Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 355: war restart

Andrea\'s trip to the Hall of Origin has already gotten what he wanted in the Blueprint Hall of the Furnace of Origin, and he is just about to return to the Silithus battlefield.

Thorim, who was sitting in the furnace of origin, handed over all command of the tol\'vir to Andrea, and a new reinforcement army was soon formed.

Taking Uldum\'s re-emergence as the fuse, the news that Rego Hive dispatched flying scouts alarmed the Azeroth coalition forces that were standing still.

Before Andrea left, he told Garald about his possible whereabouts. As soon as Garald heard about the change in the southeast of Silithus, Garald immediately thought that Andrea\'s operation might have succeeded.

"The time has come for the resumption of the war. The two armies from the east and the west attack at the same time, and break through the Zora and Rego nests as soon as possible!"

Zora and Rhaegal are the last two special underground military strongholds of the Qiraji Empire that took root in Silithus.

Except for these underground bunkers dug out by the workers, the entire Silithus Desert is flat, and there are hardly any large terrain undulations.

The only highland in the middle of the desert was occupied by the coalition forces to build the Cenarion Fortress. As long as the last two insect nests can be taken down, the passage to Ahn\'Qiraj will be completely opened.

After receiving the order, Shandis, the commander of the army on the West Road, immediately let Luna\'s Radiance, which had already been set up, fire at the Zora Hive. The army in the east was commanded by Garrod himself, and almost at the same time launched an attack on the Rego Hive. attack.

Shandris and Garrod both kept an eye out and didn\'t put all their troops into the battlefield at the first time, fearing that these bugs would use the tactic of destroying jade and stone again last time.

Fortunately, the two large insect nests with support in the rear did not immediately use this extreme method to defend against the attack.

While the insect nest in front was under attack, the twin emperors got the news immediately through the hive network, and the Obsidian Destroyer and Anubisas stationed in front of the gate of Ahn\'Qiraj also broke into the battlefield from both sides to rescue them.

The four-legged tol\'vir have a good ability to cross mountains and mountains. Under the command of Andrea, Ramkahen is responsible for staying in Uldum to prevent Ahn\'Qiraj\'s insects from crossing the border to attack this land again.

The tol\'vir headed by Neferset followed Andrea through the mountains, entered Silithus from the mountains in the northwest of Uldum, and launched a surprise attack directly from the rear of Regal\'s nest. Together with the night elves, surround Hive Regal.

The Qiraji near Rego\'s nest knew that they could not escape, so they planned to launch a long live charge under the huge force disadvantage.

But this time, Andrea and Jarod had taken precautions in advance. When the worm army began to emerge from the worm nest, Luna\'s Radiance, which had been warming its energy before, suddenly increased the frequency of shelling.

The continuous bombardment of magic cannons cut off the arthropods of Rego\'s nest from the middle. Except for some alien insects that could fly, ground troops such as tank bugs were all blocked in the nest and could not come out.

The spellcasters and long-range fighters of the coalition stood on the edge of the hive and killed them one by one. The Rego hive quickly fell under the siege from all directions, and even the reinforcements of Anubisas and Obsidian Destroyer had no time to catch up.

Viknilas was very annoyed when he heard the news, but he calmly changed the focus of his attack immediately, and the reinforcements sent to Hive Rego turned around halfway, trying to cover the last Hive Zora.

Compared with the Rhaego Nest, which quickly ended the battle, the attack on the Zola Hive is much more difficult.

Countless xenomorphs poured out of the hive, and upon hearing the news of the fall of Hive Rego, the commander of Hive Zora received a strict order from Viknilas to persist until reinforcements arrived.

At this time, Andrea was hanging above this group of reinforcements, carefully looking for the right time to break into the enemy\'s formation.

Although the Obsidian Destroyer and the Tol\'vir belong to the same family, after tens of thousands of years of separation, the two sides have already developed completely different fighting methods.

Most of the actions of the Obsidian Destroyers rely on wings. Compared with the tol\'vir, their bodies are thinner for the convenience of flying, and their melee combat ability is not very good.

But in contrast, these obsidian guardians have good spell combat capabilities after being transformed by C\'Thun.

When the support army fought against the vanguard sent by Shandris to delay time, the large-scale shadow spell released by the Obsidian Destroyer caused a lot of trouble for the soldiers of the coalition army.

And Anubisath is another extreme.

This kind of low-intelligence construct does not use any spells. They are created to withstand damage and give the enemy a powerful range of physical strikes with their huge bodies.

Facing the night elves and tauren whose height is less than their knees, the most common attack of these dog-headed colossi is to stomp their feet hard, or rush into the enemy\'s formation with a large stone sword in their hands.

Leticia and Lunara, who lead the vanguard, have nothing to do with these big guys. They are invulnerable and have excellent anti-magic power. They can\'t attack enough to break through their defenses, and they can only tickle Anubisath.

Fortunately, Garrod had already saved his hand, and the dragon army led by Malygos lifted off from Cenarion Fortress.

While the vanguard blocked Anubisas and Obsidian Destroyer from the main battlefield, the giant dragons spewed a large amount of dragon breath from the air, effectively curbing the breakthrough speed of the structure legion.

"Chi Chi!"

Leticia\'s moon wheel cut through Anubisath\'s neck, the sharp blade came into contact with the solid obsidian skin, and the tooth-piercing and unpleasant sound continued.

But in the end, the moon wheel still failed to cause fatal damage to Anubisath. After taking back the moon wheel, Leticia looked at the edge of the blade covered with stone **** in distress.

"It\'s too hard! How do you hit this!"

Lunara, who was supporting her from the side, also had a gloomy face. Her energy spear was always scattered by the Obsidian Destroyer in mid-air. These magic-savvy constructs were also annoying to deal with.

"hold head high!"

More than a dozen adult black dragons formed a team and sprayed out the breath of shadow flames from the sky. The super high temperature burning finally brought some troubles to Anubisath.

The obsidian skin on their bodies was burned red by the flames. In this state, Anubisath\'s defense power dropped significantly. Leticia took the opportunity to cut off two big heads of Anubisas.

The deadly attack from the sky made Viknilas more and more uneasy. Since Anubisath and Obsidian Destroyer could not access the Qiraji\'s unique hive network, UU Reading could only follow the The insectoids advancing with the Construct Legion remotely controlled these big guys.


The sharp cry of a raptor came from the air, and Andrea observed for a while and finally identified the commander of the structure legion.

One of the eagle-headed Anubisaths stood on the shoulders of an insect man in green gauze, and all Anubisass acted according to the command of this leading individual.

In the air, he made sure that he was fully prepared, and Andrea, who rushed down quickly, hit him with one blow. The sharp nails of the golden eagle pierced deeply into the worm-man\'s body, causing a hoarse and unpleasant scream.

The first blow first completely destroyed the three pairs of insect wings behind the insect man, and then Andrea threw the wingless insect man like a broken doll, letting him fall freely in the air and fall to the ground.

Losing the commander, the leading Anubisath\'s movements became a bit slower, which led to a rapid decline in the combat efficiency of the entire structure legion.

"Priority kill those bugmen mixed in the structure!"