Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 356: Anubisath One

After being reminded by Andrea, the black dragon headed by Onyxia took the lead in changing the focus of the attack, and the huge dragon body began to chase and attack the bugmen in charge.

Most of the Anubisas who have been corrupted and transformed by C\'Thun are relatively dull. Except for a few individuals, they will only act after receiving orders.

The worms who lost the command, except for the eagle-headed Anubisas that Andrea first noticed before, most of the structures\' actions became chaotic, and they lost the discipline of the previous unified attack.

‘Very well, the surveillance gaze has been completely removed. \'

After confirming again and again that there were no bugs around, the golden eagle turned suddenly in mid-air, nimbly dodged the slap of the eagle-headed Anubisath\'s weapon, and cautiously looked for an opportunity to break into his attack circle.

The attack from the air made this Anubisath very annoyed, the wide open and closed stone sword accidentally flew out while waving, and coincidentally hit an unlucky red dragon passing by.

The sudden "attack" smashed the red dragon, which was breathing happily in the sky, to the ground. The powerful body of the dragon clan made him survive when he landed in an irregular posture.

The red dragon that landed had its wings damaged and could not take off again in a short time. He lay on the ground and stared dazedly at the stone sword pierced into the sand not far away. The foreign objects coming from the sky smashed down.

The eagle-headed Anubisath\'s actions reminded the other clansmen, and they followed suit by throwing their weapons at the giant dragon in the sky, causing the dragon army to be quite embarrassed for a while.

The leader, Malygos, was leisurely watching over the juniors accumulating combat experience, but the sudden change made his face suddenly darken.

There are not many young people sent by the blue dragon, and the chance of being hit is relatively much lower.

But one of the adult blue dragons happened to be hit by a stone ax just so unluckily, and fell to the ground screaming in panic all the way, and happened to fall into the Anubisath group.

"That idiot Kalecgos again?!"

Although Malygos was very suffocated in his heart, he still immediately rescued him to protect his shortcomings.

The clear night sky was suddenly illuminated by arcane light, and large arcane missiles like a meteor shower fell into the Anubisath group one after another.

The magic resistance skin that is difficult for ordinary giant dragons to penetrate is like paper under the attack of Malygos.

Soon, more than a dozen Anubisaths were knocked to the ground by successive arcane missiles, and the Obsidian Destroyer with weaker defense even fell from the air with broken bodies like dumplings.

Andrea yelled at Malygos speechlessly, "You have to be more patient! You agreed to wait for me to start first?"


Malygos regretted it the moment he took the shot, but he stiffened his neck and refused to admit his mistake.

"My people are being threatened, do you want me to watch them die before my eyes?"

"Then you should be less aggressive." Andrea complained speechlessly, "These Anubisaths will be our combat strength in the future."

Malygos turned his head and snorted softly, "I\'ll give you another ten minutes, if you still can\'t figure it out, don\'t blame me for destroying your toys."

While speaking, Andrea had already broken through the defense circle of the eagle-headed Anubisath, who had lost his weapon, and landed on the left shoulder where the bugman was standing before.

"Come on, say eggplant!"

Andrea, who had returned to her original form, took a round-headed warhammer from her back, and hit the eagle-headed Anubisath\'s chin with a hammer from bottom to top.


Anubisath, who was too weak to handle, forcibly lifted his head up, revealing a small piece of skin near his chin that was different in color from other places.

"You are the one!"


The warhammer hit Anubisath\'s chin again, and a series of fine thunder lights were emitted from the hammer body. Under the attack of this hammer, Anubisas stopped all movements, his body stiffened and his head held high, he fell backwards to the ground superior.

Seeing that Andrea\'s actions worked, Malygos hurriedly led the dragon clan to stop other Anubisas who were trying to support them.

When the sand and dust caused by Anubisath fell to the ground dissipated, a mechanical sound came from his mouth.

"Titan Guardian authority detected, Storm Guardian Thorim, Anubisas No. 001 is waiting for input orders."

The war hammer in Andrea\'s hand was borrowed from Thorim, and the Storm King specially made his hammer smaller for Andrea to use.

Like Tyr\'s Hammer of the Silver Hand, Thorim\'s Hammer of Thunder is registered in the titan\'s guardian network, recognized by the intelligent programs of all titan-forged.

While scouring the Smart Production Facility in the Furnace of Origins earlier, Andrea found Raiden\'s blueprints for the holographic design of Anubisath, the dog-headed colossi with their reset buttons near their chins.

The hammer just now triggered the intelligent reset program of Anubisas No. 001. When the dragon army stopped other structures, Andrea acted at the fastest speed, and let Anubisas Complete the self-test and reboot.

"During the self-inspection...the intelligent thinking module and the identification friend or foe module found a fatal error, restart immediately..."

"Reboot complete, self-test again... self-test passed, do you want to keep the storage content in the memory module of Anubisas 001?"


"The order has been received, and the Anubisas 001 intelligence program is back online."


As the mechanical sound disappeared, the eagle-headed Anubisath touched his chin and sat up from the ground. He seemed a little sluggish after he had just restarted, and was searching for the memory stored in his memory module through a new thinking and recognition module. Record.

"It turns out... I was also corrupted."

Anubisath 001, which had been restarted, seemed a little depressed. He actually forgot the order given by Lord Raiden, and turned to help the Old God. This fact made him unacceptable for a while.

"Andrea! Get that guy and restart them one by one!"

Malygos whipped a huge Anubisath away with his tail, and urged with a bit of displeasure, "I can\'t guarantee that I can control my temper all the time!"

Although Malygos\' personality has become a lot more normal after Senegos led a large number of blue dragons to hope to return, but as long as the final knot has not been eliminated, his heart will always be tied. A thorn cannot completely suppress the violent destructive impulse.

"Don\'t bother."

Before Andrea could reply, Anubisath 001, who was sitting on the ground and doubted the "human" life, stood up from the ground.

"I am the command tower for all Anubisath individuals. Lord Raiden has given me the authority to remotely control all Anubisaths."


Andrea had guessed that this Anubisath was different, and as expected, he was the central commanding entity of all Anubisaths.

"Wait a minute!"

Andrea stopped 001 before he started the remote restart, "The restart range is temporarily concentrated on this battlefield. As for the Anubisath inside the Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj... I will have other uses in the future."

\'Honeycomb... Heh, something that is too easy to use is sometimes a double-edged sword. \'