Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 352: Neferset's obsession

Although Thorim made a lot of preparations in advance, the records left on the Norgannon Disc are all from a long time ago. After the invasion of Thor, Uldum has undergone many changes. Now the situation in Uldum still depends on the local It is more intuitive for people to tell in person.

"After Lord Raiden left, Uldum has maintained a trend of peaceful development."

"Under the influence of the curse of flesh and blood, the obsidian body of the tol\'vir gradually degenerated into what it is today."

"The flesh-and-blood tol\'vir were gradually divided into three tribes: Ramkahen, Neferset, and Osis because of their different living regions and missions."

"The time of peaceful development lasted until more than 12,000 years ago, when an arrogant Mogu emperor named Thor invaded."

"He claims to have defeated Lord Raiden and usurped his power. He himself is truly invincible, and his army is invincible."

Andrea had known about this history for a long time, but it was the first time Thorim had heard of it.

Hearing that Raiden had been usurped by the mogu, his expression suddenly sank, and an astonishing power shrouded the living room.

Cousins ​​swallowed nervously, and Andrea patted Thorim\'s arm, which had turned into a mortal, to signal him to restrain himself.

"Prime Minister Cousins, please continue."


Cousins ​​settled down, "Thunder God asked Tol\'vir to hand over the origin furnace that has been guarded for generations, and announced that Uldum would be included in his empire. Our ancestors rejected this traitor\'s request without hesitation."

"Thunder God brought a large number of mogu troops from Pandaria. Our ancestors couldn\'t resist their fierce offensive, so they had to retreat to the Origin Hall in the south of Uldum, activated the Origin Furnace and wiped out Thor and his army."

Cousins ​​sighed and said, "Since then, Uldum, which was originally a resort on earth, has turned into a barren desert, and even survival has become very difficult."

"Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and the Villanar River has preserved the last life for us. This oasis is the source of life for the tol\'vir."

"Our capital, Tol\'vir City, is located at the end of the Villanaar River where it meets the sea. It is a bustling city built in an oasis on the water."

Cousins ​​respectfully asked Thorim, "Dear Guardian of the Storm, do you need to inform the kings of the three major tribes in Tol\'vir City about your arrival? I believe the kings will all be delighted with your arrival."

The small town where Andrea and Thorim are now located is the territory of Ramkahen. The kings of the three major tribes gathered in Tovir City to govern, and left their important ministers to manage in the territory.

Andrea is quite curious about Tol\'vir\'s peculiar political system. There is a king and a prime minister, but it sounds like a three-family parliamentary system. I don\'t know if it follows the ruling philosophy of the minority obeying the majority.

In order to control the possible flooding of the Vilannar River, the tol\'vir built a dam near the lake south of Ramkahen to hold back the flow.

The Tol\'vir City that Prime Minister Cousins ​​mentioned is located at the end of the downstream of the dam, a beautiful city on the water.

When Thorim and Andrea rode Vilanas to the outside of Tol\'vir city, the three distinct tribes had already arrived outside the city to greet them.

Andrea frowned on Veranas\'s back, "Look at this position... It seems that the relationship between the three tribes is not very good. \'

The official entertainment is in charge of the guardian Thorim. Although he doesn\'t like this kind of nonsense communication in his heart, Thorim still restrains his temper and slowly guides these kings to talk about Uldum. status quo.

Andrea used the power of shadow to reduce his sense of existence, and quietly stood aside to listen. In the explanations of the three talking one after another, he probably understood the current situation in Uldum.

As he had guessed, the relationship between the three major tol\'vir tribes was not good. To be precise, it was Neferset who had a bad relationship with Ramkahen and Orsis.

However, their differences have nothing to do with personal grievances, but purely because of differences in ideas.

Over the years, Ramkahen and Orsis have accepted the reality of their degeneracy under the curse of flesh and continued to carry out the tasks Ra-den left them - guarding Uldum and the Forge of Origins in a new identity.

Neferset, however, disputed this.

Their loyalty to Raiden and the Guardian has never faded, but Neferset believes that it is difficult to fulfill the duties assigned to them by Raden with only mortal flesh and blood, and has been trying to find ways to restore the obsidian body of the tol\'vir.

The curse of flesh and blood that cannot be reversed even by guardians such as Azadas is naturally impossible to achieve with Neferset\'s research alone.

Neferset, who was gradually becoming extreme, began to try some dangerous dark rituals. Ramkahen and Osis repeatedly persuaded him to no avail, and the differences in ideas between the two parties became more and more irreconcilable.

For nearly a hundred years, the Neferset began to turn their minds to the Forge of Origination, believing that relying on this powerful engine capable of producing titan-forged should solve their curse of flesh.

In a way, Neferset was right.

Using the preset program of the Furnace of Origin, the original tol\'vir can indeed be re-produced if the materials are sufficient.

But this approach still failed to achieve their intended goal, unable to return the flesh-and-blood tol\'vir back to their original form.

Witnessing the degradation of the frost vrykul first-hand, Thorim had an intuitive understanding of the curse of flesh and blood that the Old Gods had spread across Azeroth.

But he doesn\'t think that\'s a bad thing at all.

The primordial titan creations are aloof, and because of the eternal lifespan, they usually have relatively serious procrastination and lack of urgency.

But mortals are different.

Because lifespan has a limit, they will try their best to pursue higher achievements in their limited lives.

Although not every mortal has such enterprising spirit, the so-called heroes are praised by thousands of people only if they do great deeds that others cannot do.

When Thorim lived in the Tempest Temple, his frost vrykul fought bravely, but their lives were muddled by lack of purpose.

After relocating to Tirisfal Forest, the Frost Vrykul headed by Brunhild all degenerated into humans, but Thorim felt the vitality and aggressiveness from these newborn humans that he had never experienced before.

"I probably understand your demands. UU Reading"

After listening to the descriptions of the three major tribes, Thorim said earnestly to King Killian of Neferset, "As for the curse of flesh and blood, even guardians like Mimiron and Azadas have not developed the so-called antidote." .”

"Killian, I hope you can also face up to this fact. What has happened cannot be reversed. It is better to try to look at a different life from a new perspective."

"I believe that Neferset, like Ramkahen and Orsis, can find their own pursuit in the short mortal life."

"As for the mission of guarding the furnace of origin that you are worried about, Azadas and I are here."

Encouragingly patted Killian, whose expression was still very tangled, Thorim smiled and comforted, "The stone body of the Titans does have many advantages in battle, but I don\'t think the flesh and blood body of a mortal is useless."

"Uldum has been opened to the outside world. I suggest you get out of this closed area and go outside to see the world. Maybe Azeroth, which is gradually belonging to mortals, will give you a different feeling."