has part of the power of the father of the gods. Using this gemstone can peek into fragments of the timeline, and even change the flow direction and speed of time in a small range.

Elisande has spent more time researching the Eye of Aman\'Thul than the ghost chief of Nazaras who controlled the Tidal Stone before. She was known as the great magister 10,000 years ago and her research progress should be considerable.

After being inspired by the Ghost Dean, Andrea also tried to further develop the usage of Elune\'s Tears and Tidal Stone, and has achieved a lot of results.

But compared to Elisande, I am afraid there is still a big gap.

Of course, this is not to say that Andrea is not confident in defeating Elisande, but the battle with this old man will definitely not be easy, and it is better to avoid it as much as possible.

Through the use of the Eye of Aman\'Thul, Elisande, like Doctor Strange, often looks for the most suitable development route among countless timelines.

But Andrea does not admire this way of guiding people.

The flow of time and the composition of the timeline are very complicated, and even Aman\'Thul himself cannot fully grasp it, otherwise the Pantheon would not be so easily taken over by Sargeras.

According to the Nightborne Demon Swordsman, although Elisande has the title of Supreme Leader of Suramar in name, she spends most of her time in the screening of the timeline, and her government work is basically Hand it over to her advisory group.

As the leader of Suramar who decisively cut off contact with Azshara and drew a line with the demons ten thousand years ago, Elisande has both courage and vision.

The selection of members of the advisory group is not limited to the high elves, but is open to all social classes.

It is a pity that due to the control of the major nobles, most of the consultants still cannot get rid of the background of the upper elves after all.

The two advisers with the most serious resistance and resistance to the Night Republic came from the noble families of Suramar. They had a strong sense of hostility towards this country controlled by "untouchables".

"Consultant Fandos and consultant Etraus, they were the most active in this proposal, and the other consultants all abstained from voting."

Andrea nodded noncommittally and said, "Tell me about this advisory group, who are Fandos and Etraeus?"

Nightborne Demon Swordsman said in a good manner, "Consultant Fandos is a genuine arcanist, his arcane talent is very outstanding, and his strength in Suramar is second only to the great magician Elisande and the chief arcanist tower. Lisa."

"Advisor Etraeus is Suramar\'s astrologer. Most of his time he is obsessed with the exploration of the universe. It is said that he can use the power of the night well to absorb energy from these unknown planets."

\'Oh? \'

Andrea frowned slightly, this behavior is very dangerous.

The universe of the world of Azeroth is not alone, and a little carelessness when exploring the starry sky may attract the attention of the forces of the void and the Burning Legion.

"The advisory group is headed by the chief arcanist Talisa. In addition to Fandos and Etraeus, there are also the swordsman leader Melandus who was born in the common people, the magic swordsman chief Aluriel and the botanist Te El Ann."

"Tel\'arn is one of the only two consultants who came from a commoner background. Perhaps because of the exclusion and pressure from Vandros and Etraeus, in recent years, he has used the Nightwell to remodel and strengthen his body arbitrarily, which makes him look a bit... Maverick?"

Andrea pondered and asked, "Botanist...Is this Tel\'an a druid?"

"It used to be, but because the high elves headed by Vandros firmly opposed the \'rough\' druids to join the advisory group, Tel\'arn gave up his status as a druid under pressure, and called himself a botanist instead."

Andrea nodded, "I probably understand."

Turning to look at Niyana, who was also thinking, Andrea deliberately asked, "Niyana, if we can send people to infiltrate Suramar, which of these consultants do you think can be recruited? UU Reading www. Which needs to be cleared?"

Niyana couldn\'t help but be taken aback when she was suddenly asked such a question about diplomatic decisions, but she calmed down quickly as she was born with a big heart.

"In my opinion, Fandos must be ruled out first. Etraeus remains to be seen. Tel\'an and Melandus are the two people who should be drawn in the most. As for the others... I\'m sorry I can\'t see it."

Andrea smiled and nodded, "Based on the amount of knowledge and information you have now, it\'s not bad, 75 points."

He kindly patted the shoulder armor of the Nightborne Demon Swordsman in front of him, and the poor Nightborne was startled by Andrea\'s movements.

"Night Son, what\'s your name?"

"Netara, Netara Luminous, sir."

"Very well, Netara."

Andrea smiled and said seductively, "Now you have a chance to make great contributions. I need you to bring the family of the Moon Guards that we have packaged into the Moon Guards Fortress into the city. Can you do it?"